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The Bayleaf

Marywood's student literary magazine

Founded in 1919, The Bayleaf is Marywood's student literary magazine. The contents of this, the complete text of its first publication, range from original poetry and short stories to reports on speakers at the school, a calendar of events that have taken place throughout the year, and editorials by the staff.
It is an invaluable record of students' experiences and thoughts during Marywood's founding years. Although it has undergone changes in format and presentation, attributed to the changing generations, times, and technology, the publication of The Bayleaf continues through the present day.

The Bayleaf: The First Edition

The original publications of each Bayleaf are preserved in the Marywood Library Archives.

Student Works

Table of Contents, Issue I

The Marywood College Bay Leaf

VOL. I             May, 1919                   No. 1



Dear Mother! Should not the best we have be thine?

            Should not each act, each thought, each written line

That’s born of us, be motivated to thy praise,

            And prove that thou art model of our ways?

That thou hast won our love—dost hold secure

            Our hearts, and thus our peace and joy insure?


Then come we, Mother, with our loving mite,

            To win the smile that is the child’s sweet right,

When quick it runs with new-found childish treasure

            And shares with mother every tiny pleasure.

Thus we our Bay Leaf bring in happy glee

            And dedicate each page, each word, to thee.


Through all the years to come, may each fresh leaf

            Be bright with hope—undimmed by grief;

May golden threads of love bind all in one

            To make a wreath, surpassed in worth by none,

With which, in some triumphal dreamed-of scene

            We’ll crown thee, Mother, our all-gracious Queen!


  M.D., ‘19

The Marywood College Bay Leaf

Published by the Students of Marywood College

at Scranton, Pennsylvania.

This magazine is published quarterly during the academic year.   The terms of subscription are $1.00 a year, 25 cents a single copy.

The Staff


Regina H. Sullivan............................... '19


Associate Editors.

Mary C. Sheridan................................ '19

Katharine A. Gavin.............................. '19

Marie V. Joyce.................................... '19

Frances A. Caufield............................. '19

Genevieve T. Mundy............................ '20

Margaret M. Hays................................ '20


Business Manager.
Marie Fleming..................................... '19


Assistant Business Managers.

Kathleen Howley.................................. '19

Mildred Walker.................................... '19

Esther Walsh....................................... '20

Lucy Gordan........................................ '20

Mary McGowan.................................... '20

Helen Comerford.................................. '20

Anna Loughran.................................... '21

Gertrude Krantz................................... '21

Louise Coogan.................................... '21




Editorial note added by Dr. Erin A. Sadlack during Marywood's Centennial Year, 2015: The staff list immediately precedes the editorials in the original edition, not the dedication.

“I come from nothing; but from where

Come the undying thoughts I bear?”

So asks Mrs. Meynell in one of her earlier poems—and as we read one after another of the poetically-clothed thoughts that her little book of poems and sonnets contains, we re-echo her words, marvelling at her depth of vision and poet’s insight. After groping through the flamboyant, unsubstantial effusions of the impressionists, it is a real delight to turn to the quiet, thoughtful, suggestive lines of Mrs. Meynell.

            The Catholic Church and England claim Alice Gertrude Meynell as a daughter, and both are reflected in her poems—in her spiritual understanding of the mysteries of the one, and in her love for the mists and grey skies of the other—though the years she spent in sunnier France and Italy in her early youth have given to her also pictures of smiling skies and waving corn-fields. While she was still but a girl, Ruskin recognized in her the true poet’s gift, and, guided and encouraged by him, she published in 1876, before she was quite twenty-one years old, her first book of poems, entitling them “Preludes.” In 1890, “Poems” appeared, and in 1901, she issued her last volume of verse, under the title “Later Poems.” All told, her poems are less than a hundred in number, and these, with few exceptions, consist of but from ten to thirty lines. But for what she fails to give us in quantity, Mrs. Meynell amply repays us in quality.

            Every poet, it is said, has a color peculiar to himself—and Mrs. Meynell’s is, beyond a doubt, grey. All her pictures are colored in tints of grey and silver, and rarely does she dip her brush in the more alluring, but not more lovely, shades of Nature’s palette. It would be interesting to count how many times the word “grey” itself appears among her poems. There is always a pensive, subdued, almost wistful spirit running through her verse. She never speaks in the glowing tones of passion, whether she treats of Nature or the soul, or beauty or of love. She leaves to others the crimson of the dawn, the blaze of the noon-day, and the scarlet and gold of the setting sun, the violence of the storm, the roar of the waves and the passions of men. She herself walks quietly, peacefully, questioningly, reading the heart of Nature, under Spring’s “colourless sky of folded showers and folded winds,” wandering “in a grey time that encloses June and the wild hedge-roses.” She looks inquisitively into the secrets of Mother Earth, and sings of the hints and promises of the budding Spring, or mournful Autumn, of the low winds that “moan for dead sweet years”, of rain and mist, of twilight and night—of all in Nature that speaks of loneliness, and peace, and rest—of all in the soul that speaks of the true life of the spirit and of love that is handmaid to virtue and to faith.

            But, though so softly colored, her poems are not by any means wan and lifeless, —and they are very far from being melancholy. On the contrary, they are full of strength and vitality, of optimism, of a sincere human love, with a touch of gaiety, and even of humour, here and there. She sees Nature, as a poet must, through herself, and sees in it, therefore, a reflection of her own gentle, spiritual aspiring self—always and in everything telling of God, its Maker—hiding from man the secrets he fain would lean—hinting always o fulfillment and the future—never complete in the present.

            Gift with a keen sense of self-knowledge and self-valuation, Mrs. Meynell realizes that it is her own image Nature presents to her, and that she must ever sing the same sweet silver-grey song. She says:

            “A poet of one mood in all my lays,

                        Ranging all life to sing one only love,

                        Like a west wind across the world I move,

            Sweeping my harp of floods mine old wild ways.


            The countries change, but not the west-wind days

                        Which are my songs. My soft skies shine above,

                        And on all seas the colours of a dove

        And on all fields a flash of silver greys.


I make the whole world answer to my art

            And sweet monotonous meanings. In your ears

I change not ever, bearing, for my part,

            One thought that is the treasure of my years,

A small cloud full of rain upon my heart

            And in mine arms, clasped, like a child in tears.”

Mrs. Meynell is, in reality, two poets in one—a poet of Nature and a poet of the soul. It is interesting to note the change in her interests and affections as she grows from girlhood to womanhood. Her early poems all treat of Nature and of love—but though the former are a little livelier than those she wrote later, there is a faint note of sadness in her love poems, as may be readily seen by a glance at the titles. “Parted”, “After a Parting”, “Thoughts in Separation”, “Renouncement”, “Regrets,” “A Shattered Lute”, are poems that reveal a sweet, wholesome love story that had its beginning in a gentle sorrow, but, we infer from the happier tone of the later poems, found a happy ending. Among her later poems, but few love poems appear, such as “A Poet’s Wife” and “At Night.” All her thoughts center around Nature and Nature’s God. A new characteristic marks them—a deep spiritual insight and appreciation that is barely hinted at in the “Early Poems”. Delicate, beautiful and inspiring are her silver-grey poems of Nature; but still more so are the exquisite poems that reveal her deeply Catholic and spiritual soul. “A General Communion”, “The Unknown God”, “The Crucifixion”, “The Fugitive”, “In Portugal”, and “Christ in the Universe,” with their but half-expressed thought, inspire and thrill by their touching, wholehearted faith, their hint of pathos, their power of vision. She sees Christ everywhere, beaten down, trampled upon and exiled, and yet triumphant—banished from the altars, yet, living in “a thousand, thousand hills of wheat”—

              “He waits in the corn lands far and near,

                        Bright in His sun, dark in His frost,

Sweet in the vine, ripe in the ear,—

                        Lonely unconsecrated Host.”

And again:

            “The mill conceals the harvest’s  Lord,

The wine-press holds the unbidden Christ.”

“Christ in the Universe”, says a critic, shows that its author possesses that “greatness” which Aristotle would rank as one of the essentials of “beauty”, and has won for her an unfading crown of bay leaves.

There is a more optimistic spirit to be found in these later poems than in the early efforts—they are more mature, naturally, and the note of plaintive sadness is lost in a sweet joyousness. Humor even appears—slightly sarcastic however, in “The New Vainglory”, a modern version of the Pharisee and the Publican. And there are two or three gems —miniature mediations—only half a dozen lines in each—but like the mustard seed, once planted in the mind, they grow into widespreading trees.  For example:

                        “Thou art the Way,

                                    Hadst Thou been nothing but the goal,

                        I cannot say

                                    If Thou hadst ever met my soul.”

And this tiny seed:
                       “You never attained to Him.” “If to attain

                                    Be to abide, then that may be.”

                        “Endless the way, followed with how much pain!”

                                    ‘The way was He.’”

One of the sweetest and frankest among her early poems, is “An Unknown Festival”—the day unknown, and yet so dear to both, when the two lovers met, and

                      “You knew not it was I,

                       And I knew not it was you.

                        We have learnt, as days went by.

                                    But a flower struck root and grew

                                    Underground, and no one knew.”

Another of her early poems, which the Dublin Review classes as “pure inspiration, issuing at once into a song and a philosophy”, is “Song of the Night at Daybreak”:

                        All my stars forsake me,

                        And the dawn-winds shake me,

                        Where shall I betake me?


                        Whither shall I run

                        Till the set of sun,

                        Till the day be done?


                        To the mountain mine,

                        To the boughs o’ the pine,

                        To the blind man’s eyne.


                        To a brow that is

                        Bowed upon the knees

                        Sick with memories.”


“A Letter from a Girl to Her Own Old Age”, a sweetly touching vision of the years when the grey hairs shall have come is, together with “To a Daisy” and “San Lorenzo’s Mother”, classed among her best poems. “The Young Neophyte” shows that she realizes the depth and whole-hearte  dness and completeness of the sacrifice they make who give themselves to God in youth—who with the promise give its fulfillment, who “giving the bud give the flower” and “dedicate the fields when Spring is grey”, who, in parting with youth, part also with age, and by their gift control pains, check joys, and train thoughts that the future holds locked up.

In expression, as well as in thought, is Mrs. Meynell, a true poet. Her words flow freely and gracefully; her imagery is delicate and dainty, never forced nor far-fetched. She has nothing in common with the impressionistic school. She does not value images for their own sake nor for the sensation they create. She does not strive for the weird or the bizarre. She uses them simply and skilfully to explain her thought, and in proper proportion. She says in one of her poems:

“The poets’ imageries are noble ways,

                Approaches to a plot, an open shrine,”

full of splendours and colours, “fair and fragrant things”. These are

                        “Paths for pilgrim kings

                                    Made free of golden doors.”


                        “yet the open heavenward plot, with dew,

                        Ultimate poetry, enclosed, enskyed

                        (Albeit such ceremonies lead thereto)

                                    Stands of the yonder side,


                        “Plain, behind oracles, it is; and past

                                    All symbols, simple.”  


            Some of her metaphors are beautiful beyond comparison. After the first storm of winter,

                        “Snow white, the altered mountains faced the day,

                        As saints who keep their counsel sealed and fast,

                                    Their anguish over—past.”


            The prettiest of all, perhaps, is in “The Shepherdess”, one of the few, by the way, in which the grey tints are lacking.

                        “She walks—the lady of my delight—

                        A shepherdess of sheep.

                        Her flocks are thoughts, She keeps them white;

                                    She guards them from the steep;

                        She feeds them on the fragrant height,

                                    And folds them in for sleep.

*   *   *   *  *   *   *   *  *   *   *   *  *   *   *   *

She holds her little thoughts in sight,

Though gay they run and leap,

                        She is circumspect and right;

                                    She has her soul to keep.

                        She walks—the lady of my delight—

                                    A shepherdess of sheep.”


            Another quality that Mrs. Meynell possesses in large degree, as may be readily seen from the above quotations, is that of suggestion. She never completely exhausts the thought. She sketches it or merely hints at it—just a few light touches—and leaves it to the spiritual insight of her reader to develop the full meaning. “Beauty is not to be thrust upon us”, she says, in criticising the lavishness and too-obvious attempt of Swinburne to attract attention. And this characteristic of using concealed beauty, of employing thoughts just touched upon, captivates and holds the reader.

            Mrs. Meynell’s rhymes are never strained—they come spontaneously and gracefully from her ready pen. Her scheme is always iambic or trochaic. She does not like the anapest in English verse. “They swagger and strut”, she says. “I love to see English poetry move to many measures, to many numbers, but always with the simple iambic and the simple trochaic foot. Those two are enough for the infinite variety, the epic, the drama, the lyric, of our poetry.”

            As an essayist also, she has held, and still holds, a high rank, both in England and in America, and she contributes freely to the leading periodicals of the two countries. She is original and fearless in her writings, has a goo d grasp of her subjects, and takes a common-sense view of matters, unbiased by the opinions formed by others.

            Aside from the praise of Ruskin, which she readily won and which was sufficient to place her on a high literary plane, she has gained the admiration and appreciation of her contemporaries—particularly of those sharing in her faith and her spiritual ideas. Coventry Patmore says of her: She is “the first woman of genius who combined the delicacy of a feminine with the intellectual force of a masculine mind”; while Maurice Francis Egan says: She is the “sweetest, most artistic, if not the greatest, of all woman poets.” These tributes are well-deserved—and it might be said, have come to Mrs. Meynell through her fearlessness in expressing openly the Faith and the ideals that animated her.


                                                                        S.M.J., ‘19

The earth, a dark, sin-branded mass,

That mirrored not in Heaven’s glass

Primeval beauty’s slightest trace,

Swung sullenly in space.

Beneath the skies, a thorny waste it hung,

When lo!—from out that darkness sprung,

            Like dazzling dawn that out of Stygian night

            Enwraps the globe with glorious light,

A radiant flow’r burst forth—a lily white,

Untouched by sin’s destroying blight,

            The spotless glory of a fallen race—

            Eve’s daughter, Mary, full of grace!


                                                 “Marie”, ’19.

            “Mrs. Jim” Ashton, breathing a great sigh that was obviously a thankful one, sank into a comfortable chair in the coolest corner of the Ashton’s spacious veranda.

            “What luck, Nan?” Mrs. Jim’s step-brother, young Dr. Manning, looked up interestedly from his book.

            “I’m not positive, Dick, but I am existing on the hope that it is good luck this time.” Mrs. Jim fanned herself busily with an opened letter. “Governesses really are the most elusive creatures I know. This is the third one I’ve been positively promised now, and truly if she fails me, I shall lose heart for good.”

            “Who has wished this third bit of elusiveness on you?” Dr. Manning eyed the letter questioningly from the depths of the swing’s comfortable cushions.

            “This letter is from Jane Conway. You remember hearing me speak of Jane. She finished in 1905, the class before mine. Jane and I were always great friends, and we’ve been corresponding all these years. She is doing wonderful work in the slums of New York. Good old Jane! I always knew she would distinguish herself in some way. The last time I wrote her, I happened to mention that I was in sad need of a governess. That was about a month ago, right after Miss Phelps left, and now, just when I am in the depths over being disappointed twice, along comes this letter from Jane—that’s just like Jane—happening along just at the right time to straighten things out.” Mrs. Jim stopped for breath, while she scanned the letter again. “She says that this Miss Honor Ridge (pretty name, isn’t it, Dick?) is just exactly the girl I need—good connections, a college education, but for some reason or other has given up a splendid position and wants to be a governess. It seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? I telegraphed Jane this morning. I am so afraid this one will slip from my grasp too.”

            “Not wishing to take the joy out of life—but you are taking a pretty big chance, aren’t you, Nan?”

            “Not any bigger than Miss Honor Ridge.” Nan Ashton laughed joyously. “I honestly pity her, Dick. Those children are going to be hard to tame after their month of freedom.”

            “Oh, the kiddies are all right.” The kiddies’ indulgent uncle frowned perplexedly. “You really ought to have seen this girl first, Nan. She will more than likely be the tallest, thinnest, most bespectacled book-worm in New York. She is probably studying children from a psychological viewpoint, or some other equally fool thing, and is going to take it out on the youngsters. Honestly, Nan, this thing is serious. Hadn’t we better write Miss Conway before we accept?” The Doctor’s book had fallen to the floor unheeded, and the Doctor himself was pacing the porch excitedly.

            “Nonsense, Dick, I know that I can trust Jane’s judgment in this matter. There’s only one thing I am really anxious about now.” Walking up to the Doctor, she placed her hands on his shoulders and smiled into his frowning face. “I hope and trust that the new governess will have the will power to do what neither Miss Phelps nor I were capable of doing, and that is keeping you from spoiling Betty. Honestly, Dick, that child is getting almost beyond me and I am afraid you are the cause.”

            “Pshaw,” the Doctor scoffed at the idea. “Betty isn’t the spoilable kind, unless Miss Spectacles manages to—”, he was adding, when he was interrupted by a wild war-whoop which was followed immediately by the appearance of three most war-like figures. A boy of about ten, clad in full Indian costume, sturdy, straight of limb, head thrown back, arms waving, dashed madly around the drive in front of the house, on past the porch and back to the rear. He was followed by another Indian-clad figure, a girl of about seven, a whole hear shorter than the boy, chestnut curls waving behind her, blue eyes dancing, as she strove to imitate the sturdy warrior she followed. She too tore on past the porch, her shrill little war-whoop sounding more like the real thing than the boy’s strong shout. At the rear of this strange parade was a tiny figure toddling manfully along, clad as were the other two, shrieking his war-whoop in a babyish voice, the sound of which sent the other two on the porch into convulsions of laughter for five minutes after the parade had passed. They were still laughing when the three figures made their appearance again.

            “Didn’t we make splendid Injuns, Uncle Doctor?” Betty proudly paraded her attire as she asked the question.

            “Great, Bettykins—just fine”, her admiring uncle praised.

            “Splendid Injuns,” echoed the littlest Indian, as he tumbled exhausted into the big swing.

