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Stanley Kania

Public Announcement of a Dissertation Defense


The PhD Program in Administration and Leadership at Marywood University is announcing the oral defense of Stanley Kania’s dissertation, entitled “The Use of Social Media and E-Marketing Practices in Graduate Student Recruitment: An Investigation of Graduate Enrollment Management Practices.

The Dissertation Committee is chaired by Dr. Alan Levine, Chairperson and Professor of Nutrition & Dietetics at Marywood University. Members include Dr. Amy Paciej-Woodruff, Coordinator of MS Higher Education Administration Program at Marywood University; and Dr. Stephanie Gibbs-Emenaka, Lecturer at the School of General Studies, Kean University. Dissertation readers are Dr. Joseph Polizzi, Associate Professor of Education and Educational Leadership at Marywood University; and Dr. Renee Gregori Zehel, Vice President University Advancement at Marywood University.

The goal of the research is to examine the use of social media and e-marketing practices in graduate student recruitment at four-year public and private non-profit colleges and universities in the United States. The literature review of the study found that an overwhelming majority of scholarly research on social media and e-marketing practices in student recruitment is focused on undergraduate students. The literature shows the type of content colleges and universities use in social media and e-marketing practices and how this content engages prospective students. 

The analysis provided a quantitative approach to determine if relationships existed between social media and e-marketing practices at four-year public and private non-profit colleges and universities in the United States. The study found that few relationships exist among social media practices at these institutions, but many relationships exist among e-marketing practices.

Suggestions for future research include examining social media and e-marketing practices of various academic departments/divisions within colleges and universities, using social media and e-marketing practices for international student recruitment, and examining social media and e-marketing practices at for-profit colleges and universities in the United States.

Date: November 27, 2018 at 10:00 AM

Location:  Marywood University’s Swartz Center, Conference Room C.

This event is open to the public.
