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Organization & Governance Policies


Other Information

Marywood University, then Marywood College, was incorporated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 1917, and has been accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools since 1921. The University seeks approval and accreditation for its programs when appropriate. Current accreditations and approvals are listed on the Marywood University website.

Reaffirmed 2009

A series of meetings are conducted in the University each month of the academic year at which decisions are made, recommendations formulated, and counsel given. They serve as the principal communication and governance links in the ordinary administration of the University. These regularly scheduled meetings include

  • the President's Cabinet;
  • The President of the University with the vice presidents;
  • the Academic Council;
  • the academic deans with the policy and operations committees of their respective colleges;
  • the department heads with their respective department faculty;
  • the vice presidents with directors in their respective areas.


Reaffirmed 2009

The Board of Trustees constitutes the governing body of Marywood University and engages in the policy direction of the University in accord with the terms of the Charter of Incorporation. It formulates and determines general policies as shall be deemed necessary for the administration and development of the University in accord with its stated purposes. It nominates and elects a President who shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the University.

It supervises the investment of funds of the University, approves its annual budget and counsels its general financial administration. It authorizes and supervises the construction of new buildings and seeks and approves necessary funds for academic and physical development. It approves annually the terms and conditions of employment, salary policies and schedules for all staff, faculty, administrators and other employees of the University. It approves and authorizes all earned degrees and all honorary degrees and awards upon recommendation of the President of the University and the faculty.

All actions of the Board of Trustees are final except in specific instances where such action requires the approval of a majority of the Members of the Marywood University Corporation.

The deans in the Academic Affairs Area are administrative officers responsible to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs for the proper functioning of their areas of responsibility and the implementation of University policies.

A dean is appointed by the President of the University for a term of three years with the right to succession. Such appointment may be terminated by the President of the University for cause.

In the third year of a dean's term, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs surveys opinion of selected faculty, staff, and administrators concerning the dean's performance in office. The results of this survey are forwarded to the President of the University with the recommendation of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.


Reaffirmed 2009

The department chairperson is a full-time faculty member who has a leadership role with administrative responsibilities and is accountable to the dean of the college in which the department is housed. Sometimes in larger units, individuals are appointed to provide leadership to departments who may be full-time administrators or who are faculty members with considerable administrative responsibilities. In such cases, the intention is that they carry out the responsibilities designated below for the chairperson as well as specialized obligations unique to the unit because of its size, complexity, off campus programs or accreditations.


  1. The following are eligible to recommend candidates for the department chair:
    • faculty members serving full-time in the University who are assigned to the department, except those working under a non-renewable contract and
    • pro-rata faculty members who are assigned to the department, except those working under a non-renewable contract.
  2. Faculty members who are assigned full-time to the department shall be eligible for service as chairperson. In December of the appropriate year, the Vice President for Academic Affairs will request the names of those willing to be candidates.
  3. In January of the appropriate year, the Vice President for Academic Affairs will send to the department the list of candidates as determined above.
  4. Each department member will send a recommendation and reasons for the recommendation to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  5. A faculty member must be recommended by a majority of those submitting recommendations.
  6. Following the department majority recommendation, the appropriate dean will submit a recommendation and reason(s) for the recommendation to the Vice President.
  7. If no faculty member receives a majority recommendation after the reconsideration, the Vice President in consultation with the appropriate dean will recommend one person from among the candidates.
  8. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will recommend to the President of the University a candidate for chairperson of each academic department. This recommendation by faculty and dean will be accompanied by relevant documentation.
  9. If no full-time faculty member is willing to serve as chair, consideration will be given to pro-rata faculty members where appropriate. In the end, however, if departmental faculty members are not willing or able to assume the role, a temporary solution will be constructed by the administration.
  10. The President of the University appoints chairpersons and holds the right to remove them from office with cause.

Term of Office

Ordinarily, the term of office for the chairperson is three years with a maximum reappointment of two additional consecutive terms. A chairperson may be reappointed after an interim of three years.


While certain duties are common to all chairpersons, it is recognized that other responsibilities are determined by the nature and activities of the department. However, certain general areas of responsibility are discerned.