            “Aw, Betty runs too slow—and Billyboy can hardly walk. It’s no fun playing with them anymore, Mother,” the biggest Indian complained, perching on the railing in front of his mother. “I wish something exciting would happen. This place is awful slow.”

            “It won’t be slow after next week, Jimmy,” the mother attempted to comfort him.

            “Why not? Is Daddy coming home?”

            “Oh, no, dear. Daddy will not be home for six weeks. You know it takes a long time to go from Ohio to Canada, where Daddy is now. But somebody else is coming. A nice young lady,” she avoided the Doctor’s eye and continued firmly—“a nice young lady is coming to take Miss Phelps’ place and I hope—.”

            She was interrupted by the general wail that went up. “O Mother, please don’t let her,” and Betty added “We don’t want any nice young lady, do we, Uncle?”

            “That isn’t polite, Betty, and Mother forbids you to speak that way,” her mother reproved.

            “But, Mother,” said Betty, in the tone that always meant trouble,” you told me always to tell the truth and that’s the whole truth, and anyway, Uncle and I—.”

            But Mrs. Ashton had made her escape, for she had learned not to argue with Betty when that young lady was anywhere near her Uncle Doctor.

            It was just one week later that Mrs. Ashton again encountered Dr. Manning and his young niece on the great veranda. This time, Miss Betty was attired in a pink linen smock, black and white socks, black slippers, and a great black and white hair ribbon atop of her curls. Uncle Doctor was equally smart in white trousers, dark coat, and white sport shoes. Both had the determined appearance of people who intend to behave their prettiest, come what may.

            Mrs. Ashton, in a fresh white linen that made her look like Betty’s big sister, beamed on them delightedly. “Bless you, my children,” she said happily. “You do credit to the house of Ashton. I am sure Miss Ridge will want to take you both under her protection for the summer at least.”

            “Well, Mother,” Betty answered, “Uncle says that maybe we won’t bother Miss Ridge much ‘cause he is going to see to us a lot this summer. He just told me so. He’s going to take us to ride, an’ we’re going to have picnics, and parties and everything, so Miss Ridge won’t have to work too hard—‘cause Uncle thinks p’raps Miss Ridge will want to study, so we’re going to—.”

            “Betty,” her uncle interrupted, “there’s one thing in particular you and I are going to learn and learn right away, and that is that whatever we talk about we are going to keep for secrets just between you and me. Is that a go?”

            Betty held out a tiny brown hand. “Yes, Uncle, I promise,” she said, and they were solemnly shaking hands when a machine rounded the drive and drew up at the steps of the porch.

            As Mrs. Ashton went forward to meet the girl who ascended the steps, she took in the neat figure approvingly. Honor Ridge was of medium height, straight, slim, capable looking—in her face was an unusual combination of delicate girlishness and straight-forward boyishness. Not pretty by any means, but the grey eyes betrayed humor, while the sweet but firm-set mouth carried out the idea of quiet strength which seemed to be the keynote of her whole person.

            “This is Miss Ridge, I presume?” Mrs. Ashton was saying. “I am Mrs. James Ashton. You are welcome to Ashton Beeches, Miss Ridge.”

            “I am happy to meet you, Mrs. Ashton—and also happy to have arrived at this delightful place.” Honor smiled, the genial, whole-hearted smile which always won for her an open way into the hearts of strangers. At the sight of that smile, Mrs. Ashton’s last fears took wings. She gave the hand she still held an additional pressure, and then turned to present the interested spectators, who had remained in the background.

            “My brother, Dr. Manning, Miss Ridge, and my daughter Elizabeth,” she said sweetly, and waited to see the result.

            Honor bowed politely but disinterestedly to Doctor Manning, and then turned almost eagerly to Betty.

            “I hope we are going to be friends, Elizabeth,” she said, holding out her hand.

            “My right name is Betty,” that young lady explained, politely shaking hands, and then in a stage whisper to her uncle, “What do you suppose happened to her goggles, Uncle?”

            Dr. Manning colored but joined in the laugh that followed. “We shall have to wait and see Betty. Maybe she has them in her pocket,” he said.

            “Who told you that I wore goggles, Betty?” Honor asked.

            “I can’t tell,” said Betty importantly. “Uncle and I are going to keep what we talk about for secrets.”

            Mrs. Ashton, in answer to her brother’s imploring look, linked her arm in Honor’s and drew her toward the house. “You’ll have to settle about the goggles later,” she said. “I want to talk to Miss Ridge now.”

            After they had gone, Dr Manning turned to Betty, lifted her, stood her on a chair beside him and looked her straight in the eye. “Miss Betty”, he said solemnly, “some of those rides and picnics are called off, and, when we do go, your governess goes too.”

            “Yes, Uncle,” said Betty submissively, and, joining hands, the two went off down the drive for their before-luncheon stroll.

            Some weeks later, on a boiling hot afternoon in late July, Honor Ridge, book in hand, stole quietly from the Ashton house by a side door and stealthily wended her way towards a tall box hedge, near a corner of which stood a great drooping ash tree, which gave the friendly shade of its branches for a hundred yards within the hedge. Dropping into this secluded spot, Honor stretch luxuriously on the soft grass and, gazing quizzically up at the protecting branches of the great tree, she spoke aloud: “O thou, my protector, keep me safe from the kiddies for one hour, at least.”

            On the instant, however, the quizzical mode left her and her face became thoughtful, even wistful. She sat up straight, and taking a manuscript from her pocket, she gazed at it for a moment, and then, with a bitter expression in her voice, she spoke again: “A rejected manuscript—my first, and I hope it will be my last—for I’ll  never make another attempt, no matter what Miss Conway says. How disappointed she will be! She was so generous about getting me this position. She thought that I would have new experiences, meet many people, have leisure to devote to writing, and at the same time, would have the opportunity of earning my living. And I’m sure I agreed with her. Everyone has been more than kind to me. I’ve enjoyed those delightful children even more than I expected, and I surely thought that putting that imp of a Betty into this story” —here she gave the manuscript a disdainful push with her foot—“would win the editor’s heart, if nothing else did. I’ve helped Mrs. Ashton entertain, and certainly I’ve met enough people that way, and oh, I never knew there were so many empty heads in the world. And yet, I haven’t succeeded. That means there is something wrong somewhere, and the only conclusion is it must be with me. I’m a failure! And O Dad, dear,” she looked through the branches of the trees to the clear sky overhead—“I believe I am just a little bit glad that you did not stay to see this. Your disappointment would have been the last straw.” In spite of herself, the brave lips trembled, steadied themselves again firmly, and then gave way altogether, and the girl flung herself on the ground in a passionate fit of sobbing.

            A half hour later, Dr. Manning, returning from his hospital work, left his machine at the great front gate, and leaping over the tall hedge of the Ashton estate, strolled leisurely across the cool soft grass toward the side entrance of the house. The day had been an especially trying one, so that the great stillness and peace of the far-spread lawns were as a soothing balm to his irritated nerves. He shrugged his shoulders impatiently at the thought of nerves—“Nerves—pshaw—why a man of my age ought not to know the meaning of the word,” he thought. “Two months ago, I could have performed six operations instead of two in one day, and never have known I handled a knife. Perhaps a change—but no I can’t shirk now—my work means life to some of the poor fellows at the base hospital—and then I can’t leave Nan and the youngsters and Miss Hon—.” He stopped abruptly—“Miss Honor? He couldn’t leave Miss Honor? What under the sun was he thinking of? As if Miss Honor needed him—or he needed Miss Honor either. Great guns! What could he mean by thinking of such a thing? What had brought such a thought into his head? Why, she was the best little chum a man ever had—the most intelligent woman—and she didn’t need—.” And then suddenly he knew. Perhaps she didn’t need him, but he needed her, and that need was accompanied by such a mighty longing that it could be satisfied by only one thing. So this was what it meant to be in love? He smiled ruefully. “What an awful fool a man could be! There was supreme happiness within his grasp, and he had gone along all these weeks like a blind idiot, talking medicine, psychology, war, everything but the one thing, to the finest little woman in the world. And she had—” and there he stopped—a blank wall, great, dark, and over-powering held him back—“she had—why, of course, she had talked about the same things, and what was more, she had been quite contented to talk about them. Naturally she had. Blind fool, he! Well, rather. Of all the supreme conceit—he had actually though that all he needed to do was simply to hold out his hand and she would place hers confidingly in it. A girl of her brains and culture—for she was nothing but a girl—probably considered him an old man—middle-aged anyway—” he felt anxiously for his thick crop of hair to make sure it was there. “No bald spots yet, but they might come anytime now. Oh, what a fool I was! What an unlucky idiot a man can be! Why Honor Ridge would as soon think of marrying the old gardener as—.” He rounded a corner of the hedge and came in sight of a figure on the ground. From the distance it looked small and still, curled up as it was in a childish attitude, the white dress in sharp contrast to the green of the hedge and grass. A smile spread over the Doctor’s face. “Poor little Bettykins,” he thought—“Fast asleep, I suppose. I had better carry her in to a more comfortable couch.” He hurried towards the figure, but paused suddenly—for it was not his small niece at all—but Honor. Curled up on the ground, she had sobbed herself to sleep, and even now convulsive sobs shook her body. A wisp of a handkerchief protruding from the clasped hands under her cheek was the complement of the wet lashes and drooping lips. Amazement spread over the Doctor’s face—“Miss Honor!” —he had spoken aloud before he thought.

            Startled, Honor woke suddenly and, comprehending her position instantly, sprang to her feet. She was the picture of embarrassed confusion, as she tried to meet the Doctor’s gaze—“I—I believe I fell asleep. Is it very late?” Swift pats were settling her hair into place, while she hastily tucked the tell-tale handkerchief out of sight. She smiled brightly at him—the Honor smile that sent the Doctor’s heart straight down to his boots. “Are the children out yet?” she asked anxiously.

            But the Doctor’s tongue was glued to the roof of his mouth. For the first time in his life, his composure had flown to the winds. He stumbled mechanically to the spot where Honor had lain, picked up a package that lay on the ground, and turned with the girl towards the house. Puzzled at his manner, Honor watched him pick up the package, turned to accompany him, and then stopped aghast. The manuscript! It was the manuscript he had picked up. What if he should guess? “I—I’ll take that package, Doctor,” she said trying to appear calm.

            Dr. Manning looked at the parcel as if seeing it for the first time. The editor’s name stood out clearly on the wrapping and it was addressed to Honor. There was no mistaking the contents. He stood holding the manuscript in his hand and staring at the girl. Honor colored to the roots of her hair, but threw back her head proudly and held out her hand for the package. The Doctor deliberately put it behind his back.

            “So this is what you’ve been up to, little girl,” he said, still staring into her face.

            “Will you kindly give me that package, Dr. Manning?”

            “And this is why you cried—this is why you have watched the mail so anxiously for the past week—this is what has troubled you?—Wait—please wait, Honor.”

            The girl had turned and was walking swiftly towards the house. At the sound of her name spoken in that tone she stopped, waited until he had neared her, attempted to look him in the face, failed utterly, and stood quiet, with her eyes cast down, her hands working nervously at the pin on her breast.

            “Honor,” the man spoke low and distinctly, “believe me, this is from one who knows—you cannot do this sort of thing until you yourself have lived. Life’s great experiences have not come to you yet—and not until they do will you have anything worth the telling. You must wait—and live—and then you will be able to write. But, in the meantime, dear, I need you more than the public needs you—more than anything else in the world. Honor, won’t you let me teach you to live?”

            *   *   *   *  *   *   *   *  *   *   *   *  *   *   *   *

            Nan Ashton, coming out of the house an hour later, met her brother and her governess at the door. One look at their faces was sufficient, and hers could but reflect their happiness. “Well, it is about time you two blessed children woke up,” she said, with her arms around Honor. Then her face dropped, and she sank into a chair. “Well, it is upon me again,” she sighed. “Wanted—a Governess!”

Regina Sullivan, '19

When Memory ope’s the gate that locks

            The treasures of the past,

I lovingly count the happy hours

            That we as children passed.


I ponder every golden day,

            Each treasured hour now gone,

And sadly think how many miles

            Part two that once were one.


But time and space will pass away,

            And then these days of pain

Will be as though they never were,

            For we’ll be one again.

S.M.H., '19

Grass, shrubs, children—fair and tender—sweet in your lowliness—in you is contained the rich promise of the garden’s endurance—of its greater luxuriance in future years.

            Slender young trees and youthful souls—unswervingly straight is your growth. With what eagerness you reach out and up—straining every fibre of your beings, it seems, to become as lofty and broad as the big trees—the strong characters around you.

            Mighty oaks and chestnuts—Souls grown staunch in grace!—with what unceasing fortitude you have weathered the storms of the years! Heroically, you have stood your ground in the tempests—always looking upward. You have given fertility to the soil that young plants—little souls—might thrive and grow. And at what cost?—You have stripped yourselves.

            Yet, you are covered with leaves today, Old Trees.

            Revered Souls, you have all things.

            Verily, your Master is not to be outdone in generosity.

            Murmurings and whisperings—low, gentle, persuasive—sometimes, a rustling and a strong blast—the wind is abroad—the Spirit of Love and Wisdom breathes in the garden.

            Twitter and carol of birds—human voices raised in prayer and song—from seas that sigh in hearts—unfathomable seas of love and adoration—waves—only a few—have found the shore.

            Sky and mountains and a Lady’s mantle—all of blue—above, around us, graciously, is the garden protected.

            And ascending from the East—rising in the hands of Christ’s ambassador—illuminating, glorifying, turning the garden into gold—are Nature’s sun, and—well do you hold yourself in breathless awe, Favored Garden—God’s Eternal Son.

            O Marywood, O Garden of Mary’s Immaculate Heart—natural garden and garden of the spirit—how fair you are, and beautiful! Aye, you are blessed—a thousand times.


                                                                             Helen E. Sullivan, ‘22

“An Essayist of the Centre” is a writer of essays par excellence, that is, of essays which, winding themselves about some central mood, ramble along leisurely, wandering into whatsoever by-ways of reflection the mood leads, them, returning now and again to the highway, only to leave it once more for another stroll down some memory-scented lane of thought. An essay par excellence is the result of much labor, but that labor, as well as the source of it, must be hidden, for “the perfection of art is to conceal art.” Its tone is personal, almost confidential. The essayist of the centre assumes from the beginning that you are his friend, and he chats and gossips and philosophizes with you as such. Apparently, he is not seeking to convince you of anything, to make you a convert to any pet theory or creed. He goes along in a smooth, easy way, thinking aloud as it were. You would judge that he has plenty of leisure on his hands, and is merely writing for the sake of something to do. He is not impelled by passion or inspiration or a sense of duty. He is in a comfortable frame of mind, satisfied with the world and pleased with himself, and his criticisms, if any, have a pleasant, good-natured tinge to them. He treats his subject completely, but not so exhaustively as to extend his essay into a treatise. There is, furthermore, a lyrical quality to his writing which makes him closely akin to the poet.

There are a good number of writers in English Literature whom we may class as essayists of the centre, but one above all merits this title and deserves to be ranked among the literary artists—Charles Lamb. Others have attained loftier heights of eloquence, but none possessed the same power to charm—a power which springs from genius controlled by a kindly heart and talent guided by a gentle mind.

In most of his essays, Lamb begins with a single sentence which strikes the mood of the whole essay, and out of which the remainder of it naturally develops. The mood is the crystallization of the writer’s joy or sorrow. In this respect, his essays are lyrics, for they are a reflection of his soul—a word-picture of his thoughts and aspirations—depicting the feelings of the soul as truly as the artist’s canvas. Both the essay and the painting grow from beginning to end. The latter becomes a masterpiece only after many successive touches of the artist’s brush, and the former reaches perfection only after the author has added word to word and sentence to sentence until he has crystallized his mood into a veritable word-picture.

While reaching this perfection of art in his essays, Lamb reveals his personality as no other writer does. As we read, we gradually learn to know and to love more and more the gentle, lovable, optimistic writer, who fills his pages with the best that he finds in life and buries deep in his own heart the sorrows and disappointments it has brought him. At times, he is all humor, bright, gentle humor that knows no bitterness. Again, he is deeply wise—wise with the wisdom of the true philosopher that knows life and understands its values. Most of his lines are read with a tiny smile lurking in the corners of the mouth—a few of them develop the smile into a laugh—but some of them by their sweet and gentle pathos, bring a tear to the eye. Almost hidden by the bright, hopeful words, a minor strain creeps out here and there. But it is not out of place. In fact, it adds one more jewel to the whole, and furnishes a contrast by which the other beauties of his writing gleam the more brilliantly. Indeed, it is to be marvelled at that this minor strain is not more evident—for few, besides Lamb himself, could have found the silver lining behind the dark cloud that enwrapped his life.

            When Lamb becomes reminiscent and thinks of the “what might have been,” his soul is touched with sadness, but he never becomes melancholy or depressing. Her sorrow makes him more tender, more human, it opens up his heart and makes it more susceptible to love and sympathy. The more sorrow crushes him down, the more tender he becomes, and the more hopeful and gentle are the words that spring from his heart—just as the flower gives forth its sweetest perfume when crushed and bruised. He never sinks into pessimism or bitterness. On the contrary, a beautiful optimism colors every sentence, and sly gentle humor peeps out from every page.

Since he is an essayist of the centre, Lamb is autobiographical. In “New Year’s Eve,” he tells us that he is “introspective, painfully so”. This characteristic of introspection, in some measure accounts for his shyness and sensitiveness, which caused his great qualities and ability to be greatly undervalued by his contemporaries, and often led strangers to regard him as a buffoon. He lost his shyness among his friends, and they knew and appreciated and loved him. He was shy, he says, “of novelties, new books, new faces, new years”. Another insight into his character is afforded when he says: “I must have books, pictures, theatres, chit-chat, scandal, jokes, ambiguities and a thousand whims.” Various other characteristics does he reveal, such as his incapacity for business and his susceptibility to friendship and to feelings of dislike.

