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Jodi La Coe

Associate Professor


School of Architecture


Cntr for Architectural Studies 233

Courses taught:

Hist & Thry of Arch & Interior Arch I ARCH-128
Design Studio III ARCH-210
Design Studio VIII ARCH-420
Design Studio X ARCH-460
Independent Study ARCH-499
Hist&Theory of Arch & Int. Arch I ARCH-528
Int Architecture Studio VIII IARC-620A
Jodi La Coe, interim Director of the School of Architecture, is a registered architect in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. She earned a PhD in Architecture and Design Research from the Washington-Alexandria Architecture Center of Virginia Tech and a Master of Architecture in the History and Theory of Architecture from McGill University. Her research interests bridge the art and science of historical visualizations of space – the connections, interactions, and inspirations informing the relationship between the architectural imagination and cultural histories. La Coe teaches in the History and Theory of Architecture and Interior Architecture sequence and advanced design studios. Under her leadership, her talented students won First Prize in the 2021 Attached Housing Division and Second Prize in the 2023 Retrofit Housing Division of the annual US Department of Energy's Solar Decathlon Design Challenge.

Presentations and Publications

Feuerstein, Marcia, Paola Zellner Bassett, and Jodi La Coe. Expanding Field of Architecture: Women in Practice Across the Globe. (London: Lund Humphries, 2022).

La Coe, Jodi and Marcia Feuerstein. “Camouflage after the Bauhaus: Oskar Schlemmer, László Moholy-Nagy and György Kepes,” Architectures of Hiding, Rana Abughannam, Émélie Desrochers-Turgeon, Pallavi Swaranjali, and Federica Goffi, eds., Routledge.

La Coe, Jodi. “Inside Out and Outside In: Projecting the Idea of the [Urban] Theater,” in Interior Urbanism Theory Reader, Gregory Marinic, ed. (London and New York: Routledge, 2023), 197–203.

La Coe, Jodi. “Projecting the Eccentric Theater: Representations of the Synaesthetic Experience,” in Theatres of Architectural Imagination, Lisa Landrum, Louise Pelletier, and Sam Ridgway, eds. (London and New York: Routledge, 2022), 60–70.

Mindrup, Matthew and Jodi La Coe, “Fresh Eyes: The Practice of the Remote at the Bauhaus,” in Remote Practices: Architecture in Proximity, Matthew Mindrup and Lilian Chee, eds., (London: Lund Humphries, 2022), 74–80.

La Coe, Jodi. “Perception and Apperception in László Moholy-Nagy’s Mechanical Eccentric,” in SenseFACTORY, Dietmar Lupfer ed. (Munich: Muffathalle Betriebs GmbH, 2019), stamped limited edition, unpaginated.

La Coe, Jodi. “Dreaming the Fourth Dimension: László Moholy-Nagy’s Inversions,” Ceilings and Dreams: The Architecture of Levity. Paul Emmons, Federica Goffi, and Jodi La Coe, eds. (London and New York: Routledge, 2019), 169–183.

La Coe, Jodi. “Quadrature: The Joining of Truth and Illusion in the Interior Architecture of Andrea Pozzo,” Interior Architecture Theory Reader, Gregory Marinic, ed. (London and New York: Routledge, 2018), 19–27.