Department Governance includes activities such as

  • conducting department meetings and disseminating minutes of such meetings to appropriate faculty and administration;
  • establishing department committees;
  • developing and implementing long-range department programs, plans, goals, and policies;
  • preparing the department for accreditation and evaluation;
    monitoring library acquisitions;
  • assigning and monitoring appropriate department administrative responsibilities to individuals and committees;
  • directing the review and revision of department catalog copy and other publications;
  • maintaining department records, such as student records and course syllabi.

includes activities such as

  • scheduling courses;
  • supervising off-campus programs;
  • developing and evaluating department programs of study;
  • monitoring the requisitioning of textbooks.

Department Faculty Affairs 
includes activities such as

  • providing for the ongoing orientation of new faculty members;
  • recruiting and recommending appointment of faculty members;
  • assigning faculty responsibilities, such as teaching, research, and non-departmental committee work;
  • evaluating faculty members and staff performance;
  • initiating and/or participating in dismissal proceedings of a faculty member;
  • keeping faculty members informed of department, college, and University plans, activities, and expectations.

Student Affairs 
includes activities such as

  • recruiting, selecting, and working for student retention;
  • assigning and monitoring student academic advising and counseling;
  • working with student organizations.

External Communication 
includes activities such as

  • improving and maintaining the department's image;
  • initiating and maintaining liaison with external agencies and institutions.

Budget and Resources 
includes activities such as

  • encouraging faculty members to submit proposals for contracts and grants;
  • preparing and administering department budgets;
  • setting priorities for use of travel funds;
  • preparing department reports;
  • managing department facilities and equipment.

Professional Development 
includes activities such as

  • fostering the development of each faculty member's special talents and interests;
  • fostering good teaching;
  • stimulating faculty research and publications;
  • encouraging faculty members to participate in professional meetings at regional, national, and international levels;
  • representing the department at meetings of learned and professional societies.

Method of Evaluation

During the fall semester of the third year of a regular term of office, the appropriate dean will initiate an evaluation of the chairperson.

Participants in the evaluation process will, at least, include full-time and pro-rata faculty members assigned to the department, full-time departmental professional staff, and the academic dean of the college in which the department is housed. All participants except the academic dean must have served a minimum of one year.


In cases of short-term absence, i.e., one semester or less, an acting chairperson may be appointed by the President of the University to administer departmental affairs.

In cases of long term absence, i.e., more than one semester, an acting chairperson will normally be appointed through the same process as a full term chairperson. Service as an acting chairperson does not constitute a formal term of office.


All chairpersons will receive a reduction of three credits per semester to perform those functions appropriate to the department, which are listed in the role description.

Given the role description for chairpersons, certain chairpersons may necessitate additional compensation due to the nature of the department. Additional compensation will be limited to a further reduction of three credits per semester and/or financial compensation. Beyond this level, it may be necessary to delegate department responsibilities to other individuals with appropriate compensation. In order to distribute equitably such compensation, the following variables may be considered:

  • accreditation requirements and reports,
  • multiple programs of study,
  • coordination of complex faculty responsibilities,
  • amount of advisement which may be peculiar to a program, e.g., number of transfer evaluations and visits with families of inquirers,
  • other factors that may affect a chairperson's responsibility such as external activities required by the program.

Normally, a review of criteria and compensation with the dean will coincide with the term of office for each chairperson. Department Heads or Administrators will typically have a larger part of their responsibilities designated for administration than do chairpersons.


In addition to faculty office hours, it is expected that a chairperson is available to fulfill the administrative duties required by his or her role.

A general meeting of the entire faculty with the administration is held at the beginning of each major semester.

The Members of the Corporation are the President of the Congregation of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Scranton, Pennsylvania, and her Council. They have the right, by majority vote, to elect trustees and to approve actions of the Board relating to changes in institutional mission and philosophy; appointment of the President of the University; and acquisition, encumbrance, lease or disposition of real property.

Assistant Vice President for Research and Sponsored Programs

The Assistant Vice President for Research and Sponsored Programs is responsible for Academic Affairs grants and contracts (sponsored programs) initiated by or to be managed by faculty, academic departments, colleges, centers, or institutes.  S/he administers the Institutional Review Board (IRB), Exempt Review Committee (ERC), Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), and training for committee members, researchers, sponsors, and administrative staff.