Nowhere do we find an unpleasant trait in the many characters depicted by Charles Lamb. If he must mention something disparaging, he immediately qualifies the statement and brings out some redeeming quality of the character. This is due to his own refined character which ever sought to draw others up to its own level, and to his kindly disposition which impelled him to look only for the good and beautiful.

The greatest of all Lamb’s qualities, perhaps, is his wisdom—his sane, wholesome, philosophical wisdom. Cloaked by his witty remarks and his occasionally grotesque humor, his profundity of thought won little recognition during his lifetime. Lamb knew this, and it hurt his sensitive soul; but he was too gentle to resent it. It was only after his death that the deep wisdom masked by his light laughing words began to be appreciated at its true worth. One of the best examples of this hidden wisdom is “Grace Before Meat”, in which he treats his subject in a light vein apparently far removed from serious thought, but in which he teaches a deeply moral lesson and drives it home with far more force and with more lasting effect than an essay written in heavier style could do. Wisdom abounds in all his essays and flows as easily from his pen as water from a fountain. The pleasant murmur with which it pursues its course causes it to be imbibed all the more freely. Wisdom is the very essence of his criticism. In his critical works, he shows the sympathetic nature and the deep insight of the true critic. His essay “On the Genius and Character of Hogarth”, a work of marvellous power, is one of the best examples of his critical ability.

Everywhere Lamb is the true artist, the one who carefully selects his paints and blends his colors so as to bring out the finest shades of the thought. It is safe to predict that his works will not crumble with the passing years, but will live as true art ever does, and will be more fully appreciated by each succeeding generation.

                                                                        Marie V. Joyce, ’19

In the far West, with gorgeous tents aglow,

            With wild young winds about her feet at play,

Rises the Evening. Purple and scarlet show

            Her lengthening path, as fades the golden day.

Softly she moves, and hums a weird low song,

            He who hath will, may hear her lullabies.

Her dusky hair skims all the sky along,

            The lustrous stars of heav’n are her clear eyes.

The sleeping fields are bright for mile on mile

            With dancing lights that gem her streaming hair,

The mountain streams have caught her dreamy smile,

            And from within its dark and dismal lair,

The lapping lake, a burnished bowl of gold,

            Strives eagerly the changing lights to hold.


                                                  Kathleen Howley, ‘19

           The motto of a school or college is chosen with the purpose of making it the guiding principle of the lives of the students. In the selection of a motto, Marywood has shown herself to be like a loving mother, concerned only with the welfare of her children; and she has selected one that will be a staff to assist her students to ascend the steep road that leads to the pinnacle of supreme achievement: “Sanctitas, Scientia et Sanitas,” “Holiness, Knowledge, and Health”.

            Holiness first! The soul is the principle of life; consequently our first concern should be for its welfare. The Great Teacher has said: “Seek ye, therefore, first, the kingdom of God and His Justice, and all these things shall be added unto you.” These words contain a command and a promise, and as surely as we follow the command, so surely will the promise be fulfilled. Therefore in all our labors, whether during college days or in after life, let us never lose sight of God or the soul. If we attain God’s love and favor, we shall want for nothing, because He blesses those He loves; and with his blessing we shall accomplish in our lives the end of our creation, namely, the fulfillment of God’s Holy Will. This alone constitutes true success.

            Holiness is a grace of God, a supernatural gift, but we cannot merit it by sitting idly by and waiting for it; we must strive after it. Holiness consists in an ardent love of God. Since we cannot love that which we do not know, we must endeavor to know God.  And we can find knowledge of God in all things about us. Do we study astronomy? Nowhere are the power and majesty of the supreme God so plainly portrayed as in the Heavens. Do we study anatomy? The marvelous organism of the human body shows the wisdom and foresight, as well as the tender care, of a divine Father. Do we study art? Where can we find the origin and inspiration of all Art unless in God and His Holy Church?

            Thus we might exhaust the categories of arts and sciences, for when all is said and done, we must realized that everything, little and great, leads to God. Our lives are a perfect circle, beginning with Him and ending with Him; and outside of this circle there is no true life, no genuine happiness, since God, the vital Force of existence, is wanting. Thus knowledge leads to, and at the same time emanates from, Holiness.

            But there is another important factor in the scheme or our symmetrical development, soundness of mind and body. Though the spiritual life is of the greatest importance, since it spells Eternity; though intellectual achievement leads us nearer God by teaching us that He is the Beginning, the Way, and the End of all things; yet we must not forget that there is a Divine Command governing the proper care of life and health. And as knowledge augments holiness, so does health promote both of these. The mind that lacks vigor cannot acquire knowledge as readily as can the sound mind, and the unhealthy body retards the development of the intellect. Hence, health is a valuable asset in the attainment of holiness and knowledge, and we should lend our best efforts to its preservation.

            Let us guide our lives by this rule. Let us remember that it contains a world of wisdom. let our motto ever be: “Sanctitas, Scientia et Sanitas.”

                                                                         Marie K. Fleming, ‘19

As the beads slowly slip through my fingers,

And “Hail, Mail!” ascends to her ears,

Lo! a light seems to shine through the darkness,

And a beautiful lady appears.

Her lily-white hands are extended,

Laden with flowers so rare,

And each she gives to me gladly,

As I murmur a “Hail, Mary!” prayer.


                                    Anna Loughran, ‘21

During the war, news did not travel quickly from France to our country, and two weeks had passed before the announcement of the death of Sergeant Joyce Kilmer, the human poet, everybody’s poet, had reached the United States. Like a bolt from the blue it cam, to sadden every American heart, for in his thirty-one short years, Joyce Kilmer and his verses had become part of our daily life. Though the number of his years was small, Kilmer had managed to crowd into them so many happy experiences, so much love, and beauty, and kindness, and sweetness, that, as Stevenson says, “he proved the theorem of the liveableness of life.” When the news came on August 17, 1918, there was no one who was left unmoved by the departure of this poet who promised such great things; and “for them that knew him and are lorn” the loss of his brave true spirit cannot be measured by words.

Three weeks after our country had entered the war, Joyce Kilmer, seeing clearly his duty before him, enlisted as a private in the Seventh Infantry. Fired by a love of service, he soon had himself transferred to the One Hundred and Sixty-Fifth Infantry, that he might reach France and the battle line more quickly. He loved his work wholeheartedly, entering into it with that same earnest yet joyful spirit of energy and enthusiasm which his friends tell us characterized his every action. Not content with his appointed tasks in the Intelligence Department, he would push forward into No Man’s Land by night, seeking information for his company. One morning after a night spent in this way, Kilmer and a party started out for the woods where he had located some enemy guns. Sergeant Kilmer was sent ahead to find out the exact position of the guns. When his comrades next saw him, he was lying face-downward, near a natural trench, as if watching the enemy lines. Their calls brought no response, for Joyce Kilmer had given his life in the service of the country he loved. Awed at the passing of this true-hearted hero and patriot, we can only use the words of one who loved him, Father Garesche, S.J., “It was his dauntless soul, not death, that bore him on. Ah! honor, honor, honor on his head!”

When Joyce Kilmer felt that he must leave his family, his home, and his glorious career to become a private in the army of the United States, the thought that he might not come back again to sing for us his joyous, beautiful rhymes seemed too impossible for us to entertain. And yet the poet who glorified the ordinary everyday things of life, who seemed to speak the thoughts for which we could find no utterance, has been taken away in a single, fleeting, but all-sacrificing, moment. Kilmer wrote only a few poems from France, one of which is a prayer of pure love from his Catholic heart, “The Prayer of a Soldier in France,” and another, “Rouge Bouquet,” written in memory of fallen comrades, strong and beautiful in its pathetical appeal, might well have been his own farewell.

            Joyce Kilmer has left but few books of poetry, but those few are of the kind that live forever, that one can read over and over again, always finding some new and more compelling thought, always noting some new and more wonderful power of the writer. The personality of the poet and the deep religious feeling which seems to emanate from all his poems are the distinctive marks of Joyce Kilmer’s writing. He speaks so simply, intimately, and companionably of the saints of Heaven, he brings them and his religion into a closer, dearer relation to daily life. Kilmer’s love and reverence for home ties and homelike things have caused him to exalt them to a higher beauty and splendor, or, as one of his friends says, “He deliberately sacramentalized them”, and in his poetry we find his expression of this feeling. Joyce Kilmer is a poet whose writings one can never forget, not only for their beauty of expression and imagery, but more for their direct appeal to the hear which makes us read them again and again, as if in search of the spirit of happiness which animated the writer. We cannot say that such a poet, such a man, such a soldier is gone forever, for in his writings and by his noble life and heroism he will live forever in our hearts.


            Dull page, thou liest, he shall live forever,

                        His fiery spirit but begins to live,

            He hath achieved what was his great endeavor,

                        Winning that Life that only death can give.”

                                                            (Fr. Garesche).


                                                Frances A. Caufield, ‘19

Do you dream about the fairies

            On moonlit summer nights,

As again a child you wander

            Among the elves and sprites?


See them on the velvet terrace

            A carpet green of moss,

Dancing to the silvery music

            Of bubbling brooks, that toss,


In the mellow rays caressing

            The tiny rippling waves,

Luring here the woodland people

            From hidden nooks and caves.


All the merry airy minstrels

            Of Fairyland appear

‘Mid the flowers sweet they frolic,

            Without a thought of fear.


Lo! too soon, twelve tinkling echoes

            Of elfin sentry bell,

Call the fairies from their revels,

            They’re gone—where?—who can tell?


Aren’t you sorry when the sentry

            Soft heralds in the dawn?

For we know with cocks a-crowing,

            The magic veils are drawn.


Once again we’re only grown-ups.

            We feel with sad regret,

Never real were these sweet fancies,

            They were but dreams—and yet,


Lingering fondly o’er each fancy,

            We yearn to feel once more

Childhood’s thrill at fairy wonders

            We loved in days of yore.


                                    Louise M. Coogan, ‘21

Seek not to know what now lies hid,

            What glistening stars would now disclose,

Perhaps long life great Jove may bid,

            Or soon in death to take repose.


Wisely drown care and gayly sing,

            Dream not of coming sorrow,

Fleet Time is ever on the wing,

            He may not grant tomorrow.


                                          S.M.G., ‘20

Love rode abroad to conquer mankind’s heart,

            He rode disguised that man might know him not,

And mankind blindly hated him at sight,

            Made haste to slay him, fearful of his sway.

Love suffered, yes, and died, but lived again

            And ruled men’s hearts as king ne’er ruled before:

For Love doth sway by pain the hearts he rules.

            Self first must die in man e’re love may live.


Eleanor Legnard, ‘20

Outside the great circle of light, in whose flame the destiny of the nations of the world is being molded, and whose rays reach out to all parts of the world, dear old Ireland, patient and true as of old, stands trembling in the shadows, awaiting that freedom which she has been so long and so unjustly denied. Once more she seems to have been passed by and those rays of justice are not for her; she must still be the humble planet receiving its light only from the reflected glory of brighter worlds. With overburdened hear, she is lifting her hands in supplication towards that country for whose sake she once brought upon herself the wrath of her conqueror that her oppressed sister-colony might gain the freedom that she herself had been so long denied. Nor does she base her entreaty on pity alone; what she asks is justice and gratitude, for not alone in America’s struggle for independence, but during the years since, while this nation was climbing the heights to the pinnacle on which she now stands, Ireland has stood firm in her friendship, gladly giving her sons that our nation might live. To-day, America stands first among the nations of the world and the brightest place in the circle of light is hers. Shall America answer Ireland’s call and stand firm behind the words of her President? Will America’s pledge to insure freedom to all small nations who are dominated by a rule of might rather than right be unredeemed where Ireland is concerned? is the Peace Conference, the greatest council the world has ever known, to be the bearer of the light of justice to all save Ireland? She but asks for justice. Her sons are languishing in English prison cells on ill-defined pretexts and without trial; while her oppressors are making peace for the world and are meting “justice” to mankind.

Ireland has paid her price that this Conference might be possible and that Prussian Autocracy might not rule the world.  She has been persecuted and her motives distorted by the false accusations of her tyrant-ruler. The chief aim was to arouse the antagonism of the world against Ireland, by charging her with being an ally of Germany although there was no bond between the two countries save those sought by Ulster, the thorn in Ireland’s side, when in 1914 that province asked the aid of the “great Protestant Prince, the Kaiser”. The only feeling in Irish hearts towards that devastator of civilization is a better memory of Hessian and Hanoverian kings.

The Peace Conference is rapidly drawing to a close and Ireland is still in the shadow, but her spirit is as brave today as it was when first the heel of the oppressor descended upon her—the same spirit with which for five hundred years she has fought the tyranny of her conqueror, while in turn her homes, her industries, all but the very air she breathed was denied her. She was robbed of the culture which had made her for many happy years the center of intellectual perfection and the “Isle of Saints and Scholars.” But if iron laws robbed her of her schools and universities, they could not take away her religious fervor, and through all the years of oppression and suffering, she is still the “Isle of Saints”: saints perhaps not so well-known for great learning as for a greater gift—purity, that virtue which is strongest and best in an Irish heart.

Today the world is being molded by men whose names will ever be written on the monument of fame—men representative of one of the greatest ages in History. Ireland stands alone. Must we say alone? No, for she is with a higher Lord of the Universe—Him who came into the world to bring peace to all men. He has no representative in that council which aims to spread the light of justice and to give the joy of peace t all corners of the earth. Ireland is not alone, for He is with her in the shadow outside the circle. He for whose sake she has suffered persecution without faltering is still with her, and while placing all her trust in His divine keeping, she has battled with all the courage of right against her chains; yet, ever keeping alive and untarnished His holy faith, her most precious treasure even in the darkest hour.

What the future holds for Ireland remains to be seen, but whatever be her fate, her dauntless spirit, purged and strengthened by the fires of darkest trial, will rise above adversities, and gently murmuring “Fiat voluntas tua”, will take up anew her struggle for liberty. Perhaps, it may not be the will of the Almighty that Ireland shall ever regain her freedom; yet, her efforts will never cease until that day when her loyal sons and daughters take that place beside the heavenly throne which Jesus Christ Himself promised on the Mount when He said: “Blessed are the meek and  humble of heart for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”                                      

                                                            Mary C. Sheridan, ’19

Amid the deserts of a mystic land,

            Like Sibyls waiting for a doom foreseen,

Apart in awful solitude they stand,

            With thought’s unending caravan between;

Or like some lofty minds that dwell on earth,

            Yet know of nothing earthly, low or mean,

Whose thoughts beyond the loftiest clouds are seen

            And show no trace of their so lowly birth.

Such are the pyramids, those stately mounds,

            Built by the hands of men who long are dead,

Outliving their creators, wondrous still,

            As each some ancient monarch’s death tomb bounds,

That he may rest near where his short life sped,

            They prove the undying might of human will.


                                                            Marie Orr, ‘19

To Sir Thomas More, Privy Councillor to King Henry.

            Desiderius Erasmus Wisheth health and felicity.


            It pleaseth me greatly to know that you have lately been made Privy Councillor to the King, for by this deed is shown that you are coming again into royal favor. You call him a “prince so affable and courteous to all men, that each one thinks himself his favorite.” But it seemeth good to me to say that he possesseth wisdom as well, for happy is the commonwealth where kings appoint such officials! Moreover, whereas you are wont to say that the office of ambassador never much pleased you, because it took you away from wife and children, to whom, when you have been a short time away, your heart is drawn, it is well that you have a received an office such that you can fulfill its duties, and yet remain at home.

            Nor am I at great loss to understand of this longing. For having been on three occasions a guest at your home, I readily see the cause of your attachment therefor. It is, as you well admit, one of singular happiness. You rule by kindness and cheerfulness better than do most men with sternness and authority. Therein are no tragedies, no quarrels. The whole house breathes happiness, and no one enters it who is not the better for the visit.

            But now, to proceed to other matters. It was with pleasure that I learned of the accomplishment of our good friend Colet, in that at last he hath completed the statutes of his school. It hath taken him nine years to reach this goal, yet in that time he did do marvellous things. For although he made Lilly headmaster, yet he hath ever exercised a close personal supervision, which is as it should be. He hath established an institution for which his name will be marked for long years. In his school the youth receive sound training in the principles of Christianity. And although some  years ago he was accused of maintaining advanced views, and was in difficulties with his bishop, yet we who know and understand him can witness that he, irritated by numerous abuses, used language on certain points, which, in the light of after happenings, was regrettable. However, there can be no doubt of his thorough orthodoxy.

            Now whereas I know you are a busy man and have few leisure minutes, I do not expect much of your time. Yet it would please me greatly if you would apprise me of events in England, and of the progress of the New Learning there, for I regard your country kindly, since my several sojourns therein. And I know there is none more able to understand and explain conditions there than yourself. It would rejoice me also to hear something of your beloved family. Convey my sentiments of regard to your good wife; and to your children. I am deeply interested to know of their progress in learning, especially that of Meg, the dearest to your heart, and dear to me also. She is an intelligent child and bids fair to become a learned and intellectual woman. Her aptitude for acquiring Latin is a source of wonder and delight to me.

            Wherefore, most liberal and loyal supporter of the New Learning, and my good and trusted friend, I bid you most heartily well to fare.

At Basle, 1518, the fifteenth day of September.


                                                                                    Bessie M. Blewitt, ‘21

Midst holy silence, still she stands,

            Lady of Peace!

Holding in her upraised hands

Him who rules o’er all the lands,

            Till time shall cease.


O Mother of God, Mother mine,

            Lady of Peace!

Glance into those eyes that shine,

Whisper to thy Son Divine

            That strife may cease!


                                    S.M.S., ‘19

            The port’s in sight!

            Oh courage, mates!

A few more efforts with main and might,

While the wind of Heaven our sail inflates—

            And the port is ours!


