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1915 - 1916: The Chronicles of Marywood College

Marywood College was opened on the Feast of Our Lady's Nativity, September 8, 1915. The opening Mass was cele­brated by the Right Reverend M. J. Hoban, D. D., Honorary President of the new College. The Right Reverend Bishop gave an eloquent and forcible address on the Higher Education of Women. After Mass, the members of Marywood's first class, who had assembled in the auditorium, were introduced to the Right Reverend Bishop, who congratulated them on the distinction they were to enjoy, that of being the foundation pillars of the new College of Marywood. The Bishop earnestly exhorted them to put forth every effort to make their college career a blessing to themselves and an inspiration to others, who would naturally look to them as exponents of the higher edu­cation of women.

After the Bishop's address, the great bell summoned the members of the class to the College Assembly room, where the work of the year was outlined and we were made acquainted with the rules and regulations. Then a holiday was declared and part of the morning was spent on the grounds. The day closed with Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

A pleasant feature of the opening day was the cordial message of congratulations sent by the Senior Priest of the Scranton Diocese, the Reverend N. J. McManus. the worthy pastor of Holy Rosary Church, North Scranton. In grateful recognition of Father McManus' greeting, the following tele­gram was sent to the venerable priest: "The Faculty and Stu­dents of Marywood College gratefully acknowledge the cour­tesy and kindness of the Senior priest of the Scranton Diocese on the occasion of the Birthday of Marywood College."

The following young ladies answered to the Roll Call on opening day: Kathleen Howley, Madeline Larkin, Maria Joyce, Clare McCann, Marie Fleming, Geraldine Burke, Pauline Seddon, Marie Orr, Mary Tierney, Mary Groeszinger, Margaret Mills, Bernice Hillis, Angela Griffin, Agnes Leonard, Mary Lynott, Katharine Gavin and Marian Kendrick. Later, the number in the class was augmented by the entrance of the following young ladies: Regina Sullivan, Mil­dred Walker, Grace Croghan, Evelyn Banks, Margaret Mur­ray, Helen McHugh, Mary Howley, Margaret Mullin, Mary Loftus, Marie Downes and Cecilia Dwyer.

September 29,—Feast of St. Michael, the patronal feast day of our Right Reverend Bishop. In honor of the feast, an entertainment was held in the College Auditorium. During the entertainment, the Right Reverend Bishop invested the members of the first College Class in Cap and Gown. The petition and names were read by the Rev. J. A. Boyle, LL. D., Professor of Latin and Phi­losophy in the new College. After the investiture, the class sang the College song "Marywood," and were enthusiastically applauded. The Right Reverend Bishop then addressed the students. In his address, the Right Reverend Bishop dwelt at some length on the significance of the event of the evening and of its importance in the annals of Marywood. The future of Marywood College, he told the young ladies, would depend in a large measure on its first class. The Reverend Professors in the new College had assured him, the Bishop said, that the young ladies comprising the first class were all that could be desired—a bright, earnest, industrious and enthusiastic body of young women—intent on their studies and anxious to prove themselves worthy of the advantages afforded them. He coun­selled them to keep up the reputation. This it is that would attract other students to the College and Marywood would soon become an important factor in the advancement of the higher education of women.

The priests present at the entertainment were the Reverend Thomas McHugh, Professor of Religion and Greek at Mary­wood; Reverend Dr. A. Brennan, Reverend Dr. W. Kealey, Reverend Dr. J. Feeley, Reverend J. J. McGuchin and Rev­erend P. Cawley.

October 15.—Feast of St. Teresa. Saint Teresa had been chosen as one of the patronesses of the College, and it was re­solved to make the first celebration of the feast a noteworthy one. The Day Students were invited to spend the eve of the feast as guests of the College. The next morning all assisted at Holy Mass in the College Chapel and received Holy Communion. After Mass, Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacra­ment was given. In the afternoon the Class organization was effected, with the following result: President, Marie Fleming; Vice-President, Madeline Larkin; Recording Secretary, Geraldine Burke; Corresponding Secretary, Marie Joyce; Treas­urer, Mary Tierney.