Director of Library Services

The Director of Library Services is responsible for the administration of the Library, the supervision of Library professional staff, and the implementation of information services.

Faculty Assistance

In addition to the above, faculty members assist the Vice President for Academic Affairs by taking on administrative tasks as part of their workloads, such as research and community collaboration.

The President of the University serves for a term of five years with the right to succession, subject to the advice and consent of a majority of the Members of the Corporation. In the election of the President, the Board of Trustees shall give first consideration to duly qualified members of the Congregation of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Scranton, Pennsylvania.

The President of the University administers the government of Marywood University as its Chief Executive Officer. She is an ex officio member of the Board of Trustees and all committees of the Board.

In the case of the disability of the President of the University, the duties of that office shall be performed by a University officer designated by the Board of Trustees with the consent of a majority of the Members of the Corporation.

It is the responsibility of the President

  • to lead the University in the fulfillment of its mission, goals and objectives;
  • to be committed to academic excellence and to the philosophy of a comprehensive Catholic university;
  • to implement policy decisions of the Board of Trustees;
  • to issue public statements on behalf of the University;
  • to lead in the efforts of long-range planning and its implementation; and
  • to work closely with the University Advancement staff in their work of fund raising.


Reaffirmed with review of the Bylaws of the University 2009

The position oversees records management and provides general legal counsel and guidance to the University's President and Cabinet. Responsibilities include reviewing and maintaining policy, governance and related official documents and records for the University, counseling on the University's legal affairs, and consulting with outside legal counsel on issues and obligations that may include planned giving, real estate transactions, human resources, taxation, research compliance, contracts, student-related issues, international agreements, government regulations and general liability issues.

Reaffirmed with review of the Bylaws of the University 2013

The President of the University appoints, with Board of Trustees approval, a Vice President for Academic Affairs for a term of three years with the right to succession. The Vice President for Academic Affairs is the chief academic officer with direct responsibility for the proper functioning of the academic programs of the University. The Vice President for Academic Affairs is the administrator in charge and the President's primary contact in the event of her prolonged absence.

Reaffirmed with review of the Bylaws of the University 2013

The Vice President for Business Affairs and Treasurer is the executive officer responsible to the President of the University for the direction and administration of the financial affairs of the University, its physical facilities, and related matters. The Vice President for Business Affairs also serves as Treasurer of the University. The Vice President is appointed by the President of the University with the approval of the Board of Trustees for a term of three years with the right to succession.

Reaffirmed with review of the Bylaws of the University 2013

The Vice President for University Advancement is the executive officer responsible to the President of the University for all phases of Marywood University's advancement activities. Responsible directly to the Vice President are the Director of Alumni Engagement, Director of Annual Giving Programs, Director of Planned Giving, Major Gift Officers, Corporate and Foundation Relations Officer, Director of Advancement Services, Scholarships, and Stewardship, and the Director of Communications for Alumni and Development.  The Vice President is appointed by the President of the University with the approval of the Board of Trustees for a term of three years with right to succession.

Reaffirmed with review of the Bylaws of the University 2013

The Vice President for Enrollment Services and Student Success is the executive officer responsible to the President of the University for the supervision of student enrollment services, for the supervision of student academic success, for the supervision of student discipline, for all student extracurricular activities, and for other non-academic areas of student life.  The Vice President is appointed by the President of the University with the approval of the Board of Trustees for three years with right to succession. 

Reaffirmed with review of the Bylaws of the University 2014

Employee Benefits & Programs Policies


Other Information


Full-time employees are entitled to a discount of 10% on select merchandise at the Bookstore. For information on personal charges and discounts, contact the Bookstore.

Campus Ministry

The Campus Ministry staff serves the University community by providing opportunities for liturgical worship, prayer, spiritual direction, and pastoral care. Community service and social justice action activities and a general forum for several leadership development experiences are available. All programs are planned, organized and administered by students under the mentorship of the professional staff. The Campus Ministry staff and program is intended to promote a campus faith community among faculty, staff and students that stimulates leadership in the creation of a more caring and just society locally and internationally.