            The port’s in sight!

            All danger’s past!

Away with the fears of the darkling night!

To the course begun hold sure and fast—

            And we’re safe on shore!


            The port’s in sight!

            The long cruise o’er

We put out in a boat that’s led us aright!

A few more strokes of the trusty oar—

            And the harbor’s won!


The port’s in sight!

Sing paeans of joy!

The sun has put all clouds to flight,

The waves leap up our vessel to buoy!

            We pull for the land!



O Maid of France! from far across the sea,

            We join the song of joy that greets thy name.

And thy late-dawning triumph loud acclaim

            The years have linked in five-fold century

Since Gothic Rheims awoke in jubilee

            And loyal hearts, with love for France aflame,

Through ancient streets in triumph came

            To fealty pay their king, then crowned by thee;

And thou for grateful guerdon didst receive

            A prison cell—a death on burning pyre—

Five hundred years!—But now all nations weave

            A crown of praise for thee; and thou art higher

Than earthly king could raise thee—thou art blest,

            And soon as crowned Saint thou’lt be confessed!


                                                          M.D., ‘19

            On January 19, 20, 21, 1919, the Faculty, students and friends of Marywood College, enjoyed a series of reviews on “Standard and Modern Literature,” by Mr. Freddotcmsdbuser Paulding. For many weeks Marywood students eagerly awaited the lecture course, for Mr. Paulding’s fame as an interpretive reader had preceded him. On each of the three evenings he was greeted by a large and appreciative audience, who were loath to leave when the lecture was over.

            As an example of genius in modern Spanish fiction, Mr. Paulding chose for his first lecture, Vincente Blasco Ibanez’ superb novel, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Many “war stories” have been written within the last four years, but none show such mastery of the subject with its varying situations as does this Spanish novel. The other two nights, Mr. Paulding dealt with the modern French Drama in its two phases—Realism and Idealism, as depicted by Paul Hervieu and Edmond Rostand. The former of the two interpretations was exemplified in the tragedy The Trail of the Torch. The title taken from medieval times, when the trail was brightened by many torches kindled by a spark passed from one to another of the torchbearers, perfectly expresses the rapid propagation of degeneracy fostered by the realism of modern French drama and fiction. Mr. Paulding pointed out several reasons why one should be wary of such literature, and he also showed the weaving through the entire play of a silken thread of something all men know exists but which few understand—Mother-love. For the portrayal of French Idealism, Mr. Paulding chose as a fitting subject of its expression, Cyrano de Bergerac, by Rostand. The reader’s comments this last evening were chiefly on the author himself, his philosophy of life, his delightful manner of expression, and the purpose of this particular work. The love story interwoven in its pages is far different from the majority of such stories written today. While many comical situations present themselves in the unfolding of the drama, as a whole it is elevating, because its spirit is one of noble self-sacrifice which appeals even to the most prosaic.

            Mr. Paulding’s readings of his selections were masterful, and his impersonations realistic. He departed from Marywood leaving in the hearts of his audience a great desire for his return next year.

                                                                             Elizabeth Reardon, ’21.

           Dr. Walsh’s lectures are always interesting, but no one lecture of the year’s course proved more interesting than the one given on Cardinal Mercier, the Philosopher. In the introduction to his lecture, Dr. Walsh gave a brief account of the early training of the great Cardinal and touched upon his work as a Churchman, Statesman and Patriot, but it was to his work as a teacher and philosopher that the Doctor paid most attention.

            Cardinal Mercier’s greatest intellectual achievement was accomplished, the Doctor said, in connection with Psychology. As he is deservedly looked upon as the greatest student of scholasticism in our time, it might very well be expected that for him psychology would be a closed subject, and that all knowledge of it would be found in the great mediaevil scholastic writers, particularly Thomas Aquinas. So far from this being the case, however, Cardinal Mercier always insisted on the fact that psychology must keep on developing and that without that development it would be behind the age. He said psychology is not a finished science; it is a living science. It should evolve with the biological and anthropological sciences which are its tributaries.

            Cardinal Mercier felt that there had been altogether too much failure on the part of the Catholics to take up original work in the sciences, and that this left them without the prestige of scientific circles that they ought to possess. Besides he realized from his own experience, that actual research work and original investigation in the sciences give the student a better grasp of the actual vision of science at any given moment and even of the principles underlying science. No amount of second-hand matter is at all equal to a certain acquisition of personal knowledge and contact with investigators. On one occasion he said to his pupils: “You confine yourself too easily to being adepts in science instead of having the ambition to work at science in the making. Too few of you look to the assembly and fashioning of the materials, which often serve in the future for the synthesis of science Christian Philosophy.”

            So thoroughly did the Cardinal follow his own conception in the matter, that Louvain was one of the first university outside of Germany to possess a thoroughly equipped laboratory of Physiological Psychology. Ribot, the well known French writer on Psychology. Ribot, the well known French writer on Psychology and a prominent figure in educational circles, declared after visiting the laboratory established under Mercier’s auspices in Louvain, that it was better than any laboratory in France.

            In connection with his work, both as student and as professor, Mercier had sought every opportunity to benefit himself through the researches of others. He was for a time a pupil of the French neurologist Chariot, when the latter was delivering his world-famous lectures in Neurology in the Saltpetriere. Mercier has also paid particular attention to the subject of hypnotism during the period when that phase of pathological psychology was supposed to be on the point of throwing much light on psychological processes generally. He read Janet and others with attention and kept in touch with the literature on the subject.

            It was not surprising then, that a little later, the great Pope Leo XIII should turn to Louvain for the erection of an Institute of Scholasticism, or that Professor Mercier should be selected as the head of it. He proceeded to make it a modern educational institution in every sense of the word. In it there was no question of merely reviewing an old system of teaching, but the plan was to work out, according to the principles of the scholastics, a synthesis of the knowledge of physical science and philosophic thought, such as would afford a rational explanation of the universe according to our present-day knowledge. No one recognized better than Professor Mercier that this would be no easy matter. On the contrary, he appreciated all the difficulties. “As a matter of fact,” he declared, “the difficulty is a serious one, not to be solved by any one man. As the domain of fact and observation grows larger and larger, individual effort becomes less competent to survey and m aster it all; hence the necessity of co-operative effort to supply what is lacking in the work of isolated investigators. There is need of union between the synthetic mind and the analytic, in order to secure, by daily contact and joint action, the harmonious development of philosophy and science.”

            When Mercier began his course in scholasticism, that neo-scholasticism which was to arouse so much academic interest, it was generally supposed to be a sort of archaeology of philosophy. It was felt that while it might be interesting as reviewing the memory of old-fashioned speculation with regard to many things, it could scarcely be academic and practical. The Pope had declared in favor of teaching scholastic philosophy, and it would, of course, be pleasing to him to have such a course, but students could scarcely be expected to be interested in it for its own sake. The surprise was to see how Professor Mercier made scholastic philosophy a living subject. Students came, not out of the sense of duty, but because they felt that to lose it would be an unfortunate lacuna in their intellectual development. It soon came to be looked upon as one of the most interesting courses at the University, and nothing so modified ordinary impressions with regard to the middle ages as the recognition of how living this system of thought really is.

            In the new work which had been entrusted to him, Cardinal Mercier made uses of the principle that had guided him in his study of Experimental Psychology. When Experimental Psychology first began to be developed, it seemed almost inevitably to represent definite materialistic tendencies with regard to psychology. The study of sense-reaction and of other phases of the physical basis of such sense perception as is necessary for the accumulation of information, seemed to leave no doubt of such pre-occupation with the material side off perception as would surely minimize the purely psychic element of understanding. Not a few of the students of scholastic psychology were inclined to resent the new scientific development. Professor Mercier, however, felt that the position of a true scholastic must be the recognition of the fact that all possible information should be at hand for the ultimate synthesis of thought and its modes. Far from feeling that that the new development was likely to do harm by its materialistic tendencies, he trusted confidentially that its results would be for good. His foresight was confirmed by the position eventually taken by the German experimental psychologists with regard to any mere material explanation of intellectual processes. Such men as Paulsen and Wundt were emphatic in their refutation of materialism as in any way satisfying the conclusions that they were bound to draw from their investigations. Wundt, particularly, who was looked up as the founder of Experimental Psychology, took up a position that would have been eminently satisfactory to scholasticism, for he did not hesitate to declare that only Aristotle’s teaching had corresponded with whatever modern knowledge had been obtained, Wundt said: --

            “The results of my labor do not at all square with the materialistic hypothesis, nor will they fit in any more with the dualism of Plato or Descartes. It is only the animism of Aristotle which, by joining psychology with biology, concludes in a plausible metaphysical explanation for the data furnished by experimental psychology.”

 The Doctor proved that there is in Aristotle a great deal of material that would sometimes be presumed to be only the result of experimental investigation in our time. What commended Aristotle to the great scholastics Albertus Magnus and Aquinas, was exactly his habit of confirming observation by experiment as a basis of knowledge.


                                                                                    S.M.S., ’19.

In a brilliant lecture on Psychology of the Will, Dr. Walsh instanced Marshal Foch as a splendid type of will power—Foch has shown us, the Doctor said, how one man can influence millions of men and make them do as he wishes. He was able to lend some of his own soul to his men so that each fought as if he were the great commander himself.

Character, the Doctor said, is formed not so much by nature as by nurture. Nature is what we inherit, and for it we are not responsible. Nurture represents our environment, and for that, after the first few years of life, we are largely responsible. We do not own anything unless we get it for ourselves. The greatest benefit a man can receive is the opportunity to work as hard as he can, coupled with the incentive. This will bring out the best that is in him—this it is that gives strength and develops will power, which power will prove his most valuable asset in life.

Foch’s will power was trained from his earliest years, so that its use became comparatively easy. He was taught to do hard things until they were no longer hard, to learn self-control by denial and perseverance; and to master the difficulties that he met. He is now the very incarnation of will, and believes in the power of the will to accomplish the apparently impossible. He says the best man is the one who does not know that he is beaten, and the army that refuses to accept defeat is victorious in the end.

            The military career of Foch was not an easy one. The posts assigned to him were ones that took him into the small towns and into provinces of France; but these brought him into contact with the real people of France the people of the provinces, every drop of whose blood is red, and who are constantly ready to sacrifice themselves for others. It was this knowledge of the spirit of the real France that gave Foch his confidence in his army and enabled him to overcome the enemy by sheer will power and determination. Paris is not French, Dr. Walsh declared. It is an international center where the various elements of all nationalities meet and control the atmosphere. It was not on these people Foch relied, but upon the men of Normandy and Brittany and other provinces of France.

            Foch is also a wonderfully pious man and a great believer in the efficacy of prayer. He has a fine confidence in life, does not grumble, does not communicate his grievances, but rather his satisfactions in life. He is probably our greatest man to-day, and it is “will” that has made him what he is.

                                                                        Madeleine Larkin, ’19

            An insight into the spirit animating the modern French drama was afforded us this year, when Mr. Freddotcmsdbuser Paulding, lecturing on Paul Hervieu, laid bare the cynicism and bitter philosophy underlying the latter’s masterpiece, “The Trail of the Torch.” Paul Hervieu is the greatest exponent of realism in modern French drama; that is, he is the representative of that school which purports to depict life as it really is. If the picture they draw is a true one, then alas for the world! It is an astounding fact that the modern stage, in holding up to us what is claimed to be a true representation of life, presents to us barely one good, virtuous woman character. It is the “female of the species” and not “woman” that the dramatist puts in his plays today. Of the thirty-two modern plays Mr. Paulding read in preparing his review of “The Trail of the Torch,” in only one did he find a virtuous woman character—and she was a forger! This view of womanhood is not only an exaggerated one, but every sane, wholesome thinker must admit that it is absolutely false and perverted. The world is full of good women, as it is full likewise of good men. The reason the so-called realists fail to find them is because their bitter philosophy, their cynical view of life, act as smoked glasses through which they cannot see what is good and pure.

            Paul Hervieu is dangerous. The influence of the drama, when immoral, is even more baneful than that of pernicious literature, and plays based on the philosophy of the modern French realists should be carefully avoided. Hervieu’s plays are imbued with a hard, bitter, ironical spirit, and are based on false ethics and perverted ideals. “The Trail of the Torch” is the only one that contains nothing objectionable. Strange to say, it is the only one that has not been presented on the American stage—perhaps, said Mr. Paulding, severely scoring the attitude of our theatrical managers, for the very reason that is contains nothing salacious.

            To lighten the picture, Mr. Paulding constrasted Hervieu with the late Edmond Rostrand, the greatest and most charming of modern French      dramatists. He showed how the realism of the latter is spiritualized by his idealism and softened by his humanity. Hervieu is great, brilliant, keen—his plots move forward with an invincible logic and truth—but his is hard. There is nothing lovable about his characters—no charm, no kindliness. He is not a poet like Rostand, there is not even the echo of music in his plays. But the value of “The Trail of the Torch” is nevertheless, inestimable. Its ethical lesson is one for every mother and for every child. With unvarnished truth, it lays bare the selfishness of love that is engrossed with one to the exclusion of all other ties.

            Mr. Paulding drove home with telling force the argument of the play. He showed how the thesis, maternal love and filial love, is developed through the various acts, and how the selfishness of each generation leads to the final terrible tragedy—how the mother engrossed in her passionate love for her daughter, forgets her duty towards her own mother, wrecks her own life, thrusts from herself all chance of happiness, stoops to crime, sacrifices the life of her mother, and only realizes the priceless worth of the love her own mother bore for her and the ingratitude with which she has repaid it when her own child abandons her and her mother falls dead at her feet.

            The scenes which Mr. Paulding rendered with marvellous skill and deep psychological insight, revealed the genius of the author and proved Mr. Paulding’s contentions as to Hervieu’s hardness and bitterness. The invincible logic of the play gripped his hearers as in a vice. The torch of selfish love blazed high in each generation, and then blazed out in the fearful conflagration of tragedy of the last act. The audience saw the inevitable effect on the three principal characters—the grandmother, mother, and daughter—and followed the trail of selfishness and passion to its tragic end.

                                                                                    S.M.J., ‘19

"The Bay Leaf"

The name chosen for our College Quarterly carries with it a deep significance. In olden times the bay leaf, or sweet laurel, was twined in a wreath to crown the heads of conquerors and was the highest honor that could he given to those who attained distinction in literary pursuits. The heroes and poets of ancient Greece and Rome saw in this wreath the goal of their desires—it represented to them the fame they had won, the position they had attained. The idea has come down to our time, and we still hold the wreath of bay leaves the reward of intellectual achievement, higher than any jewelled crown. Marywood College, the dream of years realized, is the crown of the edu­cational system of the Sisters-Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It is as their laurel wreath, the reward for the tireless endeavor of over half a century. And so the Bay Leaf has a twofold meaning for us. It represents the honor and distinction for which we, Marywood's daughters, are striving, and, at the same time, denotes the crowning of the patient efforts out of which Marywood evolved.

F.A.C., '19


The first number of the Bay Leaf would be wanting in a very important essential if it contained no word of appreciation for one whose interest in us has been shown on innumerable occasions and of whose kindness and generosity we have fre­quently been the recipients—Right Reverend Michael J. Hoban, D. D., our beloved Bishop. To his encouragement and active co-operation, our college owes in large measure its present success and its bright hopes for the future. His name will ever be closely associated with that of Marywood, and will ever be loved and revered by those who call Marywood their Alma Mater. It is with feelings of sincere love and gratitude that we thank our Right Reverend Bishop for all he has done for Marywood and for the many pleasures he has afforded the students within the past four years.


[Editorial note: the original is untitled--EAS]

"Our First Issue"

Well! (a long sigh and a breath of relief) — we are here at last, and we do hope you approve of us. But of course you do, and please rejoice with us also, for this first issue of the Bay Leaf is the materialization of a dream; a dream that was noth­ing more than a will-o'-the-wisp that danced in a most exasper­ating way just out of our reach every time we thought we had our hands on it. For a year and more, this dream has been—well, just a dream, until a month or so ago, when we determined that faint heart ne'er won—anything. We set our teeth and grasped our pens with the real Marywood spirit and wrote reams—as the waste paper basket can testify. Our business manager buckled on her spurs—and things in her department began to fly. And let us add, by way of parenthesis, when our business editor starts setting things in motion they usually keep moving.  The results, in this case, speak for themselves.

So you see, we've made a beginning, a small one, we humbly acknowledge—but just the same a beginning. And that's half the work done. O ye Bay Leaves and Marywood girls that are to follow in our footsteps! It has been a big thing to attempt—but so far we have not been afraid of big things in our col­lege. Why?

R.H.S., '19.

"The Classics"

        The present general trend in educational circles towards the restoration of the Classics to a prominent place in the cur­riculum is most gratifying and speaks well for the cultural de­velopment of the age. The ideal education, the liberal educa­tion, is one in which the spiritual, cultural, and practical are blended. The study of the Classics is one of the best means of broadening the mind, of opening up the past and making it a living reality, and of giving a deeper significance to the present. The Classics contain much of refinement, of aesthetic appeal. They afford inspiration, discipline the mind, and aid in the acquiring of that which we call "culture." An education which ignores them cannot be said to be complete.

         It is strange that the Church, which is constantly accused of being intolerant and narrow, has been the great defender, upholder, and teacher of the Classics throughout the ages, and that it is to her efforts that their preservation is due. Catholic schools have persisted in making Latin and Greek the bulwark of their advanced teaching, despite the storm of criticism play­ing about them—and now their opponents have faced about, and even in schools strictly technical and scientific, the value of the Classics is being recognized and the student of science is to be trained to be something more than a machine of facts and figures.

S.M.J., '19.

"College Spirit"

Don't let the second word bring any thought of something fleeting to you—for, indeed, college spirit is nothing ethereal, but is a living, vital force, which should animate everyone who is worthy of the name "college student.''  It's the "rally round your school" spirit that counts. Let yourself know that your college is the best college in existence (it really is, you know), then help others acquire that knowledge. Think it—feel it—but, most of all, act it.  Make that spirit part of you, and bend your effort towards holding your college in the front ranks.

