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picture of Kim Hagan

Kim Hagan



School of Architecture

Shield Cntr for Visual Arts 220

Courses taught:

Design Studio IV ARCH-220
Building Technologies III ARCH-227
Building Technologies IV ARCH-317
Design Studio IX ARCH-450
Design Studio X ARCH-460
Honors Senior Thesis ARCH-478B
Building Technologies III ARCH-537
Building Technologies IV ARCH-547
Kim earned both her Master of Interior Architecture and Bachelor of Architecture degrees from Marywood University. She holds a certificate in healthier materials and sustainable building. Kim previously taught at Marywood as an architecture lecturer. She worked with Passive House and Net Zero design and has international and national conference publications on topics such as sustainable solutions to hazardous materials, repurposing demolished building materials, and design-build leadership. Her conference presentations have focused on digital models, sustainable solutions to hazardous materials, community design build outreach, integrative design, and design-build leadership.