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Nonprofit Leadership and Public Management

The Master of Nonprofit Leadership and Public Management (NLPM) at Marywood University is recognized among the best in the nation. An exclusive online 30-credit program, (or an 18-credit online Executive NLPM) Marywood's NLPM Program follows the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA)'s accreditation guidelines. Our goal is to prepare students for challenging emergence in nonprofit leadership and public management as effective and innovative administrators equipped with practical and real-world experiences, and to train them with the vital skills, evidence-based research, and theoretical framework needed to tackle the complex environment of nonprofit and public affairs. 

Graduate Programs

Nonprofit Leadership and Public Management (NLPM)


National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration logo

Master of Nonprofit Leadership and Public Management Program follows the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA)'s accreditation guidelines.

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About The Nonprofit Leadership and Public Management Department

The mission of the online Master of Nonprofit Leadership and Public Management program at Marywood University is to provide a high-quality education in public policy and administration to graduate students by developing their research skills applicable to theory and practice, engaging them in community service to support diversity and democratic principles, and in nurturing them become innovative and ethical leaders. 


  • Cultivating service to community and focusing on the public interest while emphasizing transparency, accountability, and ethical standards.
  • Applying critical thinking and problem-solving approach in addressing emerging issues in the public forum.
  • Establishing competency of theory and applied research in public and non-profit organizations.
  • Developing interpersonal skills and professional capacity for authentic communication with a diverse population. 

    Learning Objectives

    1. Students will be able to studying public policy and administration through evidence-based and applied research in support of collaboration between the public, private, and nonprofit sectors.
    2. Students will be able to use qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methodologies to evaluate data, form objective recommendations, and communicate results to diverse audiences.
    3. Students will be able to think critically, synthesize information, analyzing empirical data, and offer sound solutions within a complex and changing settings.
    4. Students will be able demonstrating the ability to formulate proposals at community levels while promoting diversity, transparency, accountability, and equity.
    5. Students will be able to promote culturally competent decision-making process in public service while demonstrating knowledge of best practices in decision-making.
    6. Students will be able to write research papers that identifies a problem statement, illustrates a thorough literature review, and analyzes data by using qualitative, quantitative or mix methodology and then recommending recommendations communicable to diverse audiences. This will include successfully writing sole-authored thesis projects that examine emerging issues in public affairs and administration.

    Nonprofit Leadership and Public Management Faculty

    Teaching Faculty

    Dr. Stanley Kania

    Dr. Phil Jenkins

    Dr. Christina Brundage

    Dr. Lia Palmiter


    In the McGowan Center for Professional Studies, you'll find specialized computerized programs, including CAI (computer-assisted instruction) and interactive video capability. General word processing and statistical software is available in the lab as well.

    Academic Medals

    Walton Medal for Excellence in Master of Nonprofit Leadership and Public Management

    Master of Nonprofit Leadership and Public Management students are nominated by faculty for the Walton Medal. Once students are selected for nomination, they receive a letter from the department requesting their resume and submission of documentation for the specific criteria from Dr. Walton. These criteria are:

    1. Demonstration of professionalism and integrity.
    2. Contribution to the field of public administration.
    3. Academic scholarship.
    4. Leadership in community services.

    Based on the documentation a student is then selected. 

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    Pi Alpha Alpha

    Graduate Student Council

    1. Federal Government Internships

    Pathways Program

    The Pathways Program includes a federal government-wide internship program for students from high school to PhD. Positions are located across the country, either part-time or full-time.

    Feds Hire Vets

    Veterans interested in continuing their public service can look into the many opportunities provided by this program.

    U.S. State Department

    The State Department manages several internship programs that enable students to get experience in a foreign affairs environment.

    U.S. Department of Transportation

    The U.S. DOT offers internship in several areas, including planning, economics, public administration and criminal justice. 

    2. Nonprofit Internship


    Search by name, location, or mission for volunteer and internship opportunities at nonprofit worldwide.

    3. NASPAA

    Internship Program

    The Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs and Administration (NASPAA) has internship opportunities for students of public administration.

    Good source for finding jobs or internships. 

    Peer-Reviewed Journal

    Journal of Applied Professional Studies (JAPS)


    Marywood Institutional Review Board (IRB)

    Marywood Exempt Review Committee (ERC)

    Featured Pacer Profile

    Highly regarded leadership expert shares her insight on multi-generational workplace dynamics.
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    Nonprofit Leadership and Public Management Events