M.M.H., '20

"Social Spirit at Marywood"

We are proud, and that pride we feel is not only pardonable, but justified, as we look back over the four happy yet busy years just passed and realize the noble work accomplished. We have little to regret, for we feel that we have not only worked faithfully, but we have striven also to foster in every way the spirit that welds the individual members of the College into one loyal group, that breaks down the barriers of reserve and aloofness, and that prevents the formation of cliques. The social spirit has been earnestly fostered and encouraged by the faculty, zealously seconded by the students. We look back in wonderment when we see how much we have already done or helped to do in this way. From our little social reunions in our early Freshman days, to the larger public affairs held by the more dignified Juniors and Seniors, we can recall no failure. Each joyous hour proved a little happier and more joyous than the one before; yet each stands out alone in the tender memories that it awakens. The same spirit which has worked diligently as a unit for the intellectual perfection of Marywood has worked also, with the same generous impulse, to make Marywood a center of true and pure social life.

M. C. S., '19.


One of the most important departments in a College for women is that which has for its aim the physical development of the students. In this department is fostered that spirit of emulation on which, in a large degree, depends the whole spirit of the College. It is usually the mind of the student who takes an active part in athletics which proves to be the most original and the most alert and which has the energy to carry out the most ambitious plans. This was realized when our curriculum was arranged. An excellent course in Physical Culture is laid down for us, and we could have no more proficient instructor than Professor Moore. It is for us to take full advantage of these opportunities and make Marywood's record in the de­partment of athletics an enviable one. A spirit of friendly rivalry results from athletic contests, which, at the same time that it makes each eager to surpass the other, binds all into one solid tie of loyalty to Alma Mater. It shakes off the lethargy that hours of desk work and poring over books induces. The student interested in athletics never develops into a book worm. She is energetic, enthusiastic and develops a "sound mind in a sound body." She is known by her springing step, her clear eyes, her graceful carriage and her alert manner. The hours she spends out of the class room restore her mental vitality, so that she comes back to it ready to do battle roval with musty facts and figures.  Initiative, daring and "stick-to-it-iveness" are among the traits that distinguish the athletic girl from her bookish companion and make her come out the victor in the race of life as well as in the competitions of College.

         To the credit of Marywood, be it said that the majority of its students are of this type. As a result, Marywood is rapidly and steadily forging ahead. The co-operation of teachers and students assures success to every undertaking. But the work is only begun. Let those who follow us snatch up the torch where we must drop it and continue the work until Mary­wood, both as an intellectual guide and an athletic center, has reached the pinnacle of fame.

K. A. C, '19.

"League for Promotion of Modesty in Dress"

         The object of the league is not only to promote modesty among the students themselves, but to advocate it among those with whom the members come in contact or over whom they may have influence directly or indirectly. By pledging them­selves to this cause, the students do not have to "dress behind the times" as some may think; but they can follow the present day fashions in so far as they do not violate the requirements of modesty. The members endeavor through their influence and efforts to have others accept the decrees of fashion only in so far as they comply with the laws of modesty, and thus com­mand for woman the love and respect which are due her. They would not have woman, as the modern materialistic trend would make her, the slave and tool of fashions set by a pagan world— men and women who live for time alone and not for the God who created them. Catholic women believe that their bodies are temples of the Holy Ghost and that they must "veil them as the Jews of old veiled from profane gaze their Holy of Holies." In establishing the league, Marywood girls have proved their love for the beautiful virtue of Christian modesty and their determination to live up to their convictions. They realize that modesty is the safeguard of the pearl of all womanly virtues, Chastity, and they are resolved that it shall not be weakened or destroyed by the arbiters of fashion.

The students of Marywood are not alone in their crusade for modest dress, for shortly after the formation of the League, the International Federation of Catholic Alumnae issued an appeal for modesty in woman's dress. It bases its plea on the ideals of womanhood held by the boys returning from "over there." It asks: "Are the boys we sent over to fight for womanhood to return to find their own women were not worth the sacrifice?" The movement is now a prominent one in Catholic College circles. From there, it is expected that it will spread to Catholic womanhood in general, and that gradually all women, of whatever age and belief, will be brought under its influence. But a few years should suffice to bring all women together into one solid phalanx, animated by the one aim and desire—to make woman the noblest and purest of God's crea­tures, inspiring, as God foreordained, the highest respect of all.

M. J., '19.

"The Americanization of Music"

         Nearly a hundred and fifty years ago, America asserted her independence of all foreign rule and control, and, for nearly one hundred and fifty years, America has been slavishly bending in homage before all things foreign in the realm of music. At last, a faint line of hope appears on the horizon—we are about to shake off the shackles of foreign art and artists and give due recognition to American art and American artists. Hence­forth, we will recognize and applaud talent wherever it exists— we will praise talent for talent's sake and not for the name it bears. The war has leveled the nations, has dispelled the mist through which we looked with reverence at whatever bore the foreign label, has brought us to a realization of our own sterling worth and our great possibilities. City after city and State after State have taken up the movement to foster American music and encourage American musicians. If the tendency takes steady root and overcomes the old-time notion that music has its birthplace only in the European countries, an impetus will be given to American composers and artists which will reveal the high genius of the country and place America in the forefront of musical ranks.  American artists will no longer be obliged to spend a year or two studying in Europe; nor will they have to don foreign-sounding names before their merit can be recognized.  The movement is a splendid one and worthy of our active and hearty encouragement. Let us show ourselves hereafter fearless and independent judges, acknowledging and rewarding talent wherever it may be found, and showing a laudable preference for that which has developed under our own skies, in our own land.

G.B., '19.

"Welcome Home, Heroes!"

          The ghastly and heart-rending scenes of battle are now over for you, and with quick-beating hearts and light step, you march under the victory arches of your beloved country. Like the heroes that you are, you smile, and conceal the look that would tell of suffering and hardship.   We have not been wit­nesses to your brave deeds, but in each American heart lies the realization of what you have done for humanity.  The ideals of America are no longer dreams, because you have made them live, and, doing so, have made Democracy the hope of the world. We bow our heads in deepest reverence to those of you who have made the supreme sacrifice.   We cannot pay for life's blood. so the nation's debt and ours lies buried with our fallen heroes.

         You who are returning have not broken faith with your brothers, and as you go along a million rays from the glory of your manliness make bright the way. With love, admiration and unspeakable gratitude in our souls, we welcome you home— Our Sons of Liberty! To have you with us again makes life brighter and deeper.  A thousand welcomes!

 Mildred W. Walker, '19.

On the twenty-second of June, 1919, the first class will be graduated from Marywood, and on the following day the seven­teen members will organize the Alumnae of the College. For this year only, Alumnae Day will follow graduation. It is hoped that in other years this day will take a prominent place in the week of festivities preceding the Commencement Exercises when all the former Collegians can return to their Alma Mater for "auld acquaintance" sake and take part in the graduation of other classes.

May each succeeding year add a large number to the Asso­ciation born this year—girls filled with love for Alma Mater and with the determination of carrying out her principles in their daily lives. May the Alumnae be ever a support and a source of pride to Marywood!

The Faculty and Students offer sincere sympathy to Miss Loretta Haggerty, '21, on the death of her sister, also to Miss Madeline Stockman, '20, on the death of her mother.

          Marywood College was opened on the Feast of Our Lady's Nativity, September 8, 1915. The opening Mass was cele­brated by the Right Reverend M. J. Hoban, D. D., Honorary President of the new College. The Right Reverend Bishop gave an eloquent and forcible address on the Higher Education of Women. After Mass, the members of Marywood's first class, who had assembled in the auditorium, were introduced to the Right Reverend Bishop, who congratulated them on the distinction they were to enjoy, that of being the foundation pillars of the new College of Marywood. The Bishop earnestly exhorted them to put forth every effort to make their college career a blessing to themselves and an inspiration to others, who would naturally look to them as exponents of the higher edu­cation of women.

          After the Bishop's address, the great bell summoned the members of the class to the College Assembly room, where the work of the year was outlined and we were made acquainted with the rules and regulations. Then a holiday was declared and part of the morning was spent on the grounds. The day closed with Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

          A pleasant feature of the opening day was the cordial message of congratulations sent by the Senior Priest of the Scranton Diocese, the Reverend N. J. McManus. the worthy pastor of Holy Rosary Church, North Scranton. In grateful recognition of Father McManus' greeting, the following tele­gram was sent to the venerable priest: "The Faculty and Stu­dents of Marywood College gratefully acknowledge the cour­tesy and kindness of the Senior priest of the Scranton Diocese on the occasion of the Birthday of Marywood College."

          The following young ladies answered to the Roll Call on opening day: Kathleen Howley, Madeline Larkin, Maria Joyce, Clare McCann, Marie Fleming, Geraldine Burke, Pauline Seddon, Marie Orr, Mary Tierney, Mary Groeszinger, Margaret Mills, Bernice Hillis, Angela Griffin, Agnes Leonard, Mary Lynott, Katharine Gavin and Marian Kendrick. Later, the number in the class was augmented by the entrance of the following young ladies: Regina Sullivan, Mil­dred Walker, Grace Croghan, Evelyn Banks, Margaret Mur­ray, Helen McHugh, Mary Howley, Margaret Mullin, Mary Loftus, Marie Downes and Cecilia Dwyer.

          September 29,—Feast of St. Michael, the patronal feast day of our Right Reverend Bishop.

           In honor of the feast, an entertainment was held in the College Auditorium. During the entertainment, the Right Reverend Bishop invested the members of the first College Class in Cap and Gown. The petition and names were read by the Rev. J. A. Boyle, LL. D., Professor of Latin and Phi­losophy in the new College. After the investiture, the class sang the College song "Marywood," and were enthusiastically applauded. The Right Reverend Bishop then addressed the students. In his address, the Right Reverend Bishop dwelt at some length on the significance of the event of the evening and of its importance in the annals of Marywood. The future of Marywood College, he told the young ladies, would depend in a large measure on its first class. The Reverend Professors in the new College had assured him, the Bishop said, that the young ladies comprising the first class were all that could be desired—a bright, earnest, industrious and enthusiastic body of young women—intent on their studies and anxious to prove themselves worthy of the advantages afforded them. He coun­selled them to keep up the reputation. This it is that would attract other students to the College and Marywood would soon become an important factor in the advancement of the higher education of women.

          The priests present at the entertainment were the Reverend Thomas McHugh, Professor of Religion and Greek at Mary­wood; Reverend Dr. A. Brennan, Reverend Dr. W. Kealey, Reverend Dr. J. Feeley, Reverend J. J. McGuchin and Rev­erend P. Cawley.

          October 15.—Feast of St. Teresa. Saint Teresa had been chosen as one of the patronesses of the College, and it was re­solved to make the first celebration of the feast a noteworthy one. The Day Students were invited to spend the eve of the feast as guests of the College. The next morning all assisted at Holy Mass in the College Chapel and received Holy Communion. After Mass, Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacra­ment was given. In the afternoon the Class organization was effected, with the following result: President, Marie Fleming; Vice-President, Madeline Larkin; Recording Secretary, Geraldine Burke; Corresponding Secretary, Marie Joyce; Treas­urer, Mary Tierney.

          October 23.—A college paper, for private circulation, was planned. "The Marywood Chronicle" was the name chosen for the paper. The Misses Eleanor Legnard, Regina Sullivan, Grace Croghan, Evelyn Banks and Kathleen Howley com­posed the staff.

          October 30.—Mr. C. E. Griffiths lectured on Dante in the afternoon, and gave readings from the "Divine Comedy." In the evening, Mr. Griffiths gave readings from the "Merchant of Venice" and "Midsummer Night's Dream."

          October 31.—The College Students were the guests of the Seminarians at a grand Hallowe'en party.

          November 22, 23, 24.—First Quarterly Examinations. Results very satisfactory.

          November 25, 26.—Thanksgiving Holidays.

          December 8.—Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Patronal Feast of the College. Organization of the Sodality of the Immaculate Conception. Celebration in honor of Mary Immaculate.

          December 21.—Christmas Entertainment. The Morality Play, "Eager Heart," given in the College Auditorium. Christmas vacation.

          December 28.—Dr. Nathan C. Schaeffer, State Superin­tendent of Education, visited the College. He inspected the equipment and made many valuable suggestions with regard to the Science Department and the Libraries.

          December 30.—The Ceremonies of Reception and Profes­sion held in the College Chapel. The occasion was one of spe­cial interest to Marywood's first class, since three of its mem­bers received the holy habit of religion.

          January 6.—The Alumnae Association of Mount Saint Mary's held a tea for the benefit of the new College. The members of the Alumnae attended in large numbers and ex­pressed themselves as being in cordial sympathy with the Col­lege movement.

          January 18-25.—Mid-Year Examinations. Dr. James J. Walsh, New York City, begins Special Course of Lectures in Experimental Psychology.

          February 1.—Celebration in honor of St. Brigid, one of the patronesses of the College. An original poem, "St. Brigid," read.

          February 3.—The class, under the direction of our Right Reverend Bishop, had the pleasure of viewing the partial eclipse of the sun, which took place on this day. Incidentally, the eclipse served to clear up many erroneous ideas we had enter­tained about the sun and its eclipses.

          In the evening, Reverend J.J. MacCabe, of Wilkes-Barre, inaugurated the series of lectures planned by the Alumnae of Mount Saint Mary's. The first lecture was an inspiring one on the subject of "Efficiency.'' a topic that was just then ap­pealing most forcibly to the minds of all.

          February 5-6.—Dr. J. J. Walsh lectures.

          February 10.—A delightful lecture on "Life and the Op­portunity to Live" was given in the Auditorium of the College by Miss Katharine Toohey. The question of social service as one of our opportunities was cleverly treated.

          February 11-12.—Dr. James J. Walsh lectures.

          February 10.—Reverend J. Mulholland gave an illuminat­ing history of the Formation of the Constitution of the United States. The lecture gave evidence of painstaking research and was a scholarly exposition of a document of which every American is justly proud.

          February 24.—Miss Katharine Moran. Supervisor of Pri­mary Instruction in the city schools, lectured on "Myths, Legends and Folk-Lore and How They Aid in Language Training." The interest of the lecture was heightened by the illustration of Folk Songs given by Miss Susan Burns, Super­visor of Music.

          March 3. —Reverend Brother Maurice, of St. Thomas Col­lege, entertained an appreciative audience with a graphic ac­count of the "Life and Labors of St. John Baptist de La Salle." Brother Maurice proved conclusively that the founder of the Christian Brothers is entitled to be called the Pioneer of Modem Pedagogy.

          March 10.—"Our Wants and How We Satisfy Them" was the title of a lecture delivered this evening by Reverend John Featherstone of the Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Reverend Father Featherstone is an interesting speaker and gave his hearers many valuable suggestions.

          March 16.—Great preparations were made for the ex­pected visit of His Excellency Governor Martin G. Brum­baugh. The Governor did not come—but our Right Reverend Bishop, accompanied by Monsignor Lavelle, of New York, honored us with a visit. We gave our unexpected guests a right royal welcome and an Irish entertainment.

          March 17.—Holiday and entertainment in honor of Saint Patrick.

          March 15-20.Lectures by Dr. Walsh.

          April 16.—Miss May Collins, of Philadelphia, gave an ex­cellent reading of Ben Hur. In the evening a Retreat for the Students was opened by the Reverend Father Vincent, C.P.

          April 19.—Close of the Retreat- Beginning of the Easter vacation.

          April 25.—Organization of the Theresian Dramatic Society. Preparations begun for the celebration of the Shakes­peare Tercentenary.

          May 1.—"The Marywood Chronicle" made its appear­ance. The first number was devoted to Shakespeare and Cer­vantes.

          May 2.—A theatre party was formed to witness the per­formance of "The Merchant of Venice." The Class was ac­companied by our two Reverend Professors, Reverend J. A. Boyle, LL.D., and Reverend T. McHugh. J. C. L.

          May 3.Organization of the St. Brigid Society. This Society has for its aim the study of the Art and Science of Journalism.

          First debate, held in the College Library. The subject of the debate was: Resolved, that woman exerts a greater in­fluence in the home than in the business world. The Misses Gavin and Howley argued for the affirmative. The Misses Pauline Seddon and Kathleen Howley upheld the negative.

          The programme of today's Organ Recital given by Pro­fessor O'Connor was a representative one.  The selections given were all from the Masters of the Organ—Guilmant, Bach, Gigout, Dethier and Wedar. The “Adoro Te” of Boellman breathed that spirit of devotion which the organ alone of all musical instruments is capable of producing. The selections from Liszt, St. Francis Preaching to the Birds, was beautifully descriptive of that touching scene in the life of the gentle Saint. Much sympathy and great beauty of tone marked the playing of “The Angelus of Mailly.” “Gigout’s Grand Chorus” was inspiring and showed to advantage the deep mellow tones of the instrument. “The Toccato” of Barnes made a splendid climax to an unusually brilliant programme.

          May 5.—Oratorical Contest.

          May 7.—Forty Hours Devotion opened in the College Chapel. The sermons were preached by the Rev. M.F. Corrigan, of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Dunmore, and Rev. Paul Kelly, of the Cathedral.

          League for the Promotion of Modesty in Dress formed. Members pledged themselves to promote modesty in dress by word and example.

          May 28.—May Procession and Coronation of Our Lady of Victory. Sermon on Our Blessed Lady preached by Rev. J.  Boyle, LL. D., College Chaplain.

          May 31.—The Theresian Dramatic Society presented scenes from "Peg o' My Heart." The proceeds of the play were given to our Right Reverend Bishop for the new Indus­trial School for Boys, St. Michael's.

          June 14.—Rose Tree Festival on Campus.

          June 17.—Campus play, "Midsummer Night's Dream.” Play was followed by Alumnae Reception and Luncheon.

