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Lindsey Reinhart, Andrea Inhof, Julia Taylor, Karsyn Moore, and Angela Sanchez, Meghan Foley, Sarah Lynch, Karly Wilsusen, Ashley Wilga, and Grace Spiezia

Interior Architecture Students to Exhibit Works in Bethlehem


Marywood University junior interior architecture students exhibited their works from the 2021 fall semester at the National Museum of Industrial History, Bethlehem, Pa. The students presented their projects on Wednesday, December 11, 2019, from 3-4 p.m. The exhibit is open to the public.

Marywood University’s bachelor of interior architecture program provides students with the opportunity to create the specific character of spaces for human use and enjoyment. In this capacity, interior architects/designers come to understand the important role of materials, colors, textures, and light in the creation of interior spaces that respond to physical, social, psychological, and cultural needs of building users.

The National Museum of Industrial History is located on the Steelstacks campus on the former Bethlehem Steel site. The museum houses more than 200 artifacts from across the world, telling the tale of America’s industrial might and the evolution of industry over time.
