At Marywood University, we understand that a huge part of your college search is making sure you can fund your education. That’s why we do everything we can to make sure a quality education at Marywood is an affordable investment.
Everyone should apply for financial aid, even if you don’t think you will qualify or that it’s unlikely you’ll receive aid. The fact is, most families do quality for some sort of aid.
The FAFSA application is free and open to anyone. What’s more, by completing the FAFSA and submitting an application, you are indicating that you are waiting for a response. If you don’t, Marywood will need to wait until after the FAFSA deadline to pass before providing an award letter.
Applying for Undergraduate Aid
Marywood offers a variety of scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study opportunities to assist you in meeting educational costs, adding up to more than $31 Million in institutional aid each year.
99% of full-time students receive financial aid, with 75% of our recent incoming class receiving a scholarship worth more than half of their tuition.
Marywood students can take advantage of institutional aid, grants (which do not need to be paid back), Federal Pell Grants, and even work study employment.
All of this means that you have a great opportunity to receive financial aid—and that’s what makes Marywood an affordable investment.
My love for Marywood continues to grow each and every day! Campus quickly became my second home, thanks to the incredible community and faculty who consistently encourage and support me in all my endeavors. Because of the countless service, academic, leadership, and field opportunities available at Marywood, I am learning to shine my light and become an effective, dynamic educator for my future students!
Allie Taffera '25 Read All Testimonials
Members of our Financial Aid team are available to walk you through all your financial aid options, get answers to all of your questions, and help you put together a plan. Schedule a financial aid appointment by emailing or calling 570-348-6225. Virtual appointments are available.
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