          June 19.The ceremony of the Turning of the Tassels took place in the College Assembly room. After the chorus, “The College That We Love Best,” the Class Poem, written by Miss Legnard, was read by Miss Griffin. Miss Gavin fol­lowed with a clever sketch entitled "Behind the Scenes." The sketch threw much light on various mysterious happenings of the year. A procession was then formed, and each one in turn had her tassel turned. The turning of the tassels proclaimed the class Marywood’s first Sophomores. After the turning of tassels, Miss the Fleming, Class President, paid a fitting tribute to Marywood, its President and Faculty.  Miss Sullivan eulogized the Class Officers. Miss Fleming, on behalf of the Class, presented Marywood with a beautiful copy of the Sistine Madonna. Mother Superior accepted the picture on behalf of the College and thanked the Class. Mother then presented each member of the Class with a copy of "Bernadette of Lourdes."

          Prizes given by Dr. Walsh for the highest average in Ex­aminations held at the end of the lecture course in Experi­mental Psychology, were presented to Miss Fleming and Miss Sullivan. Mother Superior congratulated the Class on the splendid work of the year, and wished them a happy vacation.

          The Cecilian Glee Club gives Concert. Among the num­bers was the dainty little operetta, "A Garden of Japan."

          June 21.—Class in Home Economics gives fine exhibit of work in Cooking, Sewing and Millinery. Rev. P. Guilday. Ph. D., of the Catholic University, gives Commencement Address to Seminarians.

          September 18.—In accordance with the State regulations, made to prevent the spread of the dreaded Infantile Paralysis, the opening of the College was postponed. It was not until September 18th that we had the pleasure of meeting the mem­bers of the incoming Freshman Class. They were: Ruth Little, Margaret Hays, Genevieve Mundy, Helena Kunze, Mary McGowan, Nora Flannery, Esther Walsh, Lucy Gordon, Catherine Caldwell, Angenetta Caldwell, Regina Don­nelly, Loretta Flynn, Helen Comerford, Mercedes Jordan, Alice Dawson, Margaret McCloskey, Madeleine Stockman, Teresa Stokes, Helen Hackett, Mary Mason, Kathleen Gilroy and Gertrude Kelly.

A shrine of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was erected on the College grounds to the memory of Sr. M. Carmel, by her brother, Mr. John Gallagher, of Kansas City.

          October 1.—Students gave an entertainment in honor of ourRight Reverend Bishop, and also in honor of the Golden Jubilee of the City of Scranton. The address of greeting to the Right Reverend Bishop was a brief history of the work and progress of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Scranton The remainder of the programme was made up of Music, Songs and an original play, "A Romance in One Act," written to commemorate the birth of the City of Scranton.

          Dr. Walsh begins course of lectures in Physiological Psy­chology.

          October 3.—To-day the great Educational Parade was held. It was an important feature of the celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the city, every educational institution in the city being represented. It was Marywood's first appearance in public, and judging from the comments heard, the students made a very favorable impression. “Can you tell me what institution in your city does that dignified body of young women represent?” asked a visiting dignitary on the reviewing stand. “Yes sir; they are from Marywood College.” “A fine body of young women, dignified and modest,” was the enthusiastic re­sponse. A very favorable impression was also made by the students of St. Thomas College. “The boys of St. Thomas are manly men, and the young ladies of Marywood womanly women,” was the universal verdict.

          October 15.—Feast of St. Teresa. The Sophomore Class held a meeting to-day for the election of officers. The re­sult was as follows: Marie Fleming, President; Madeleine Larkin, Vice-President; Geraldine Burke, Secretary, and Mary Loftus, Treasurer.

          The Freshman Class also held an election for Class offi­cers, Miss Fleming, President of the Sophomore Class, pre­siding. The following were elected: President, Gertrude Kelley; Vice-President, Teresa Stokes; Secretary. Ruth Little; Treasurer, Margaret Hayes. 

          October 17.—Marywood College acquired the beautiful Cleland country estate at Mt. Cobb. The estate was named St. Joseph's Place. On account of the large conservatory, the new property will be a valuable adjunct to the Biological De­partment of the College.

          October 16.—The Sophomores entertained the Freshmen at a Baby Party. The Sophomores looked very charming in their white dresses, caps and aprons. "The Wise Old Owl" presided, and the "little tots" were very well behaved.

          October 26.—Organization of the Athletic Association. Miss Mary Groeszinger was elected President. The other officers elected were: Vice-President, Mercedes Jordan; Secre­tary. Grace Croghan; Treasurer, Mary Loftus.

          October 31.—Hallowe’en. The College Students were the guests of the Seminarians at a Character Costume party. The characters were well chosen and many of them very amusing.

          November 15.—Members of the Dramatic Club enter­tained the Faculty and Students with An Evening with James Whitcomb Riley. Miss Loughran epitomized the life of the poet and paid a fine tribute to the worth of his work. Several selections from the poet's poems were given by different mem­bers of the Club. The readings were well chosen and sym­pathetically interpreted.

          November 26.Musical Recital in honor of St. Cecilia.

          December 11.—Christmas Bazaar. For many days, the Harmony Room was the center of attraction. The daintily arranged Christmas gifts found ready purchasers.

          Application for a Charter for Marywood appears this week in all the county newspapers.

          December 15.—Madame Leginska and Paul Reimers gave a noteworthy programme this afternoon in the College Audi­torium. Madame Leginska played Beethoven's Sonata Pathetique. Etude in A Minor; Chopin, Prelude No. 17; Liszt's Rhapsody No. 8. Mr. Reimers sang selections from Old English Ballads. Russian and German Folk Songs and Arias from Italian Operas.

          December 21.—Christmas Entertainment. Vacation be­gins.

          January 4.College reopens.

          January 22-29.Mid-Year Examinations.

          February 14.Valentine Day. Valentine Party. Miss Ria Nobechi, of Tokio, Japan, lectured to-day. Miss Nobechi is a teacher in a girls' boarding school in her home city. She speaks very good English, and held the close attention of her audience while she told them of Japan, its history, the work of the missionaries. She drew a striking picture of the contrast between our customs and those of Japan, especially with regard to courtship and marriage. From the impression Miss Nobechi made on her auditors, she certainly accomplished more than her modest desire "to arouse the attention of her auditors in order to induce them to read a little more material on Japan."

          February 22.—Washington's Birthday. Entertainment. Colonial Banquet.

          February 23.—Mr. F.J. O'Connor, Professor of Music, lectured on the early English. French and Italian Schools of Music. The lecture was largely interpretative, the lecturer illustrating his talk by playing parts of the different composi­tions of the composers of these early schools. Byrd, Bull, Gib­bons and Purcell of the English School received special atten­tion. The compositions of Fully, Coupenon and Rameau were selected from the French School. The Italian Masters were represented by Trescobalde and Scarlatti. The programme closed with a selection from a German composer Craconna bv Pachebel.

          March 3.—A meeting of the College and University Council was held at Harrisburg for the purpose of talkng up the petition of Marywood College, Scranton, for permission to confer degrees. There were present at the Council the follow­ing members: J. H. Harris, President of Bucknell College; K. F. Smith, of the University of Pennsylvania; S. B. Mc-Cormick. of the University of Pittsburgh; H.H. Apple, of Franklin and Marshall; W.H. Crawford, of Allegheny Col­lege; Edwin E. Sparks, of State College; H. S. Drinker, of Lehigh University; Nathan C. Schaeffer, State Superintend­ent of Schools, and the Attorney General, S. Brown. The petition was favorably received by the Council, and a com­mittee was appointed to visit Marywood College. The com­mittee was composed of the following members of the Council: Dr. J.H. Harris, President of Bucknell College: Dr. Edwin E. Sparks, President of State College, and Dr. Henry S. Drinker, President of Lehigh University.

          March 10.—Entertainment in honor of St. Patrick.

          March 17.—Freshmen entertained Sophomores at an Irish Party.

          March 18.—At the invitation of Rev. Dr. A. J. Brennan, Director of the Catholic Choral Club, the students attended the annual Musical of the Club, The Orechetas. Irish Music was the feature of the evening.

          March 28-24.—Miss Goessman, Professor of English Literature at Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts, lectured on "Women in Education." Miss Goessman laid par­ticular emphasis on the work of Hannah More and Mary Lyons, the foundress of Mount Holyoke. She also gave an interesting account of Helena Van Russo, the nun of Gandersheim, whose work in Saxony has had such lasting influence.

          March 25.—Rev. Paul Kelly, of the Cathedral, read Mass this morning for us and preached a sermon, "The Efficiency of Prayer."

          March 31.—The Annual Retreat for the Students opened under the direction of Rev. Father Maurice, C. P., Rector of St. Ann's Monastery.

          April 4.Opening of the New College Library.

          April 11.—The Committee appointed by the College and University Council visited Marywood today. On their arrival they were met by Mother Superior and our Reverend Profes­sors, Rev. Dr. J. A. Boyle and Rev. T. McHugh, J.C.L. The inspectors made a tour of the whole College, visiting class-rooms, laboratories, libraries, etc., in order to appraise the educational equipment. At the end of the investigation, the gentlemen ex­pressed themselves as well pleased with all that they had seen and heard. Later, they were joined by our Right Reverend Bishop and the two attorneys of Marywood, Messrs. Murray and Hoban. At the close of the business meeting, luncheon was served.

          Our Right Reverend Bishop graciously granted the stu­dents a half-holiday.

          April 12.—Students attended the Josef Hoffman Concert in the Strand Theatre.

          April 20.—Today a splendid debate was held at St. Thomas College. We had the pleasure of attending the debate at the kind invitation of the Faculty of the College.

          April 21.—The Misses Burke and Kearney, students in the Music Department, gave a Musical Recital.

          April 26.—Chaperoned by Rev. J. A. Boyle, LL. D., the students attended "La Revue Orientale" at the Strand Theatre. We were interested auditors, since three of our number, the Misses Fleming, Burke and Griffin, took part as maids of the Orient.

          May 1.—May Coronation in the College Assembly Room. The Coronation was followed by an Organ Recital given by Professor O’Connor. Selections from Bach, Handel, Dethier, Rheinburger, Widar and Gigout were played.

          May 6.—Forty Hours’ Devotion opened in the College Chapel. Mass of Exposition was celebrated by Rev. J.A. Boyle, LL.D. The sermon, Sunday evening, was preached by Rev. Connell McHugh, of St. Paul’s Church, Green Ridge. Rev. Joseph Gagion preached the sermon Monday evening.

          May 7. —Oratorical Contest.

          May 14.—Rogation Days. Blessing of the fields.

          May 15-16. — Lectures by Dr. J. J. Walsh on Telepathy, Ghosts and Phantasms. Delegates in attendance at the National Convention of the Women's Catholic Benevolent As­sociation visited Marywood.

          May 23.—This will ever be a memorable day in the annals of Marywood College. On this day the College and University Council assembled in Harrisburg, granted to Marywood Col­lege the coveted charter. This Charter enables Marywood to grant degrees in the Liberal Arts, Music and the Science of Household Economics.

          May 24.— Feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians. A holiday in honor of the granting of the Charter. The Reverend Brothers of St. Thomas College send congratulations to Mary­wood and join in the celebration at Marywood by granting a holiday to their students.  In the afternoon the students of St. Thomas organized an automobile party and took the Marywood students to St. Joseph's Place, where luncheon was served by the Sisters. Our Right Reverend Bishop sends congratula­tions and a treat of ice cream.

          May 9.—Examinations held by Dr. James J. Walsh in the Special Lecture Course. Accompanying the returns of the ex­aminations later were two letters from Dr. Walsh complimenting the students on the excellence of the showing made at the examination. The commendations were highly appreciated.

          June 14.— A farewell breakfast was given to the students who had finished a two years’ Special Course in the College. The breakfast was served at 11 o'clock in the Auditorium, which was prettily decorated in red, white and blue.

          June 17. —High mass was celebrated in the College Chapel by Rev. T. McHugh, J. C. L. The students' choir sang. The Baccalaureate Sermon was preached by the Rev. Dr. J. A. Boyle.

          June 18. The Cecilian Glee Club gave its annual concert. The first part of the programme was made up of solos and choruses. The second part was a cantata, “St. Teresa, or the
Garden of the Soul." There is an unusually large number of fine voices in the Club, and the singing was marked by artistic finish, in every detail. 

          June 19.—The Teresian Dramatic Society gave Class Play.

          June 20.—St. Thomas College celebrated the silver jubilee of its foundation on this day. The students of Marywood at­tended the Pontifical High Mass said in the Cathedral to commemorate the anniversary. The Right Reverend Bishop M. J. Hoban, D. D., the celebrant of the Mass, also preached. In his sermon the Right Reverend Bishop gave the history of the Col­lege from its foundation. As early as 1880, the Bishop said, his venerated predecessor, the Right Reverend William O'Hara, D.D., had conceived the idea of founding a college in the Scranton Diocese.  His plan was to have the Jesuits take charge. The project did not materialize, and it was not until 1892 that the Bishop saw his way open to found a College. In that year, the corner stone of the College was laid by the Rev. F. C. Hurst, now Chaplain of the Mercy Hospital, Wilkes-Barre. For the first five years after the College opened, all the teaching was done by the priests of the Diocese. At the end of that time the Xaverian Brothers were invited to take charge. They remained but one year, and were succeeded by the Christian Brothers. The College has been most successful and has at the present time an enrollment of three hundred and twenty. The Right Reverend Bishop attributed its success to the educational system pursued. It has religion for its basis, therefore its success is assured. The Bishop enlarged upon the idea of discipline, the training of the will as a part of Christian education. He instanced the admiration felt and expressed by the College Presidents who had visited Marywood College for the admirable discipline they had witnessed, as a proof that Catholic Colleges and schools do afford that discipline of mind and heart that is so essential to true education.

            Long live St. Thomas College, and when St. Thomas celebrates another Jubilee twenty-five years from now, may Marywood’s silver lustre enhance St. Thomas’ golden glow.

            Seminary Commencement held to-day. The address was given by the Reverend Edward A. Pace, Ph.D., S.T.D., LL.D., of the Catholic University. The subject of the address was “The Ideal and Purpose of a Christian Education.”

            Nine College students received certificates of Proficiency in the special courses which they had elected. In the Two Years’ Course in the Science of Home Economics, certificates were awarded to the Misses Margaret Evelyn Banks, Grace Elizabeth Croghan, Mary Marjorie Howley, Mary Frances Loftus. In the Secretarial Course, the Misses Regina Powers Donnelly, Mercedes Elizabeth Jordan and Mary Magdalen Mason received certificates. A Teacher’s Certificate in Music was given to the Misses Kathleen Adelaide Gilroy and Helen Cecilia Hackett.

            June 30.—A movement that is destined to bear much fruit was inaugurated to-day when a Retreat for Women was opened at Marywood College. The Retreat Master is Reverend Father Delihant, S.J.

            St. Joseph’s Place was opened to-day as a Summer Home for the Sisters. Our Right Reverend Bishop said Mass in the Chapel of St. Joseph’s, reserved the Blessed Sacrament, and then blessed the Convent, outbuildings and fields.

            September 10.—The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary falling on Saturday, the opening of the College was transferred to Monday, September 10. On that morning, our Right Reverend Bishop celebrated Mass for us, and after Mass gave an exhortation long to be remembered by those who were present. The Bishop’s theme was the Higher Education of Women. The Bishop said that never before in the history of the world was there greater need for educated women—women educated in the truest sense of the word, the moral and the intellectual combined. Intellect alone will not suffice—the education of the heart and of the will must be combined with it in order that the result may be a well-balanced woman—a woman of character.

            Registered in the Freshman Class for this year were the following: Anna Loughran, Helen O'D. Carrol, Margaret Hayes, Bessie Blewitt, Irene Gaffney, Elizabeth Reardon, Elizabeth Horan, Clare Kelly, Gertrude O'Connor, Margaret O'Malley, Dorothy Burke, Mary MacDonald, Gertrude Kranz, Margaret O'Donnell, Louise Coogan, Octavia Foley, Loretta Haggerty, Regina Healey, Margaret Bernstein, Mar­garet Johns, Irene Weichel, Isabel Nichols.

            September 22.—Dr. Walsh begins course of lectures on the Psychology of the Will.

            September 29.—Entertainment in honor of the Patronal Feast of our Right Reverend Bishop. The address to the Bishop was given by Miss Caldwell. "The Archangel's Visit," a reading, was given by Miss Loughran. There were three choruses: Bella Napoli, Santa Lucia and the College Song of Marywood. At the close, the Right Reverend Bishop addressed the Students and declared a holiday.

            October 15.—Feast of St. Teresa. Freshman Class or­ganized. Miss Larkin. President of Student body, presided. Results were as follows: President. Elizabeth Reardon; Vice-President, Anna Loughran; Secretaries, Gertrude Kranz and Mary MacDonald; Treasurer, Gertrude O'Connor.

            October 24.—The Juniors entertained their Sister-Class, the Freshmen, at an Initiation Party. As the date was so near Hallowe'en, the affair took a Goblin form. The Initia­tion ceremonies were the source of much pleasure. The Sopho­more Class enjoyed a theatre party at the Strand.            

            October 28.—Dr. Walsh lectures on Spiritualism and Christian Science.

            November 4.—The College Students gave a reception in honor of Mother Superior's return from the West. Regina Sullivan gave the address of welcome. Readings were given by the Misses Griffin, Caldwell and Loughran. The Class Songs, composed for the occasion, were sung at the close.

            Organ Recital given by Mr. Reed. Among the numbers were: Entree du Cortege, from Messe de Marriage, Dubois; Romanza, Gounod; Andante in G. Batiste; Liebeslied, Greesler.