Cor Mariae Pro Fide et Cultura

Membership in the Order Cor Mariae-Pro Fide et Cultura is ordinarily awarded to full-time faculty members and administrators who will have completed twenty cumulative full-time years of service during the year of induction into the Order. It expresses the esteem and appreciation of the University for the individual's years of faithful service.

A citation is presented with a commemorative medal of gold or silver. The University seal is imposed on a gold sunburst for full-time service, or on a silver sunburst for full-time pro rata service. The medal is suspended from a green and white ribbon, the official colors of the University. It is worn atop the hood at University functions when academic attire is prescribed.

The award entitles the bearer to use the initials C.M.F.C. in official listings and publications of the University.

Employee Assistance Program

Marywood University provides an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for full-time employees, which includes crisis intervention, telephone assessment and counseling, referral services, and follow-up care. Employees may call a confidential 800 number 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for help with personal problems, including drug and alcohol, financial, gambling, marital problems, etc. All calls are handled by licensed and/or certified professionals. The University pays the full cost of this benefit. Information is available in the Human Resources Department.

Fricchione Early Learning Center

The Fricchione Day Care Center: A Child Development Center is open to the children of Marywood's staff, faculty, and students, as well as children of employees from the Marian Convent and St. Joseph's Center. Other children will be served on a space available basis. Marywood University's main purpose in establishing the center is to provide quality child care to those who wish to pursue career, personal, or educational goals.


Employees of Marywood University are encouraged to use the library and may check out library materials. In order to check out materials, employees must possess a photo ID care and register with the library. Information is available at the Circulation of the Learning Resources Center.

Marian Chapel

Employees are invited to participate in the Mass, which is celebrated daily in the Marian Chapel. Mass schedules are posted. Employees are also invited to use the Chapel for private prayer.

Post Office

Complete postal services are available in the Post Office according to the listed hours.

Recreational Facilities

Full-time employees may use the health and recreational facilities without charge. Discounts are available for family members. To take advantage of these facilities, the employee must present his or her Marywood University identification card upon entering. Details may be obtained at the Health and Physical Education Center.

Tuition Exchange Programs

Marywood University belongs to CIC Tuition Exchange (CIC-TE) and Tuition Exchange, Inc. (TE).

Detailed guidelines, including eligibility requirements, for tuition exchange scholarships and for lists of the participating schools may be obtained from Human Resources. Employees who are interested in this program their dependent sons or daughters should contact Human Resources as early as possible because of the application deadline.

The TE and CIC-TE Programs are scholarship programs and not fringe benefits. At times there may be a limited number of scholarships in a given year as explained in the guidelines for the programs.

Policy Statement

Lay employees participate in the Social Security system as provided in the Federal Insurance

Contributions Act (FICA). The individual employee contributes an amount designated by law

through payroll deduction, which is supplemented by the University with an amount designated

by law. Benefits are payable at retirement, disability, or death.

Medicare coverage is available upon retirement or disability.

Related Policies

  • Retirement Policy
  • Retirement Plan

History of Policy– Social Security and Medicare

07/01/89 - Reaffirmed with publication of Faculty Manual 2.13.4

07/01/91 - Reaffirmed with publication of Faculty Manual 2.13.4; Personnel Manual 5.14

07/01/93 - Reaffirmed with publication of Faculty Manual 2.13.7; Personnel Manual 5.13

07/01/95 - Reaffirmed with publication of Faculty Manual 2.13.7; Personnel Manual 5.13

07/01/98 - Reaffirmed with publication of Faculty Manual 2.13.11; Personnel Manual 5.16

Recruitment & Hiring Policies


California Privacy Notice Policy

Immigration Policy

Introductory Period of Employment for Administrators and Staff

Job Posting of Administrative and Staff Positions

Moving Expenses for New Hires


Transferring to Different Position

Other Information

Search committees will be convened for the following positions: full-time faculty; executive officers; senior administrators; senior management as authorized by the appropriate vice president.

The department head will conduct other searches unless otherwise approved in writing by the appropriate vice president.

