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Emergency Evacuation Guidelines

In non-fire emergencies, a decision to evacuate will be based on the available information; i.e. the specific threat, time of day, location, etc., and the recommendation of the Campus Emergency Response Team.

When a building is ordered to be evacuated for any reason, occupants will be instructed to follow specific life safety guidelines, not to use elevators, and to evacuate by the nearest, safest point of egress. Occupants will be instructed to exit the building and proceed to a pre-designated evacuation area or rally point, as identified in the Campus Emergency Response Plan. Campus Safety Officers and university staff all have responsibilities during an evacuation including assisting those with disabilities. The University's emergency response and evacuation procedures will be tested annually as determined by the Chief of Safety or his/her designee.

  • Review this Desk Reference & the Emergency Evacuation Guide
  • Review the evacuation plan for your area
  • Know where your primary and secondary exits routes are located
  • Know where to report during an evacuation
  • Know how and where to report emergencies
  • Participate in routine emergency drills
  • Register with Marywood’s E2Campus Notification System
  • If you have questions concerning a unique situation or need additional emergency information, please contact Campus Safety.
Service Phone Number
Campus Safety 570-348-6242
Police and Fire Departments 911
Scranton Police (non-emergency) 570-348-4130
Dunmore Police (non-emergency) 570-343-0851
Scranton Fire (non-emergency) 570-348-4132
Dunmore Fire (non-emergency) 570-348-1730
Lackawanna Ambulance 570-207-5200
Lackawanna County EMA 570-961-5511
Communications Center 570-342-9111
Marywood Physical Plant 570-348-6218

If you notice a potential FIRE:

*Activate the manual fire alarm pull station if possible. Then evacuate the building using the nearest exit.
*If the fire alarm does not work, call 9‐1‐1 and notify occupants verbally of the emergency and the need to evacuate.
*If you are not in immediate danger, notify Campus Safety Police at x6242 (570-348-6242 from a non-campus phone) and provide:
Your Name
Emergency Location
Size and Type of Emergency
Any Additional Information Requested by the Operator
*NEVER disregard an alarm.

In the event of an ALARM:

*Begin immediate evacuation.
*Close doors behind you. Do not use elevators.
*Evacuate via the nearest stairwell or grade level exit.
*Do not block/wedge exit doors in an open position. The doors must remain closed.
*Report to the Evacuation Assembly Point.

If you are TRAPPED in the building and cannot find an escape route, Call Campus Safety or 911 and give your exact location

  • Assist individuals that may need assistance
  • Use a designated buddy system
  • Move to the building’s nearest Area of Rescue Assistance
  • Notify emergency responders of your location via emergency telephone if available


Rally Point

Bethany Hall

Tree Stadium

Center for Architectural Studies

Studio Arts Center Field

Center for Learning Resources

Studio Arts Center Field

Center for Natural and Health Sciences

Studio Arts Center Field

Domiano Center

Athletics and Wellness Parking Lot

Emmanuel Hall

Maintenance Building Parking Lot

Fricchione Center

Athletics and Wellness Parking Lot

Immaculata Hall

Studio Arts Center Field

Insalaco Center for Studio Arts

Studio Arts Center Field

Liberal Arts Center

Memorial Commons (alt: College Ave)

Loughran Hall

Maintenance Building Parking Lot

Madonna Hall

Green Space (between Madonna/Nazareth)

Maintenance Building

Soccer Field

Maria Hall

Studio Arts Center Field

Marian Chapel

Volleyball Court

McCarty Hall

Studio Arts Center Field

McGowan Center

McGowan Center Rear Parking Lot

Media Center

Studio Arts Center Field

Center for Athletics and Wellness

Athletics/Wellness Rear Parking Lot

Nazareth Student Center

Nazareth Parking Lot

O’Neill Center for Healthy Families

Maintenance Building Parking Lot

Performing Arts Center

Tree Stadium

Perpetual Help Hall

Studio Arts Center Field

Physical Plant

Soccer Field

Printing/Mailing Center

Studio Arts Center Field

Regina Hall

Performing Arts Center Parking Lot

Swartz Center

Maintenance Building Parking Lot

Visual Arts Center

Studio Arts Center Field

Woodland Townhouses

McGowan Center Rear Lot

An Active Shooter is defined as an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area, in most cases, active shooters use firearm(s) and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims.

There are three basic options: Run, Hide, or fight:


-If possible, exit building and run -After securing yourself, call Campus Safety or 9-1-1


-Find a safe place to hide -Lock and barricade doors, close windows, turn off lights and silence your phone
-Do not activate the fire alarm
-Stay in place until directed by E2campus message and/or emergency personnel


-As a last resort, your only chance may be to fight

In the event On-Campus Sheltering is necessary, report to the following locations:

Primary: Center for Athletics and Wellness

Secondary: Liberal Arts Center

  • If inside and in a safe location, stay where you are
  • If outdoors, be aware of directives to proceed to designated buildings
  • Locate an interior room to shelter inside
  • Shut windows, vents and close exterior doors
  • Report to Campus Police and provide location and list of individuals with you

Shelter-in-Place” means to take immediate shelter indoors during a particular emergency situation, such as criminal activity, severe weather, hazardous materials or chemical release.

In the event you receive a bomb threat via email/phone:

* Remain calm and keep the caller on the line.
* Ask:

· Where is the bomb?

· What kind of bomb is it?

· What is your name?

· Where are you now?

· When will it explode?

· What does it look like?

· Why did you place the bomb?

* Hang up after the caller hangs up
* Provide the information immediately to Campus Safety

For an Evacuation due to a bomb threat:

* Evacuate the Building. DO NOT pull the fire alarm.
* Collect your immediate belongings and exit by the nearest designated route.
* Proceed to your designated assembly area and report to the coordinator.
* Do not return to the building until directed by Marywood or Emergency Response Officials

If you identify a Suspicious Package:

  • Without touching or disturbing the item, note the size, shape and location
  • Provide the information immediately to Campus Safety
  • Instruct everyone to stay away
  • Be prepared to evacuate

If you identify a Suspicious Package:

  • Without touching or disturbing the item, note the size, shape and location
  • Provide the information immediately to Campus Safety
  • Instruct everyone to stay away
  • Be prepared to evacuate

Life-Threatening Injuries:

  • Call Campus Safety or 911
  • Provide as much information as possible about injury and victim
  • Campus Safety will alert medical responders
  • If trained in First Aid/CPR, act within your expertise
  • Remain calm and stay with the person
  • Do not crowd

Other Medical Conditions:

  • Call Campus Safety or 911
  • If trained in First Aid/CPR, act within your expertise

If you are stuck in an elevator:

  • Remain Calm
  • If trapped, use the emergency phone to notify Campus Safety
  • If a phone is not present, turn on the emergency alarm located on the front panel.
  • DO NOT attempt to exit the elevator without instructions from Campus Safety

If you smell a natural gas odor:

  • Stop all operations.
  • DO NOT turn lights, electrical equipment or cell phones on or off
  • Remove sources of ignition (cigarettes and candles)
  • Leave and report to designated assembly site
  • Contact Campus Safety