            November 26.—The Teresian Dramatic Club gave this evening a very clever presentation, entitled "Fads and Fancies at Marywood." Part One of the programme, "En Passant," showed the different members of the Junior Class as types of the Girls of the Period. The Marywood Girl was impersonated by Kathleen Howley. Then followed in quick succession "The 1917 Girl," habited in the latest fashion, Madeline Larkin; "Ye Olde Time Colonial Girl," Katharine Gavin: the sweet "Irish Colleen," Mary Lynott; the quaint gentle Japanese girl. Mildred Walker: the now familiar Knitting Girl, Agnes Leonard; the airy, fairy Summer Girl, Marie Fleming; the Common Sense Hoover Girl, Angela Griffin; the earnest Red Cross Nurse. Frances Caufield; the demure Quaker Girl, Geraldine Burke; and the Stately Liberty Girl, Regina Sullivan.

            Scenes from Justin McCarthy's "If I Were King" were given by Miss Anna Loughran. "An Outsider" was a clever College Play, revealing the inner workings of a Woman's Col­lege. The proceeds of the entertainment were given to the Red Cross.

            December 3.—Sam Gardner gave a delightful Violin Recital.

            December 6.—Through the courtesy of Mr. C. Hand, we enjoyed the exceptional privilege of hearing the world-re­nowned artists, the Cherniavsky Brothers. The trio visited the College and gave a generous programme. The first number was a charming Berceuse, played by the three brothers. Then followed three piano numbers and two violin numbers, one of them being Schubert's soulful "Ave Maria," the other a Mazurka by Wieniaivski. The violincello numbers which fol­lowed were a revelation of the harmony that this instrument is capable of producing under the hands of a skilful violincellist. Other numbers were three Persian Love Songs, and a composi­tion for Pianoforte, Violin and Cello arranged by the brothers.

            The same afternoon, Christine Miller visited the College. Miss Miller had no music with her and did not have long to stay but she consented to sing one song, "The Battle Hymn of the Republic." The song, Miss Miller said, would be her message to Marywood. The grand national anthem so appropriate to the times was sung in such a soulful manner as fairly to elec­trify her audience. Miss Miller's gracious personality charmed her hearers no less than her singing stirred their souls.

            December 9.—Harold Quinn Beesley. Professor of Eng­lish at the Catholic University, lectured here this evening on Our Lady in English Poetry. Mr. Beesley spoke of the influ­ence that devotion to the Mother of God has exercised in shap­ing the ideals of art and artists. This is especially true of the poetic art, Mr. Beesley said, for there is scarcely a poet of note in any language, but particularly in the English language, who has not embodied in his verse this vision of idealized womanhood. Mr. Beesley quoted largely from the English poets in proof of his assertion.

            December 20.—Bethlehem, a Nativity play, was given by the students in the College Auditorium.

            January 31.—Through the courtesy of Dr. Charles Hoban, Superintendent of the Dunmore Schools, the Students of Marywood had the pleasure of hearing a lecture given by Dr. John C. Freund on "Music in American Schools." Dr. Freund gave an interesting account of the efforts made in this country to give Music a place in the home and in the school. He also gave a brief history of the Musical Alliance. Dr. Freund's lecture was marked by forcefulness. simplicity and earnestness.

            February 14.—Saint Valentine's Day. Madame Leginska gives a musical programme. Sophomores entertain Juniors and Freshmen.

            February 15.—Students attended the unveiling of the Ser­vice Flag- of St. Thomas College.   The flag, which contains 150 stars, was blessed by the Right Reverend M. J. Hoban D D., President of the College.   The Bishop made a brief address on Loyalty.   An address was also made bv Mr P. Cusick. President of the Alumni of St. Thomas.       

            February 22.—Our Right Reverend Bishop visited Mary­wood this afternoon. He brought with him Abbe Flynn, a Chaplain in the French Army. The Abbe has leave of absence and is on a lecture tour in America. The Abbe was born in France and did not learn English until late in life, but he speaks it remarkably well. His visit to Marywood was a brief one, but before leaving he expressed himself as very much pleased with what he saw of our young but prosperous College.

            February 27.— The Feast of St. Brigid falls on February 1st, but, in some parts of Ireland, it is celebrated on the 27th. As the mid-year examinations were being held on February 1st, it was decided to postpone the celebration until the latter date. A fine programme was given in the College As­sembly Room. There was a hymn to Saint Brigid, composed by a member of the Class of 1919; Miss Loughran gave a reading—Saint Brigid. A paper on Joyce Kilmer was read by Miss Sullivan. Miss Fleming gave an inspiring talk on College Spirit. The programme closed with the chorus, "Mary-wood."

            March 15.—Miss Warfel, a noted performer on the Harp, visited the College and gave an excellent programme. Among the numbers were Priere, The Butterfly and March Militaire, by Hasselsmans; and Irish Airs.

            March 17.—Saint Patrick's Day. Madame Narelle and her accomplished daughter, Miss Marie Narelle, visited the College. Madame Narelle, assidsted by her daughter, gave us a fine programme of Irish music, ending with the stirring "O'Donnell Aboo."

            In the evening the Students entertained the Faculty and their friends with an Erin programme. "Back to Erin," an original one-act play, was given by the members of the Dra­matic Club.

            March 18.—To-day our Right Reverend Bishop, accom­panied by Monsignor Chidwick. President of St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York, visited the College. Mon­signor Chidwick found much pleasure in recalling the enthusi­asm with which he was received here on a former occasion, when the Nation was honoring him as the Chaplain hero of the Maine.

            March 22.—Reverend Father Price, of the Maryknoll Foreign Missionary Society, lectured to-day at the College. Father Price has the evangelization of China very much at heart, and loses no opportunity of trying to arouse a like interest in the hearts of others. In his address, Father Price asked the question: "How many of you young ladies want to go to China?" The question was so unexpected that it evoked a smile. Father Price then assured them that if the same question were asked in a Protestant College, it would meet with a hearty response. We Catholics, the Reverend Father went on to say, have been so busy evangelizing our own country that we have not had the time to think of other countries. Now our op­portunity has come to broaden out. The Great War has played havoc with the Foreign Missions, and we must do our part to repair the ravages. At the close of the lecture. Father Price distributed pledge cards, which all signed.

            March 23-26.—Annual Retreat for the Students. The Retreat was conducted by the Reverend Father Bertrand, C. P., of St. Ann's Monastery.

            March 27.—Dr. D. A. Webb, of the American Expedi­tionary Forces, visited Marywood to-day and gave a detailed account of the work of Doctors, Priests and Sisters in the hos­pitals of France. Dr. Webb gave a clear and interesting ac­count of the work of a medical division. The Doctor is home on a short furlough.  He sails again for France in a few days.

            April 4.—By far the most exciting event in the Scholastic activities at Marywood took place this afternoon, when the Junior and Sophomore classes were matched in their first public debate, before a large audience. The contest was held in the Auditorium. Reverend T. J. McHugh, Reverend Brother Maurice and Reverend Brother Ephrem were the judges. Reverend Dr. Boyle acted as chairman.

            For some days before the debate, class spirit on both sides was keen, and, at the hour appointed for the contest, wondrous heights of enthusiasm had been reached. Reverend Dr. Boyle announced the proposition, "Resolved, That Suffrage should be granted to women," with Miss Regina Sullivan the first speaker on the affirmative side. Miss Sullivan made an illumi­nating exposition of her convictions and led the audience to follow definitely and consistently every point she made. Miss Catherine Caldwell followed with a superb plea for non-suf­frage. Miss Caldwell, appreciating the fact that in effective argument, conviction and persuasion must exist together, put dramatic intensity into her eloquence, which made a tremendous impression and greatly pleased her audience.

            Miss Frances Caufield then took up the argument in favor of suffrage, and by her presentation gained much for her cause but Miss Genevieve Mundy's ardent conclusion and force of rhetoric convinced the listeners that the negatives had the mastery of the situation. Miss Caldwell's rebuttal placed that conviction beyond the shadow of a doubt.

            The judges confirmed the general expectation, and the speakers then exchanged congratulations.   Brother Maurice in conclusion, paid a high compliment to the young ladies of Marywood.   He said their work was not outclassed in any uni­versity he had visited here or abroad.

            April 14.—The second Public Debate took place this after­noon. The proposition was: "Resolved, That the Railways of the United States should be owned and operated by the Gov­ernment." The Misses Larkin and Fleming, of the Class of '19, argued for the affirmative; the Misses Walsh and Hays, '20, for the negative. The judges were the Reverend J. A. Boyle, LL. D., Reverend T.J. McHugh, J.C.L., and Rever­end W. P. Kealey, S.T.D. The decision was in favor of the affirmative.

            The Misses Larkin and Fleming deserve great praise for the clearness of their arguments, as well as for the wealth of data adduced. That both students are making practical appli­cation of their studies in Economics was evidenced by the proofs they gave of exact knowledge of present day problems. One argument advanced by Miss Fleming to the'effect that under the present government control, transportation has been considerably expedited, was forcibly illustrated by a well-drawn map, showing the new routes taken by the government and contrasting them with the old as to speed and efficiency.

            The negatives made an excellent showing and proved themselves worthy of their clever opponents. The victory was won by a small margin, as was the case in the debate of April 4th, when the Sophomores scored a victory over the Juniors.

            April 18.—The long-looked-for social event, the Dinner Dance, which was held this evening in the Hotel Casey, fully realized our fondest expectations. Everything smiled on us that evening—the weather was perfect, the dining room a bower of beauty, and the two hours given to dancing after dinner most enjoyable. Our Chaperones, the Mesdames Howley, Fleming, Walker, Leonard, Gavin and Sullivan, enjoyed the evening as much as did their daughters.

            April 30.—Previous to his embarkation for France, Chap­lain Dudley Tierney. of the 77th Field Artillery, came to bid good-bye to his friends at Marywood. The Soldier Priest ad­dressed the Faculty and Students, giving a detailed account of camp life as he found it in Camp Fort Ethan Allen, Camp Shelby and Camp Greene. Father Tierney's talk was most encouraging to the many Sisters and Students whose loved ones have answered our country's call. The zealous young priest pictured the joys and advantages of camp life in so bright a light that he made them feel happy. Father Tierney asked special prayers that God's grace might reach the hearts of His forgetful children. The cheerfulness of the young priest on the eve of his departure for the battlefield was an evidence of the admirable American spirit that gave our army courage to dare and do things before unheard of in history.

            May 1.—While the enthusiasm aroused by Father Tierney's address was still fresh in our hearts, we were honored by the visit of another soldier. Lieutenant John Burnett, an Immaculate Heart boy. Lieutenant Burnett is a famous singer. He consented to sing several songs, and then gave an interesting talk on the Morale of our Army. He paid a Splendid tribute to the American boy in camp.

            May 14.—Through the kindness of Mr. Frank Coghlan, we enjoyed a diversified and highly entertaining programme. The gentlemen who contributed to the entertainment of the evening were cleverly introduced by Attorney James Jordan. They were: Mr. Peter Walsh, the famous baritone soloist; Mr. Arnold Lohman, a violinist of note; Mr. Joseph Edwards, the sweet singer of Dundell; Mr. Con McCool, the funniest man in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and Mr. Harold Briggs, a re­nowned pianist. Mr. Coghlan and Mr. Reardon brought the programme to a close with an excellent presentation of the Woolsey-Cramner [sic] Scene in Henry VIII.

            To-day the Students of Marywood conducted a War Drive in War Stamps and Thrift Stamps. The entire Student body was given a holiday, which was devoted to the work of soliciting pledges. The Drive resulted in a return in pledges to the amount of $2,415.50. In order to show the readiness with which Marywood responded to each and every call in the present war, we give the following resume of 1917-1918:

War Stamp and Thrift Stamp Pledges...$2,415.50

Purchase of 5 Liberty Bonds................... 500.00

Contribution to the Knights of Columbus....200.00

Contribution to the Red Cross................. 170.00

Sweaters Knit for the Red Cross.............. 200.00

            May 5.—The Forty Hours' Devotion opened in the Col­lege Chapel. The sermon Sunday evening was preached by the Reverend G. A. Jeffrey, of Mount Carmel Church, Dunmore. The theme of the sermon was the Love of Jesus Christ. Reverend Father Malachy, C.P., preached Monday evening on Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

            May 22.—Examinations in Special Lecture Course.

            May 23.—An Organ Recital was given by Professor F. J. O'Connor. Among the numbers on the programme were: "Grand Choeur", Gigout; "Hymn to Our Lady", Tinel; "Variations on Ancient Christmas Hymns", Dethier; "Rhap­sody", Saint Saens; "Priere VIII" and "Finale, First Son­ata", Guilmant.

            May 28.—College Day. First anniversary of the grant­ing of Charter to Marywood.

            May 20.—May Procession and Crowning of the Statue of Our Lady of Victory. Sermon on Our Lady preached by Reverend Dr. Boyle.

            June 3-7.—Final Examinations.

            June 16.—High Mass celebrated in the College Chapel by the Reverend J. A. Boyle, LL. D. The Baccalaureate Sermon was preached by the Reverend W. P. Kealey, S.T.D., who took for his text, "Jesus Christ: the Same To-day, Yesterday and Forever." The Reverend Doctor descanted on the place of Christ in the life of every one. especially during the formative period of the early years, when all the forces that are brought to bear upon us make such an indelible impression. Christ in the education of the boy and girl is absolutely necessary, and only that education that has Christ for its centre, for its reason to be, will bear fruit for time and eternity. Dr. Kealey cau­tioned his young hearers against adopting the standards of the world, in judging success or failure. Success measured by the world's standard may be failure when measured by the standard of Christ. He advised them to hold fast the principles of the Christian education which they had received. He exhorted them ever to have in mind as the rule and guide of their con­duct the high ideals of their Alma Mater.

            Before the close of the Mass, Dr. Boyle addressed the Students, congratulating them on the fidelity they had ever shown in their work. At the conclusion of the Mass, the Stu­dents sang the Gloria from The Creation, Handel.

            In the afternoon Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacra­ment was given.

            June 17.—The Caecilian Glee Club gave its annual concert. Both the solo and chorus work gave evidence of careful training and keen appreciation of the best in vocal culture. Especially deserving of mention were the following: The Elgar number, "Fly, Singing Bird, Fly:" The Lark, Schubert, and the Gloria, Mozart. The pathetic Southern Lullaby, "Kentucky Babe," was well received, as was "The Swallow," Del Aqua. "When the Boys Come Home" struck a responsive chord. At the close of the concert, Reverend Dr. Boyle made an address com­plimenting the members of the Club on the excellence of their work.

            June 18.—The Misses Loughran and MacDonald gave a Dramatic Recital. This Recital was a most creditable one in every respect. The programme covered nearly every phase of dramatic interpretation, and brought out in an admirable man­ner the versatility of dramatic talent with which both young ladies are so richly endowed. Character sketches, impersona­tions, lyric and dramatic interpretations, were given with such complete and sympathetic understanding that one might be at a loss to know which to marvel at more—the gift of insight or the ease with which the transition was made from one character to another. Natural talent, culture of voice, enunciation, ges­ture and manner, were in evidence throughout.

            June 19.—The Teresian Dramatic Society gave a unique entertainment in the form of five One-Act Plays. Three of these plays had for their setting Eighteenth Century England, and so realistic was the impersonation of the different characters that one could almost fancy oneself transported to the London Coffee House to find oneself in the company of the celebrated Dr. Johnson and his devoted followers. Miss MacDonald, as Beau Nash, and Miss Larkin, as the Lady of the Portrait, made a realistic revival of Court days. Miss Wetter was a sweet unsophisticated Fanny Burney, unspoiled by the suc­cess of Evelina. Miss McDade as George Romney was very effective in her repentance.  Miss Caldwell as Mary Romney, the patient wife, was the center of a charming portrayal of the English country life of the period. Modern life formed the setting of the scene from "Happiness." Miss Healy was the rich Miss Pole. Miss Davis enacted the role of Shabby Jenny. The happy ending was a tribute to the poor little errand girl's sane philosophy of life.

            June 20.—Miss Helena Goessman, M. Ph., Professor of English at Amherst College, gave the Commencement Address. Her subject was '"Ideals in Education." Marywood Students received Certificates of Proficiency in Special Courses; the Misses Stockman, McCloskey and Dawson in the Science of Home Economies, and the Misses Bernstein, Griffin, Weichel, and Burke in the Secretarial Course.

            June 29.—The Reverend T. J. Delihant, S. J., tonight opened a Retreat for Young Women, with a registration of 96 retreatants. It is interesting to note that since the opening of the First Retreat given for Young Women at Marywood, six of the young ladies who had attended that Retreat, have en­tered Religion.

          September 9.—The College opened today with the cele­bration of Holy Mass by our Right Reverend Bishop. In addressing the Students at the close of the Mass, the Bishop said that we were beginning a new year that might prove the most momentous one in all history since the birth of Our Lord. He exhorted us to give our whole undivided attention to our studies. He reminded us of the one thing necessary and urged us to keep God first and foremost in our hearts. He encouraged us to build up a good strong character, such a character as would distinguish us through life as noble Catholic women.

          After breakfast, all were assembled in the Auditorium. Here the Bishop gave a splendid talk on the war and the political conditions of the different countries of Europe. At the request of the Students, the Bishop granted a half-holiday, which we were permitted to enjoy after the work for the next day had been outlined.

          The following young ladies registered for the Freshman Class: Lucille Beatty, Helen Spellman, Margaret Mitchell, Catherine Nealon, Marian Moyles, Virginia Callan, Cyrilla Ginley, Helen O'Hara, Dora Cummings, Mabel Costello, Josephine Murphy, May Toole, Margaret Quinn, Isabelle Carlin.

          September 18-19-20.—Lecture by Dr. J.J. Walsh on Cardinal Mercier, the Great Exponent of Experimental Psychology; also lectures on Camouflage, Old in Nature.

