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Study Room Policies

  • Group Study Rooms in the Learning Commons are for use by current Marywood students only.
  • Groups of two or more students can reserve a room for 3-hour blocks at a time. After the initial period, if the room is available, a reservation may be extended for up to an additional 3 hours by creating a new reservation online. 
  • Rooms can be booked up to 1 week in advance
  • Drop-in: Students may use any unoccupied study room on a first-come, first-serve basis. However, students using a room without a reservation must relinquish that room when presented with another group’s confirmation of a reservation for that time/room.

Study Room Reservation Booking Link


Reservations are made by logging into the Library Catalog.

  1. Login with your MarywoodYou Portal ID.
  2. Click on the 'Study Rooms' link
  3. Search for available rooms by entering a starting and ending date and time.
    Tip: If possible, adjust your starting and ending times by 30 minutes to find more availability.
  4. Select an available room.
  5. Click 'Confirm' to complete the reservation.
    Tip: Be sure to save your confirmation email.

You can occupy the study room at any point during your reserved designated time. You do not need to check-in at the front desk and keys are no longer necessary to access study rooms.

If the room is occupied when you arrive, politely inform those present of your reservation and offer to show your confirmation email if necessary.

*Please keep the study rooms clean for the next visitor and remove all personal and food items when you leave.*