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picture of Lincoln Lewis

Lincoln Lewis



School of Architecture

Courses taught:

Hist & Thry of Arch & Interior Arch I ARCH-128
Lincoln Lewis teaches about the history and theory of architecture and interior architecture at Marywood University. He is also a Singapore licensed architect and a PhD candidate in the University of Virginia's Constructed Environment program studying how coastal communities -- especially those with historic building and landscape cultural assets that are encountering dynamic environmental change -- plan for the future. Current research areas include Tangier Island in the Chesapeake Bay, a historic road in central Virginia, and the archipelago of Batam, Indonesia.

Previously, Lincoln was a staff member of the World Bank’s Urban, Disaster Risk Management, Resilience, and Land Global Practice based in Washington, DC. His time with the international organization started in the Singapore office and over a period of 10 years based in the city-state he was also a civil servant with the Ministry of National Development focusing on architectural and urban design policy, a researcher at the Future Cities Laboratory studying Central Java, Indonesia, and he designed and implemented campus plans, institutional buildings, and housing projects across Southeast Asia.

Lincoln obtained a Master of Advanced Studies in Architecture, Urban Transformations in Developing Territories, from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich (ETH) and a professional Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Kansas where he graduated with highest distinction and was awarded the Thayer Medal, the Alpha Rho Chi Medal, and was a member of Studio 804.

Presentations and Publications

Lewis, L. and M. Kim. 2024. “The Road of Presidents.” In Morven Explorations: Student Research from the Spring 2024 Semester. Editors A. Johnston and M. Kutney. Charlottesville, Virgina: University of Virginia. p.1–32.

L. Lewis and W. Packwood. 2024. “Tangier Island’s Watermen Working Landscape: Documentation Methods to Inform Environmental Adaptation Approaches.” National Science Foundation site review, Coastlines and People project for the Eastern Shore of Virginia.

L. Lewis. 2024. “Tangier Island’s Crab Houses: Methods of Documentation and Vernacular Classification in a Tidal Environment.” Vernacular Architecture Forum Annual Conference.

L. Lewis. 2024. “Soft Shell Blue Crabs and Tangier Island’s Watermen Working Landscape.” Society of Architectural Historians, Latrobe Chapter, and Washington D.C. Preservation League Fourteenth Bi-Annual Symposium “The Architecture of Food.”

Lewis, L., X. Wang, A. Barnwal. 2021. GEF-6 Sustainable Cities IAP Program: Emerging Lessons from the Global Partnership for Sustainable Cities. Washington, DC: Global Environment Facility Secretariat. ISBN: 978-1-948690-84-3.

Mehrotra, S., L. Lewis, M. Orloff, and B. Olberding, editors. 2020. Greater Than Parts: A Metropolitan Opportunity. Volumes I, II, III. Washington, DC: World Bank.

Handayani, W., R. Setiadi, B. Septiarani, and L. Lewis. 2020. Metropolitan Semarang: Clustering and Connecting Locally Championed Metropolitan Solutions. In Volume II of Greater Than Parts: A Metropolitan Opportunity, edited by S. Mehrotra, L. Lewis, M. Orloff, and B. Olberding. Washington, DC: World Bank.

Global Platform for Sustainable Cities, World Bank. 2019. Melaka Sustainability Outlook Diagnostic: Overview Report: Pathway to Urban Sustainability. Overview Report and Supporting Reports 1-6. Washington, DC: World Bank.