Marywood University faculty and staff representatives will hold a panel discussion on the important issues from Pope Francis’ Social Encyclical, Fratelli Tutti. The panel discussion, “The Exercise of Political Love: Pope Francis, the Election, and a Vision for Our Future,” will take place Thursday, October 29, 2020, at 6 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. To register, visit
With the publication of his latest social encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis has called the entire world to fraternity and social friendship. This is particularly an important call in light of the upcoming U.S. presidential election. A panel of Marywood faculty staff will discuss the important issues from this letter and how it impacts our world. Panelists for the discussion include Daniel Cosacchi, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Religious Studies department; Joshua Deckman, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Foreign Language department; Yerodin Lucas, Ph.D., interim director of Equity & Inclusion and Title IX coordinator; Erin Sadlack, Ph.D., professor in the English department; Kielty Turner, Ph.D., associate professor in the School of Social Work ; and Sister John Michele Southwick, IHM, assistant director of campus ministry at Marywood University.
Social Encyclicals, according to the Social Encyclicals entry in Encyclopedia of Catholic Social Thought, Social Science, and Social Policy are: “A large-scale, detailed letter sent out by the Pope to everyone in the world, treating social issues (usually economic ones) with a combination of critique and counsel, defining paramount principles, pointing our urgent problems suggesting direction for solutions.”
For additional information about Marywood University’s panel discussion, please contact Erin Sadlack, Ph.D., professor of English, program coordinator of English in the Department of Communication, Language, and Literature, at
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