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Celebrate Together

Congratulations, Class of 2025! 

You are truly unstoppable. Your time at Marywood University has shaped who you are today. You have overcome challenges and celebrated achievements. Throughout this educational journey, you have shown how creative, courageous, and compassionate you are. You are ready to meet whatever the future may bring. Ignite the Light! The world awaits!

The schedule for Commencement activities is listed below.

Congratulations once more to the Class of 2025, and welcome to the Marywood Alumni Association! It is our pleasure to welcome you to a community of more than 30,000 graduates of Marywood University.

The Marywood University Gear Shop will provide onsite merchandise such as flowers, commemorative t-shirts, and other graduation related merchandise before and after each of the ceremonies. Additionally if a student or guest would like to order any Marywood items, they are encouraged to visit the Marywood Gear Shop.

Added 2/7/2025 - Please read an important message from the Deans, regarding this year's Commencment Activities/Events:


Added 2/18/2025 - Change in location and time of the Commencement Liturgy; the Liturgy is now being held in the Marian Chapel, Swartz Center for Spiritual Life, at 4:30 PM. Please see more details below.

Added 2/26/2025 - Please regularly check the Special Ceremonies, listed at various dates/times/locations this spring, to see if your program is holding an event. As programs confirm information about events, the details are being added and updated.

Schedule of Events

Art Department Ceremony & Exhibitions

  • Saturday, May 3, 2025, beginning at 1 p.m., Art Department Honor cords and the St. Luke's Excellence in Art medal will be presented at the Opening Reception for the art exhibitions listed below.

Senior Art Exhibition
BFA Graphic Design, Illustration, Photography; BA Art Therapy
Mahady Gallery, Shields Center for Visual Arts

Master of Arts Printmaking and Honors Thesis Exhibition
Suraci Gallery, Shields Center for Visual Arts, 2nd floor

Opening Reception: May 3, 1-4 p.m.
Exhibition Dates: April 28–May 17, 2025

Physician Assistant White Coat Ceremony

  • Thursday, May 15, 2025, White Coat Ceremony 10 AM, Pinning 12 PM
    Munley Theatre, Sette LaVerghetta Center for Performing Arts

    Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders Hooding and Recognition Ceremony

    • Friday, May 16, 2025, 9:30-11 AM
      Latour Room, Nazareth Student Center

    School of Business & Global Innovation Hooding Ceremony

    • Friday, May 16, 2025, at 12 PM
      Latour Room, Nazareth Student Center

    Respiratory Therapy Ceremony

    • Friday, May 16, 2025, at 2 PM
      McGowan Community Room (Room A) - Swartz Center for Spiritual Life

    Nursing Pinning Ceremony   

    • Friday, May 16, 2025, at 2:30 PM
      Latour Room, Nazareth Student Center

    School of Education Hooding Ceremony   

    • Friday, May 16, 2025, at 3 PM
      Atrium, McGowan Center for Graduate and Professional Studies

    Location: Marian Chapel, Swartz Center for Spiritual Life

    The celebration of the Eucharist to ask God’s blessing on our graduates has been a Marywood tradition since 1919. Faculty, graduating students, families, and guests are invited to participate. Graduating students and faculty should wear their academic attire. All guests are asked to be seated by 4:15 p.m., so that Mass can begin promptly at 4:30 p.m.

    Those who have a role in the liturgy (lectors, extraordinary ministers, etc.) should meet in the vestibule of the Marian Chapel by 3:45 p.m.

    Any graduating student with a relative who is a priest or permanent deacon may forward his name to Sister Catherine Luxner, IHM, Vice President for Mission Services, who will invite him to participate in the liturgy. Contact Sister Cathy at

    Location: Mohegan Sun Arena, Wilkes-Barre Township, PA  

    Tickets Not Required.

    To accommodate the families and guests of our graduates, Marywood University is proud to offer all Commencement Weekend activities as “Open to the Public,” requiring no admittance tickets.


    Doors to the arena will open at 11:30 a.m. for both students and their family and guests. Students and guests will use the arena’s East Gate to enter the arena. Seating for family and guests is general seating in the lower bowl of the arena.

