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  • Commuters

Commuter Resources

At Marywood, we offer resources to make life easier as a commuter, from tips on transportation and parking, to knowing where to eat, to finding a place to relax between classes.

Resources for Commuter Students

Commuter Student Lounge

Terrace Level of Madonna Hall

Parking Passes are Free

You still must register your vehicle.

Register online (MarywoodYOU Portal), and pick up your pass in the Office of Campus Safety or in person.

Parking & Maps Information

Campus Safety

We want you to be safe. Be familiar with Marywood's weather policy (updated Spring 2016): 

View Severe Weather Policy

Sign Up for e2Campus

Tips for Safe Driving in the Snow

  • Accelerate and decelerate slowly. Applying the gas slowly is the best way to regain traction and avoid skids. 
  • Leave 8-10 seconds between your car and the next as your following distance. 
  • Know your brakes. Apply firm, steady pressure on the brake pedal.
  • Don’t stop (if possible)/If you can slow down enough to keep rolling until a traffic light changes, do it.
  • Don’t power up hills (or your wheels will just spin). Get a little inertia going before you reach the hill and let it carry you up. At the top, reduce speed and go as slowly as possible.
  • Don’t stop midway up a hill.
  • Stay home if needed. If it is unsafe to get to class, contact your professors as soon as possible. 



Commuter Student Association

What is the Commuter Student Association?
A group of undergraduate commuter students who work together to create services, involvement opportunities, and social gatherings for Marywood's commuter student population. 

Want to get involved in the Commuter Student Association?

Contact Jordan Houston, Assistant Director of Student Engagement: or email