The department head or chair of each search committee must contact the Affirmative Action Officer (AAO) to set up a meeting as soon as approval is granted for an open position to be filled.

Initial Meeting

  1. For a faculty position, AAO provides a data collection form, which is duplicated and sent to all candidates. Completed forms are returned to AAO.
  2. For all other positions, candidates who complete applications through Human Resources will receive a data collection form to complete.
  3. Posting and advertising are reviewed for compliance.
  4. Interview questions are reviewed by AAO for compliance with legal requirements.
  5. Documentation requirements are reviewed.
  6. AAO will provide relevant statistics re under-represented groups.

On-going Process

  1. Data collection forms are returned by candidates to AAO and tallied.
  2. Department head or chair will contact AAO before interviews are set.
  3. AAO will indicate if there are known minorities or other under-represented groups in the interview pool.
  4. Process will continue if targeted groups are in the pool. Search will continue if not.
  5. AAO will be available for consultation throughout the search.
  6. Interview notes will be made during the process, and forwarded to AAO for retention once the process is complete.

Compensation & Salary Administration Policies


Compensation Policy for Administrators and Staff


Personal Charges

Other Information

Search committees will be convened for the following positions: full-time faculty; executive officers; senior administrators; senior management as authorized by the appropriate vice president.

The department head will conduct other searches unless otherwise approved in writing by the appropriate vice president.

The department head or chair of each search committee must contact the Affirmative Action Officer (AAO) to set up a meeting as soon as approval is granted for an open position to be filled.

Initial Meeting

  1. For a faculty position, AAO provides a data collection form, which is duplicated and sent to all candidates. Completed forms are returned to AAO.
  2. For all other positions, candidates who complete applications through Human Resources will receive a data collection form to complete.
  3. Posting and advertising are reviewed for compliance.
  4. Interview questions are reviewed by AAO for compliance with legal requirements.
  5. Documentation requirements are reviewed.
  6. AAO will provide relevant statistics re under-represented groups.

On-going Process

  1. Data collection forms are returned by candidates to AAO and tallied.
  2. Department head or chair will contact AAO before interviews are set.
  3. AAO will indicate if there are known minorities or other under-represented groups in the interview pool.
  4. Process will continue if targeted groups are in the pool. Search will continue if not.
  5. AAO will be available for consultation throughout the search.
  6. Interview notes will be made during the process, and forwarded to AAO for retention once the process is complete.

Employment Policies & Practices


Other Information

Search committees will be convened for the following positions: full-time faculty; executive officers; senior administrators; senior management as authorized by the appropriate vice president.

The department head will conduct other searches unless otherwise approved in writing by the appropriate vice president.

The department head or chair of each search committee must contact the Affirmative Action Officer (AAO) to set up a meeting as soon as approval is granted for an open position to be filled.

Initial Meeting

  1. For a faculty position, AAO provides a data collection form, which is duplicated and sent to all candidates. Completed forms are returned to AAO.
  2. For all other positions, candidates who complete applications through Human Resources will receive a data collection form to complete.
  3. Posting and advertising are reviewed for compliance.
  4. Interview questions are reviewed by AAO for compliance with legal requirements.
  5. Documentation requirements are reviewed.
  6. AAO will provide relevant statistics re under-represented groups.

On-going Process

  1. Data collection forms are returned by candidates to AAO and tallied.
  2. Department head or chair will contact AAO before interviews are set.
  3. AAO will indicate if there are known minorities or other under-represented groups in the interview pool.
  4. Process will continue if targeted groups are in the pool. Search will continue if not.
  5. AAO will be available for consultation throughout the search.
  6. Interview notes will be made during the process, and forwarded to AAO for retention once the process is complete.

Employee Training Policies


Other Information

Search committees will be convened for the following positions: full-time faculty; executive officers; senior administrators; senior management as authorized by the appropriate vice president.

The department head will conduct other searches unless otherwise approved in writing by the appropriate vice president.

The department head or chair of each search committee must contact the Affirmative Action Officer (AAO) to set up a meeting as soon as approval is granted for an open position to be filled.