October 23.—A college paper, for private circulation, was planned. "The Marywood Chronicle" was the name chosen for the paper. The Misses Eleanor Legnard, Regina Sullivan, Grace Croghan, Evelyn Banks and Kathleen Howley com­posed the staff.

October 30.—Mr. C. E. Griffiths lectured on Dante in the afternoon, and gave readings from the "Divine Comedy." In the evening, Mr. Griffiths gave readings from the "Merchant of Venice" and "Midsummer Night's Dream."

October 31.—The College Students were the guests of the Seminarians at a grand Hallowe'en party.

November 22, 23, 24.—First Quarterly Examinations. Results very satisfactory.

November 25, 26.—Thanksgiving Holidays.

December 8.—Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Patronal Feast of the College. Organization of the Sodality of the Immaculate Conception. Celebration in honor of Mary Immaculate.

December 21.—Christmas Entertainment. The Morality Play, "Eager Heart," given in the College Auditorium. Christmas vacation.

December 28.—Dr. Nathan C. Schaeffer, State Superin­tendent of Education, visited the College. He inspected the equipment and made many valuable suggestions with regard to the Science Department and the Libraries.

December 30.—The Ceremonies of Reception and Profes­sion held in the College Chapel. The occasion was one of spe­cial interest to Marywood's first class, since three of its mem­bers received the holy habit of religion.

January 6.—The Alumnae Association of Mount Saint Mary's held a tea for the benefit of the new College. The members of the Alumnae attended in large numbers and ex­pressed themselves as being in cordial sympathy with the Col­lege movement.

January 18-25.—Mid-Year Examinations. Dr. James J. Walsh, New York City, begins Special Course of Lectures in Experimental Psychology.

February 1.—Celebration in honor of St. Brigid, one of the patronesses of the College. An original poem, "St. Brigid," read.

February 3.—The class, under the direction of our Right Reverend Bishop, had the pleasure of viewing the partial eclipse of the sun, which took place on this day. Incidentally, the eclipse served to clear up many erroneous ideas we had enter­tained about the sun and its eclipses. In the evening, Reverend J.J. MacCabe, of Wilkes-Barre, inaugurated the series of lectures planned by the Alumnae of Mount Saint Mary's. The first lecture was an inspiring one on the subject of "Efficiency.'' a topic that was just then ap­pealing most forcibly to the minds of all.

February 5-6.—Dr. J. J. Walsh lectures.

February 10.—A delightful lecture on "Life and the Op­portunity to Live" was given in the Auditorium of the College by Miss Katharine Toohey. The question of social service as one of our opportunities was cleverly treated.

February 11-12.—Dr. James J. Walsh lectures.

February 10.—Reverend J. Mulholland gave an illuminat­ing history of the Formation of the Constitution of the United States. The lecture gave evidence of painstaking research and was a scholarly exposition of a document of which every American is justly proud.

February 24.—Miss Katharine Moran, Supervisor of Pri­mary Instruction in the city schools, lectured on "Myths, Legends and Folk-Lore and How They Aid in Language Training." The interest of the lecture was heightened by the illustration of Folk Songs given by Miss Susan Burns, Super­visor of Music.

March 3. —Reverend Brother Maurice, of St. Thomas Col­lege, entertained an appreciative audience with a graphic ac­count of the "Life and Labors of St. John Baptist de La Salle." Brother Maurice proved conclusively that the founder of the Christian Brothers is entitled to be called the Pioneer of Modem Pedagogy.

March 10.—"Our Wants and How We Satisfy Them" was the title of a lecture delivered this evening by Reverend John Featherstone of the Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Reverend Father Featherstone is an interesting speaker and gave his hearers many valuable suggestions.

March 16.—Great preparations were made for the ex­pected visit of His Excellency Governor Martin G. Brum­baugh. The Governor did not come—but our Right Reverend Bishop, accompanied by Monsignor Lavelle, of New York, honored us with a visit. We gave our unexpected guests a right royal welcome and an Irish entertainment.

March 17.—Holiday and entertainment in honor of Saint Patrick.

March 15-20.—Lectures by Dr. Walsh.

