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Campus Locations > Registrar

The outside of Marywood's Registar Office with the Pacer logo on multiple banners


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The Office of the University Registrar provides course registration and transcript services to students. The office also schedules classes, maintains class lists, and keeps permanent records of grades.

The Office of the University Registrar stands in support of the mission and core values of the University. It is our mission to serve the entire University community efficiently and ethically. The Office strives always to fulfill its charges of safeguarding and ensuring the accuracy and integrity of student records, assuring compliance with academic policy, maintaining efficient student systems, and providing excellent administrative service to students, faculty, administration, staff, and alumni. We partner in the educational process and support both academic progress and student retention. 

Liberal Arts Center 92
Student Service Window, Liberal Arts Center 90

Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Extended office hours available during semester/session openings and registration periods.

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