          September 29.—St. Michael's Day. The annual entertainment in honor of the patronal feast of our Right Reverend Bishop was held this evening. The address to the Bishop was given by Miss Caldwell. Miss Loughran gave a charming reading on the great Archangel Michael, "Sancta Lucia" "Marywood" and "The Star Spangled Banner" were sung in full chorus. The Bishop's address to the Students was in an unusually happy vein; and when, at the close, he kindly granted the coveted holiday, he was enthusiastically applauded.

          September 30.—Lecture by Dr. J.J. Walsh. Criminal Psychology. Stigmata of Degeneration.

          October 5.—The work of the College year was making steady progress, when, like a bolt from the blue, came the news that the dreaded scourge, the Spanish Influenza, was making such rapid progress in our city that it would be necessary to close the schools. This very day orders came from the State Department in Harrisburg. The Day Students were at once dismissed, but it was deemed advisable to keep the Resident Students in the College. In order to safeguard Marywood, a strict quarantine was at once declared. No visitors were admitted, and no student or inmate of the College was allowed off the Campus. Special prayers for protection were recited every day, and each one wore exposed a badge of the Sacred Heart. During the whole course of the epidemic not a single inmate of Marywood contracted the disease.

          October 6. —In response to a call from our Right Reverend Bishop for aid in staying the ravages of the Influenza Epidemic a number of Sisters were sent from Marywood to go out among the neglected poor in the city and surrounding towns. Volun­teers from the other convents gladly gave their services in hospitals and homes. Their help was welcomed, and every­where they were courteously received.

          October 7.—The Sisters took charge of St. Joseph's Shel­ter, where helpless little ones were cared for during the illness of their parents.

          October 24. —The monotony of the informal quarantine was relieved by the presentation of a play upon which the Resi­dent Students in the School of Expression had been engaged for some time. The play, "Six Cups of Chocolate," was a clever little sketch of modern life and afforded much amuse­ment.

          October 11.—An old-time Country Hallowe'en party was held in the Sky Parlor. Witches and Goblins were banished, and plain honest country folk in the quaint costumes of fifty years ago took their places.

          November 7.—In the midst of the general alarm and dis­tress came the welcome news that the war was over. Shortly after dinner, Mr. Barrett, of the Republican, telephoned to us that the armistice was to be signed at one o'clock. The joyful news soon spread throughout the College, and when the bells of the city confirmed the glad tidings, the entire household assem­bled in the Chapel to offer fervent thanksgiving to God.   In a glorious Te Deum all hearts poured forth their gratitude to God.

          November 8.—A distraction in the form of an Aeroplane Exhibition held to-day, helped to make up for our disappointment in not getting the "peace holiday " on the 7th. The aeroplane meet was to take place on the Country Club grounds, and as these grounds adjoin ours, the hills around Marywood were soon covered with thousands of spectators. Hundreds of our friends joined us on the grounds of Marywood, where a splendid view was to be had of the aerial flights of the bird-men. One of them circled around Marywood so close to the building that the aviator could plainly be seen. The exhibition was a wonderful one and was continued at intervals during the week.

          November 11.—We were awakened very early this morn­ing by the gongs and bells of the entire city announcing the cessation of the war. All felt that our Divine Lord had heard the prayers of weary hearts the world over. Our Holy Com­munions were offered in thanksgiving. The prayer, "We fly to thy patronage, O Holy Mother of God," which we had been saying during the war, was now changed to a prayer to the Holy Ghost for the guidance of those engaged in the Peace Conference.

          To-day the Influenza ban was lifted, and we were happy to welcome the Day Students.

          November 13.—Dr. Walsh lectures on Manias: Mono­mania, Dipsomania, Kleptomania, and on Defectives.

          November 16.—The officials of the Borough of Throop, a suburb of Scranton, where the Sisters from Marywood and other Convents of the Immaculate Heart in the city had cared for the sick during the Influenza Epidemic, showed their appre­ciation of the Sisters' services by presenting Mother Superior with a check for five hundred dollars. In addition, each Sister received a beautifully engrossed set of resolutions, drawn up by the Burgess and the Council, as a memorial of the great work accomplished by the Sisters in the improvised hospital and the homes of the poor.

          November 18.—The Students of Marywood pledged to­day $750.00 on behalf of the United War Workers, who are endeavoring to raise a large Victory Fund for our soldiers.

          November 19.—Our Right Reverend Bishop visited us to­day and gave us a pleasant surprise. He brought with him Chaplain Houlihan, who consented to address us. The Chap­lain was introduced by the Right Reverend Bishop, who is justly proud of the fine record made by the Scranton Chaplains during the war. In introducing Chaplain Houlihan, the Bishop spoke of the great work accomplished by him in the important post to which he had been promoted.  He also told us that Father Houlihan was now in the United States on an important mission, the nature of which he was not at liberty to disclose.

          Chaplain Houlihan's talk was intensely interesting, but in the relation of the many thrilling experiences through which he had passed, he modestly kept himself and his own part in the background. He emphasized the fact over and over again that it was American ideals that had contributed in large measure to the successful issue of the war. He lauded the chivalry of the French soldier, the steadfast perseverance of the British, but the splendid morale of the American Army, in­spired as it was by these high ideals, gave to the allied army a whole-hearted abandon that carried everything before it.

          Chaplain Houlihan paid a splendid tribute to Catholic Chaplains, making special mention of Father Sherman, whose name, he said, is held in reverence by the soldiers for his heroism. Father Sherman has received the highest honor for distin­guished service. Father Houlihan asked the prayers of Sisters and Students for the men in the army. He attributed his own safety to the prayers offered for him by his old teachers, the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

          November 20.—"An Educational Convention Twenty-five Years Hence" was held this evening, and the embryo profes­sors of the Class of '19 afforded their audience a glimpse into the future.

          November 22.—Musical Recital in honor of Saint Cecilia.

          November 27-December 2.—Thanksgiving Recess.

          December 8.—The Sodality of the Immaculate Concep­tion hold celebration in honor of Mary Immaculate.

          December 16.—The usual Christmas Entertainment had been prepared and the date fixed for the 20th, but owing to the prevalence of the Influenza in the city it was deemed advisable not to hold the entertainment. For that reason, our Christmas vacation began to-day.

          January 6.—The College reopened. Rubinstein, a noted pianist, entertained Faculty and Students.

          January 8.—Organization of the Music Club.

          January 19-20-21.—Mr. Freddotcmsdbuser Paulding, of New York, gave the following lectures: Monday, Vicento Ibanez Blasco and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse; Tuesday, Paul Hervieu and the Trail of the Torch; Wednesday, Rostand and Cyrano de Bergerac. Mr. Paulding is an authority on Dramatic Art and those who had the pleasure of hearing him at Marywood declared that his lectures were the most delightful ever given in Scranton.

          February 12.—The Sophomores entertained the Senior, Junior and Freshman Classes at a Valentine Party. The Song Contest between the Sister classes brought out some remark­able talent. The party was voted the most enjoyable one yet held in the College.

          February 20.—Under the patronage of the Alumnae, a Victory Tea was conducted in the Auditorium this afternoon and evening. The arrangements were in charge of the Mesdames Walsh, Carrol, O'Brien, Hummler, Wills and the Misses O'Donnell, Niland and O'Malley. The College Girls, the Seniors of Marywood Seminary and of St. Cecilia's Academy assisted in serving. A musical program was given by the Misses Berry and Sullivan. The Misses Loughran and Davis gave readings. Mrs. Salo Friedewald gave a splendid reading of "The Garden of Paradise". In this reading, the idea of social service was emphasized. The affair was both a financial and a social success.

          February 27.—Meeting of the Student body for the elec­tion of Officers of the Sodality of the Immaculate Conception. Miss Mildred Walker was re-elected Prefect. Miss Flannery, '20, was elected Sub-Prefect. Miss Kunz, '20, Secretary, and Miss Cuminings, '22, Sacristan.

          February 28.—The Teresian Dramatic Society gave a pre­sentation of "The Star of the Orient". The stage setting and the costuming were very attractive and the different characters well played.

          March 1.—Mr. M. Hays, of Buffalo, gave a party to the College girls in honor of the twenty-first birthday of his daughter Margaret. The party was a pleasant surprise to Margaret and her companions.

          March 4.—Major Thomas R. Gagion, of Wilkes-Barre, an officer in the Medical Reserve Corps of the U. S. Army, addressed Faculty and Students today.  Captain Gagion was in the greatest battles of the war, and gave a vivid description of the scenes he had witnessed. As the hero led us in thought over the blood-stained fields of France, we realized more clearly than ever before the horrors of the awful struggle in which so many of our noble boys gave up their precious lives. Dr. Gagion paid a glowing tribute to the manliness, bravery and magnanimity of our American soldiers.

          March 8.—Through the courtesy of Dr. S. E. Weber, City Superintendent of Schools, the students had the pleasure of hearing Mr. Paulding lecture on Bernard Shaw.

          March 11.—The Juniors entertain the Freshmen.

          March 14.—St. Patrick's Day entertainment held this evening.   The Mandolin Club makes its first appearance.

          March 15.—Through the kindness of Mr. M. E. Comerford, proprietor of the Strand Theatre, the Students of Marywood enjoyed a private production of "The Heart of Human­ity", a World War story.

          Mrs. Salo Friedewald entertained the members of the Teresian Dramatic Society this afternoon. After serving tea, the kind hostess gave readings from Yeats.

          March 17.—Today, our hearts were saddened by the news of the death of our good friend, Dr. Nathan C. Schaeffer, State Superintendent of Schools. Dr. Schaeffer had ever taken a lively interest in Marywood and had promised to attend the Commencement Exercises of the first class in June. We will miss the presence of the kind friend who regarded with so much pride the establishment of this first Catholic College for Women in Pennsylvania.

          March 18-19.—Lectures by Dr. James J. Walsh: Psych­ology for Business Purposes; Miss Blackford's Theory Criti­cized; Foch, the Incarnation of Will.

          March 18.—Our Right Reverend Bishop, accompanied by Rev. Father Wynne, S. J., and Chaplain Leonard, of the United States Navy, visited Marywood today.

          March 25.—After the recitation of the Office of the Immaculate Conception in the College Chapel, all the students met in the College Assembly Room and renewed their pledges to promote by word and example Christian Modesty in dress.

          March 24-25-26.—Miss Goessman, M. Ph., Professor of English at Amherst College, lectured here Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday on "Books and Traditions", "The Golden Passport", and "Will you Come into My Classroom, Mistress Teacher". All three lectures were interesting and aroused much attention—especially the lecture on "The Golden Pass­port", which treated of the art of conversation.

          March 25.—The Senior Class visited the different depart­ments of the International Correspondence Schools. They were courteously received by the heads of the different depart­ments and particular pains were taken to explain in detail the workings of this great school.

          April 5.—The Countess Elena Dandini de Sylva visited Marywood todav. She was introduced to the Sisters by our Right Reverend Bishop. The Countess gave an interesting talk on her visit to Lourdes and told of the wonderful miracle that was wrought in her favor at the celebrated shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes. At the time of her cure, the Countess was a Protestant, but, three years later, she entered the Church. Countess Dandini was formerly Miss Helen Palmer, of Wilkes-Barre.

          April 12.—The Students Annual retreat was opened this evening by the Reverend Father Dowling, C. SS. R.

          May 7.—Freshmen entertain Juniors at a Dinner Party.

          May 15.—Captain Frances O'Neil, M. D., gives an inter­esting talk on his experiences in France. He was one of the fifteen physicians detailed by the United States Government to assist the Red Cross in the work of caring for refugee children.

          May 18.—Entertainment. Through the courtesy of Mr. Frank Coughlin, the faculty and students of Marywood Col­lege had the pleasure of hearing some of the best artists in the Lackawanna Valley. Dr. Charles F. Hoban, Supervisor of the Dunmore Schools, acted as chairman. Vocal numbers were given by the Messrs. J. Edwards and P. Walsh. Mr. A .Lohman gave three violin numbers. Mr. J. Daniel was the accom­panist. Scenes from Othello were given bv Mr. Frank Coghlin.  Miss Anna Loughran, '21, gave a synopsis of the play.

          May 21.—The Caecilian Glee Club enjoys outing to St Joseph's Place.

          May 22.—Juniors entertain Seniors at a Luncheon at the Hotel Casey.

          May 25.—Forty Hours Devotion. The Sermon was preached Sunday evening by Rev. James E. Walsh, St. Patrick's Church, Olyphant. Monday evening the sermon was preached by Rev. John E. MacHale, Bellevue. 

          May 26.—Rev. E. F. Garesche, S.J., Editor of the Queen's Work, visited the College and addressed the students on Sodality Organizations.

          May 27.—Sophomores entertained Seniors, at a Dinner Party.


S.M.L. '19

          During the four years since Marywood College was opened many students have come to take advantage of the two-year courses in Secretarial work and Domestic Science offered by the College. Although staying but a short time, they have materially helped to make our College grow, and all have left an abiding impression on their fellow-students. Teachers and classmates follow them with interest wherever their life-work has taken them.

          The four most closely connected with the present Senior class and the first to pursue the two-year course in Home Economics from 1915 to 1917, were Grace Croghan, Mary Howley, Evelyn Banks, and Mary Loftus. United during the short time they were here by the strongest bonds of friendship, they are now widely separated. Grace Croghan is employed in New York City by Abercrombie Fitch Company. Mary Howley is at home in Honesdale. Evelyn Banks holds a position as Instructor in Domestic Arts at the Women's Institute in this city, Mary Loftus was appointed in 1917 by Judge Brown, of Philadelphia, as dietitian in the medical department of the municipal court of that city, and still holds that position.

          Angela Griffin, for two years a member of the class of 1919, took up the Secretarial Course in the fall of 1917, which she completed that year. Since then, she has been living at home on Quincy Avenue of this city.

          Regina Donnelly, who entered Marywood in 1916 to pur­sue the Secretarial Course, has recently joined the Order of the Sisters of Charity, at St. Elizabeth's College, Convent Station, New Jersey, where she is known in religion as Sister Miriam.

          Mercedes Jordan, a Secretarial student, is now a teacher in the Commercial Department of Central High School. Mary Mason, who followed the same course, is employed by the Lackawanna Railroad Company.

          Madeleine Stockman, Margaret McCloskey and Alice Dawson, Domestic Science Students 1916-1918, are all holding positions in or near Scranton. Madeleine is an instructor at the Women's Institute in this city; Margaret is teaching in Mayfield; and Alice is a teacher in the Continuation Schools of Scranton. During the year, Alice gave a course of Lectures in Dietitics at the Mid-Valley Hospital, Olyphant, Pa.

          Helen Burke, a former Secretarial Student, is now with the M. J. O'Malley General Insurance Company of this city.

          Margaret Bernstein and Irene Weichel, both of Scranton, completed the Secretarial course last June. Irene is with the Women's Institute, Scranton.

          The classmates and many friends of Mary Kearney, a former student of Marywood College, were delighted to learn recently of her engagement to Doctor J. W. Lochery, of this city. May Marywood's good wishes be an augury of un­measured happiness!


          Mary Groezinger? Yes, she's the captain of our basket ball team, and she keeps everything in motion on the gymnasium floor. No chance for dust to gather. Mary has been our captain for the last three years, and has lived up to her reputation as a forward on the team. Basket ball has furnished a great part of our pleasure for four years, and we hope that the classes that follow us will take up the sport with as much vim and de­rive as much enjoyment from it. Basket ball is not only valu­able for the pleasure it affords, but in the development of physi­cal power and grace of carriage it cannot be excelled. So—make that basket, girls. In it lies great promise for you and for Marywood.


          The swimming pool has been greatly improved by the addition of an instantaneous heater.


          One of the many things of which the students are proud is the tennis court. You may well believe that good use is made of it during these beautiful late Spring days. It is so conveniently situated that the audience can watch our young "hopefuls" from the shady wood, and the players can rest there after an exciting game. We hope that the tournament arranged for Field Day will inspire some of our less skilful players with the desire to practice daily this beneficial exercise.


          "Over the fence is out"—but over the rope is into the game. Watch them go! Mary Groezinger. Dorothy Burke, Mary McDonald, Margaret O'Malley, and last but not least the little Freshman, Margaret Mitchell, who goes "over the top" with a bound without ever giving her shadow a chance to follow.

K. G., 19.

College Directory


President....................... Madeleine Larkin

Vice President................. Marie Fleming

Corresponding Secretary....Frances Caufield

Recording Secretary ......... Kathleen Howley

Treasurer ....................... Catherine Gavin



President ....................... Catherine Caldwell

Vice President . ............. . Genevieve Mundy

Corresponding Secretary.....Margaret Vaughan

Recording Secretary .......... Ruth Little

Treasurer......................... Lucy Gordon



President ......................... Dorothy Burke

Vice President . . ............. .Gertrude Krantz

Corresponding Secretary.....Elizabeth Blewitt

Recording Secretary .......... Clare Kelly

Treasurer ........................ Louise Coogan



President.......................... Helen O'Hara

Vice President . . . .............Catherine Nealon

Corresponding Secretary..... Helen Spellman

Recording Secretary...........  Margaret Mitchell

Treasurer ......................... Margaret Quinn




Prefect ...........Mildred Walker

Assistant Prefect. Regina Sullivan

Secretary......... Nora Flannery

Treasurer......... Helena Kunze

Sacristan ......... Dora Cummings



President .. ...Regina Sullivan,'19

Vice President...Kathleen Howley,'19

Secretary...... Mary Lynott, ' 19

Treasurer.... Agnes Leonard, '20



President ......... Marie Fleming,'19

Vice President . .Regina Sullivan, '19

Secretary......... Anna Loughran, '21

Treasurer......... Catherine Gavin, ' 19



President........ Geraldine Burke,'19

Vice President . . . .Marie Joyce, '19

Secretary . . .Margaret Vaughan, '20

Treasurer........ Margaret Quinn, '22



President.... Mary Groezinger '19

Vice President ...Esther Walsh. '20

Secretary . . . .Helen Comerford, '20

Treasurer.......... Virginia Callan '22