Initial Meeting

  1. For a faculty position, AAO provides a data collection form, which is duplicated and sent to all candidates. Completed forms are returned to AAO.
  2. For all other positions, candidates who complete applications through Human Resources will receive a data collection form to complete.
  3. Posting and advertising are reviewed for compliance.
  4. Interview questions are reviewed by AAO for compliance with legal requirements.
  5. Documentation requirements are reviewed.
  6. AAO will provide relevant statistics re under-represented groups.

On-going Process

  1. Data collection forms are returned by candidates to AAO and tallied.
  2. Department head or chair will contact AAO before interviews are set.
  3. AAO will indicate if there are known minorities or other under-represented groups in the interview pool.
  4. Process will continue if targeted groups are in the pool. Search will continue if not.
  5. AAO will be available for consultation throughout the search.
  6. Interview notes will be made during the process, and forwarded to AAO for retention once the process is complete.

Employee Health & Safety Policies


Other Information

Marywood University, on an annual basis, provides students and employees with information relating to crime statistics and security measures in compliance with the College and University Security Information Act of 1988 (PA Act 73), and the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-542).

Student Health Services, located in Loughran Hall, is available for emergency care to all personnel free of charge during posted hours.

Other Pertinent Policies

Other Information

Dining Services

Ordinarily, food served in any Marywood University facility is to be provided under the direction of the University’s Dining Services.

Various meal plan options are available for resident and commuter students.

The dining area and various other food service operations are located throughout the University. For information and hours of operation, contact Dining Services.

Gifts to the University

All gifts to the University are processed through the Advancement Office so that the donor may receive a formal expression of appreciation, and in order that a record of the contribution may be kept.  Any fundraising activity undertaken in the name of Marywood University must be approved by the Advancement Office.

Reservations for Use of Facilities

Administrators, faculty, and staff of Marywood University make inquiries to the contacts listed below about availability of facilities:

Conference and Event Marketing
Marywood.edu → Faculty, Staff, Administration → Online Forms → Event Planning

  • Athletic facilities, including fields - the Athletic Department
  • Chapel - the Campus Ministry Office
  • Classrooms - the Office of the Registrar
  • Comerford Theater - the Science Department
  • Computer Labs - the Office of the Registrar
  • Latour Conference Room - the Office of Conference and Event Services
  • Dining Services - the Dining Services Office in Nazareth Student Center
  • Fireplace Lounge - the Office of Conference and Event Services
  • Liguori Small Conference Room – The Office of Conference and Event Services
  • Liguori Main Conference Center – the President’s Office
  • Liguori Foyer – the Office of Conference and Event Services
  • Lynett Board Room - the Office of Conference and Event Services
  • Lynett Multi-Media Room 160 - the Instructional Technology Department
  • Rotunda - the President's Office
  • Theater in the LaVerghetta Center - the Communication Arts Department
  • University Conference Center - the Office of Conference and Event Services
  • Weddings in the Chapel - the Office of Conference and Event Services

Those external to the University make inquiries to the Director of Conference and Event Marketing for use of Marywood facilities.

In every case, a facility is not reserved until confirmation has been received by the inquirer.

Solicitation and Distribution of Literature

The University recognizes that employees may have interests in events and organization outside the workplace. However, the University also believes employees should not be disturbed or disrupted in the performance of their job duties. For this reason, solicitation of any kind by an employee of another employee is prohibited while either person is on working time.

Similarly, distribution of advertising material, handbills, printed, or written literature of any kind is prohibited during work time and at all times in working areas of the University.


Telephones are located in University offices and departments for business use only. Employees may make personal calls from business phones within the local Scranton dialing area for emergency purposes. Personal toll calls may not be made from business phones. Questions about the use of the telephone system should be addressed to the Switchboard Operator or to the Telecommunications Manager in Network Services.

Uniform and Dress

Employees are expected to dress professionally and appropriately for their positions. For some employees, a set uniform is designated. If in doubt about what is appropriate for the position, the supervisor should be consulted before wearing the item to work. It is understandable that in the summer many employees choose to dress less formally than during the academic year, but a professional work environment must reflect that. Service staff employees are required to wear uniforms that are provided by the University.