    Students are asked to use the designated door (far right) to enter the arena. Once in the arena, they will be directed to the lower event level to prepare for the procession lineup.

    Once on the lower event level, students must register with their respective college. Each student will receive a color-coded placement card and be directed to the procession staging area for their respective college.

    Please Note: Graduating students MUST be in full academic attire (gown, hood, cap with tassel, and any university issued honor cords or pins if applicable) upon arrival as there are no robing locations available on the event level.

    Caps and gowns will NOT be available at Commencement and must be ordered online through the link provided under the Cap and Gown section of Commencement website.

    Graduating students will start lining up for the ceremony at Noon in the corridors of the event level. 

    The ceremony will begin at 1 p.m. and will last approximately 2.5 hours. Graduates are expected to remain for the entire ceremony out of courtesy for your fellow classmates.

    At the conclusion of the ceremony, graduates will immediately exit the area through the West Gate.


    Medalists will be recognized during the ceremony. Photos for additional publicity will be taken prior to the Commencement Ceremony on May 17, 2025.

    Medalist Publicity, Photos, and Information:

    • All medalists will be recognized on the University website in a news story that announces the medals/medal recipients. No individual photos accompany this announcement.
    • Additional external publicity for medalists is voluntary; those who wish to receive additional publicity must complete an information form (see buttons below).
    • Medalists who wish to have photos taken for additional publicity for their accomplishments are asked to report on Commencement Day to the front of the stage area at the arena by 12:15 p.m. Staff members will be on hand to assist and organize this process. Please be prompt, as we have a very limited time for the photo session!
    • Once photos are taken, you may return to your place in the lineup for the Commencement ceremony.
    • Post-Commencement Publicity: Photos will be used on University social media and to accompany releases to the student's newspaper(s) of choice. This process usually takes several weeks following Commencement.

    Medalists who would like additional publicity are asked to complete the appropriate information form by April 25, 2025.

    Undergraduate Medalist Form


    Mohegan Sun Arena Useful Information:

    The arena is a smoke-free facility. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited in the arena and adjacent parking lots. The use of air horns, inflatables, laser pointers, and confetti items are strictly prohibited. The arena will perform a bag security check of all guests entering the arena. More information about the arena’s policies and accommodations, including its entrance bag check policy, can be found on the Mohegan Sun a-z guide.

    Due to the arena’s bag check policy and the lack of secured storage areas in the event level, graduating students are discouraged from bringing any bags with them on the day of the ceremony. If you must bring a bag, you are strongly encouraged to leave it and any other such personal devices with your guests in the stands.

    To accommodate your guests, arena concession food stands will be open for cash or credit card sales. No alcoholic beverages will be sold during the ceremony.

    Mohegan Sun Accommodations for the Disabled:

    Assistive Listening Devices
    Assistive Listening Devices are available for guests with hearing disabilities for Mohegan Sun Arena events. We ask guests with this need to please arrange for this service in advance of the event by calling the arena at (570) 970-7600 or

    Mohegan Sun Arena Disability Seating:
    Wheelchair seating is located on the main concourse level and does not involve any stairs. Wheelchair accommodations can be arranged on the day of the ceremony by contacting one of the arena ushers upon entering the facility. Individuals are allowed one guest to be seated with them in this section, and arena staff will provide a chair for the guest on an as-needed basis.

    Academic Attire

    Students who participate in the ceremony must order their Academic Attire (Cap, Gown, and Hood) for Commencement. 

    This year, Marywood has partnered with Josten's and the University Gear Shop to provide graduating students all Academic Attire needed for the Commencement Weekend activities. To order your graduation attire visit All online orders must be submitted by February 11, 2025, so act now.

    Once on the site, select “Graduation Products" and then “Graduation Caps & Gowns.”  Next choose your degree level.  Following the degree information, move to "Gown Fit" and "Major/Curriculum," and the complete the ordering process with your personal information.

    PLEASE NOTE: You will need to complete all steps in this process and click the "Submit" button to place your order. Once submitted, a confirmation page will appear, and an email will be sent to the email listed with the confirmation number. If you do not receive a confirmation, the order was not submitted.

    *Academic Attire costs include the student's Cap, Gown, 2025 Commemorative Tassel, and Degree Hood. 

    Grad Fair

    Students may pick up their Academic Attire during this year's Grad Fair on Wednesday, March 26, and Thursday, March 27, 2025, in the Fireplace Lounge, Nazareth Student Center. The Grad Fair will run from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. on both days and allow students to meet with other departments, such as Career Service, Student Engagement, Alumni, Registrars, Student Accounts, Financial Aid, and Grad Admissions. It also provides undergraduate students the opportunity to complete the Senior Survey, which is part of their graduation process.

    Please Note: Accommodations for students unable to make Grad Fair, or who fail to order before the online deadline, will be handled through the University Gear Shop following the Grad Fair.

    Instructions for wearing academic attire

    Important Information


    Before you submit your application to graduate, make sure you have met with your advisor to ensure that all degree requirements have been, or will be, met prior to graduation.

    How to Apply

    Eligible students can apply for graduation using the MarywoodYOU Portal. Please ensure that the way you major(s) and minor(s) are listed on your application is correct. If there are any discrepancies, or if you have any questions, please contact the Registrar's Office via email at

    Additional Information

    • It is the responsibility of the student to apply for graduation through the Marywood portal by the appropriate deadline.
    • If you applied to graduate in the past, but did not graduate, you must meet with your academic advisor and reapply for graduation.
    • The University Commencement ceremony is held in May only. Information will be emailed to students who apply for May graduation, as well as students who graduated the previous August and December.

    Special Considerations 

    Please note that individual colleges and the University Registrar determine whether or not official graduation requirements have been met. Some students may need to meet additional requirements to graduate and receive a diploma, but have been permitted to participate in this presentation with special considerations. Individuals who find themselves in this situation must complete a Petition to Walk at Commencement Out of Term form to request walking accommodations under this Special Consideration. Only students who have not met the academic course requirements to receive their official degree should complete the form.

    Students who have completed their degree requirements in August 2024 or December 2024, or those who are expected to complete degree requirements in May 2025, must apply to graduate via the MarywoodYOU portal to participate in Commencement activities. However, being listed in the presentation does not officially indicate graduation from Marywood University as part of the Class of 2025.

    If you have any questions, please contact the Dean of your College.


    On the day of graduation, students will receive their padded diploma cover as they cross the stage after their name is read. Diplomas will be mailed to all graduates who have successfully completed their course of study following the ceremony. Diplomas will be mailed to the address the student provided when registering for commencement.  (Please allow up to 4-6 weeks to receive your diploma.)  

    When filling out the Diploma Name field on the Graduation Application form, keep in mind that the requested name may only be some variation of the student's legal name listed on the official academic record. For example: Student John Adam Smith may request his diploma name as John A. Smith, John Adam Smith, or John Smith. If your legal name needs to be updated, you can submit a Change of Name form along with appropriate documentation

    Program Books 

    Official printed Commencement program booklets will be available on the day of Commencement at the arena doors. In addition to printed commemorative program books, a digital PDF program book will be available through this site on Commencement Day.

    The program booklet, in addition to listing graduating students by Degree Level and Major, will also recognize Student Honors and Honor Societies. Recognition also will include the names of students who receive Academic and Student Life Medals.

    General Parking

    Hoodings: Friday, May 16, 2025, Marywood Campus Safety Officers will be available to assist with parking for all on-campus ceremonies. Disabled parking will be honored and accommodated with the use of a state-issued disabled parking license plate or a disabled parking placard, displayed on the vehicle’s rear view mirror.  

    Commencement: Saturday, May 17, 2025, Mohegan Sun Arena staff will assist with parking at the arena. Doors to the arena will open at 11:30 a.m. Disabled parking is available near the arena's West Gate and can be accessed using a state-issued license plate or disabled parking placard.

    Accessibility Accommodations

    The University will provide an American Sign Language interpreter for all ceremonies. Limited seating, separated from the general seating area, will be available to allow unobstructed viewing of the interpreter. 

    Special seating accommodations for the physically impaired are available for the Hooding and Commencement Ceremonies.

    Seating for the Commencement Ceremony at the Mohegan Sun Arena will be located on the interior ring of the main concourse overlooking the arena floor. This seating area is for the individuals with limited mobility, along with one guest, and is managed by Mohegan Sun Arena Staff on the day of the event. 

    Local Lodging

    The Scranton-Wilkes Barre area is a beautiful place to stay. 

    check out Local hotels 

    Commencement Photos

    Marywood University will utilize Legacy Photographics to capture the excitement and the special moment of each student as they walk across the stage at the Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 17, 2025. Legacy Photographics will take two pictures for each student. These pictures will be the moment that the student is presented their diploma cover on stage as well as a portrait photo of the student in front of a university banner.

    After 3-5 days following the commencement ceremony, Legacy Photographics will email proofs of the pictures to each student using the students email account. Students may decide to purchase a photo package directly from Legacy Photographics at that time. 

    To avoid excessive movement, all other individual photos of the student on stage, and immediately following, will only be permitted from the seated location of their individual guests.

    Graduating Student Portraits

    Legacy Photographics will be on Marywood's campus on Tuesday, April 22, and Wednesday, April 23, 2025, offering professional head shots portraits for graduating students. The sitting is free, and students will receive proofs of the pictures, which they can choose to purchase if desired. To schedule a time to sit for photos, visit Legacy Photographics.  

    Citation in Honors

    Students who complete the honors degree will receive the Citation in Honors and recognition on their official transcripts. To graduate with the Citation in Honors, students must:

    1. Complete a minimum of 21 honors credits.
      • 4 honors seminar courses that meet core curriculum or liberal arts requirements
      • 2 honors courses in the student’s major
      • 1 honors course elective OR a third course in the student’s major
    2. Complete a 3-credit honors thesis in their major.
    3. Achieve a 3.5 QPA by the semester preceding graduation

    Graduating students who meet the above requirements will be recognized for their achievement at their respective Hooding Ceremony and will be hooded by their honors thesis advisor.

    Honor Societies

    The University recognizes the accomplishments of students who have been inducted in discipline-specific honor societies, as well as broader national or international honor societies that include students from across the University, with members from each College. The Commencement Program will contain a listing of these honor societies and the names of students who have been formally inducted into them. 


    Medalist photos for publicity will be taken prior to the Commencement Ceremony on May 17, 2025.

    Medalist Publicity, Photos, and Information:

    • All medalists will be recognized on the University website in a news story that announces the medals/medal recipients. No individual photos accompany this announcement.
    • Additional external publicity for medalists is voluntary; those who wish to receive additional publicity must complete an information form (see buttons below).
    • Medalists who wish to have photos taken for additional publicity for their accomplishmets are asked to report on Commencement Day to the front of the stage area at the arena by 12:15 p.m. Staff members will be on hand to assist and organize this process. Please be prompt, as we have a very limited time for the photo session!
    • Once photos are taken, you may return to your place in the lineup for the Commencement ceremony.
    • Post-Commencement Publicity: Photos will be used on University social media and to accompany releases to the student's newspaper(s) of choice. This process usually takes several weeks following Commencement.

    Medalists who would like additional publicity are asked to complete the appropriate information form by April 25, 2025.

    Undergraduate Medalist Form


    A NOTE ABOUT PUBLICITY: While the names of all student medalists will appear on the University’s website, additional publicity is optional; if you do not complete the online publicity form, no other publicity (except Marywood’s website listing) will be given.

    Contact Sheryl Lynn Sochoka, Director of Communications, or 570-340-6087, if you have questions or concerns regarding medalist publicity.

    Alumni Engagement

    Welcome to the Family!

    Congratulations on your graduation, and welcome to the Marywood Alumni Association. Please update your contact information with your non-Marywood email address so we can stay in touch and update you regarding alumni events, volunteer opportunities, and more!

    Update Your Info

    Career Services

    Be In Demand

    Marywood's Career Services Office is here for you through any stage of your college or professional career. Please reach out to us for assistance with resume writing, cover letters, interview tips, and more. 

    Career Services Assistance

    Class Photos from 1930 to the Present