April 16.—Miss May Collins, of Philadelphia, gave an ex­cellent reading of Ben Hur. In the evening a Retreat for the Students was opened by the Reverend Father Vincent, C.P.

April 19.—Close of the Retreat- Beginning of the Easter vacation.

April 25.—Organization of the Theresian Dramatic Society. Preparations begun for the celebration of the Shakes­peare Tercentenary.

May 1.—"The Marywood Chronicle" made its appear­ance. The first number was devoted to Shakespeare and Cer­vantes.

May 2.—A theatre party was formed to witness the per­formance of "The Merchant of Venice." The Class was ac­companied by our two Reverend Professors, Reverend J. A. Boyle, LL.D., and Reverend T. McHugh. J. C. L.

May 3.—Organization of the St. Brigid Society. This Society has for its aim the study of the Art and Science of Journalism.

First debate, held in the College Library. The subject of the debate was: Resolved, that woman exerts a greater in­fluence in the home than in the business world. The Misses Gavin and Howley argued for the affirmative. The Misses Pauline Seddon and Kathleen Howley upheld the negative.

The programme of today's Organ Recital given by Pro­fessor O'Connor was a representative one. The selections given were all from the Masters of the Organ—Guilmant, Bach, Gigout, Dethier and Wedar. The “Adoro Te” of Boellman breathed that spirit of devotion which the organ alone of all musical instruments is capable of producing. The selections from Liszt, St. Francis Preaching to the Birds, was beautifully descriptive of that touching scene in the life of the gentle Saint. Much sympathy and great beauty of tone marked the playing of “The Angelus of Mailly.” “Gigout’s Grand Chorus” was inspiring and showed to advantage the deep mellow tones of the instrument. “The Toccato” of Barnes made a splendid climax to an unusually brilliant programme.

May 5.—Oratorical Contest.

May 7.—Forty Hours Devotion opened in the College Chapel. The sermons were preached by the Rev. M.F. Corrigan, of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Dunmore, and Rev. Paul Kelly, of the Cathedral.

League for the Promotion of Modesty in Dress formed. Members pledged themselves to promote modesty in dress by word and example.

May 28.—May Procession and Coronation of Our Lady of Victory. Sermon on Our Blessed Lady preached by Rev. J.  Boyle, LL. D., College Chaplain.

May 31.—The Theresian Dramatic Society presented scenes from "Peg o' My Heart." The proceeds of the play were given to our Right Reverend Bishop for the new Indus­trial School for Boys, St. Michael's.

June 14.—Rose Tree Festival on Campus.

June 17.—Campus play, "Midsummer Night's Dream.” Play was followed by Alumnae Reception and Luncheon.

June 19.—The ceremony of the Turning of the Tassels took place in the College Assembly room. After the chorus, “The College That We Love Best,” the Class Poem, written by Miss Legnard, was read by Miss Griffin. Miss Gavin fol­lowed with a clever sketch entitled "Behind the Scenes." The sketch threw much light on various mysterious happenings of the year. A procession was then formed, and each one in turn had her tassel turned. The turning of the tassels proclaimed the class Marywood’s first Sophomores. After the turning of tassels, Miss the Fleming, Class President, paid a fitting tribute to Marywood, its President and Faculty. Miss Sullivan eulogized the Class Officers. Miss Fleming, on behalf of the Class, presented Marywood with a beautiful copy of the Sistine Madonna. Mother Superior accepted the picture on behalf of the College and thanked the Class. Mother then presented each member of the Class with a copy of "Bernadette of Lourdes."

Prizes given by Dr. Walsh for the highest average in Ex­aminations held at the end of the lecture course in Experi­mental Psychology, were presented to Miss Fleming and Miss Sullivan. Mother Superior congratulated the Class on the splendid work of the year, and wished them a happy vacation.

The Cecilian Glee Club gives Concert. Among the num­bers was the dainty little operetta, "A Garden of Japan."

June 21.—Class in Home Economics gives fine exhibit of work in Cooking, Sewing and Millinery. Rev. P. Guilday. Ph. D., of the Catholic University, gives Commencement Address to Seminarians.