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Flags for the Fallen at Marywood University

Ceremony Planned to Honor Veterans (Nov. 10)


Marywood University's Office of Military and Veterans Services and the Student Veterans Alliance are hosting an event on Wednesday, November 10, at Noon to honor the fallen and those who have served and currently serve in the United States military forces. The ceremony will be held at Marywood’s Veterans Resource Center, located at 2234 N. Washington Ave, Scranton.

Thousands of flags will be on display in the field adjacent to the Veterans Resource Center to honor those that have fallen serving our country. Marywood President, Sister Mary Persico, IHM, will begin the Noon ceremony with remarks. Student Veteran Association President, Rosalyn Page, will share a few words with members of the community who attend the ceremony. “Taps” will be played by two student volunteers from Marywood’s Music, Theatre, and Dance Department, Isiah Ortiz and Zachary Houston. Marywood’s Director of Military and Veteran Services, Raul E. Santana Nuñez, M. Ed., is coordinating the ceremony, which is free and open to the public. Additionally, food and beverages will be available at the Veterans’ Resource Center from 12 to 2 p.m.

For more info about Marywood’s Office of Military and Veteran Services:
